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Everything posted by candide

  1. The same witness also said that business was never discussed during these phone calls, and that Hunter was giving the illusion to have access to his father. Or are you cherry picking what you like from the testimony, and ignoring what you don't like? (On top of it, nothing illegal has been found about Hunter's business)
  2. Well, one could start by releasing the transcript. And also the transcript of the FBI agent's testimony, BTW.
  3. What is "being done" to Trump has been caused by his own actions and words. In any other democratic country he would have enjoyed a similar (or worse) fate. BTW, which "other type of corruption" are you talking about? Ah, these pesky things called evidence which always get in the way of a good MAGA story.
  4. That's their m.o. Release quickly testimonies which seem to support their cause, but delay the release of testimonies they don't like. During the delay, the propaganda and the fan base have time enough to diffuse what 'Comer says'...
  5. And It's not like Trump's messages would have any impact on his nutter base! Such as if an armed man would wait outside Obama's house after reading a post made by Trump! Oh wait! ????
  6. This is not hate campaign? By the great leader himself! "The letter points to recent examples of Mr Trump’s aggressive statements about Mr Biden, such as a March social media post allegedly implying Mr Biden should get a “death sentence” and July message claiming cocaine found in the White House “was for use by Hunter”. The letter claims such provocations could inspire one of Mr Trump’s “easy-to-trigger followers.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/hunter-biden-lawyers-trump-defamation-b2375366.html BTW, what are these imaginary "suspicious business deals" his father got through him?
  7. Is a President's familly not protected? In particular when a member is the subject of a hate campaign?
  8. It's not the army who grants royal pardons, so if there is a promise made, it will be made to the person who can grant a 'royal' pardon. It also won't be the army who will define the content of the promise. It may be added that, unlike the current faction in power (it was Prem's faction), Thaksin has been a loyal support to this person for some time.
  9. Ok. So he was not really investigating and prosecuting. And the U.S. was complaining about it (before and after Shokin took office, below an example of the U.S. complaining after Shop in took office) "Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma" https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  10. When did I wrote that? Stop putting words in my mouth.
  11. ? From your link "CONCLUSION Shokin was not prosecuting Burisma." BTW if you want to know the whole story, It's here. https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  12. Changing target now....You talked about "spurious claims". Claims based on clear evidence are not " spurious" (ex the recording of Trump's "perfect phone call", the CCTV video in MAL, Trump's own statements).
  13. Of course, there is a video. As I replied already, I did not read the post fully and misunderstood that the poster was making the B.S. claim you just made (the guy Biden bragged about getting firing "was investigating a Ukrainian company that Hunter was on the board of".) BTW, I am not leftist, I am rather 'center'.
  14. Seeing how Trump is enraged and how he is imploring the Republicans to "do something", I guess he's also aware he is in deep trouble.
  15. However 1. It's not them who have the power to pardon Thaksin, It's "him". I don't see why a promise would be made and not kept. 2. If Thaksin made a promise in exchange, I also don't see Thaksin taking the risk of reneging on a promise made to "him".
  16. You mean spurious claims such as Trump asking to find him 11,000 votes? Or refusiing to give back Presidential records, hiding them and lying about it, and thus obstructing justice? Just to name two.
  17. At this stage, It's not the Dems any more (ex Jan.6 committee), It's the justice system.
  18. Tss tss! You forgot to mention some significant information The evolution of global inflation (world) https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/WLD/world/inflation-rate-cpi The comparison with the other G7 countries https://www.statista.com/chart/30398/inflation-rates-in-g7-countries/
  19. It's too easy to only pick the polls you like and forget about the others. The aggregate trend shows clearly that the evolution is in Biden's favour. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  20. That was a big strategic mistake by Obama. He did not perceive the real threat at that time. Meanwhile.... "Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that “the rest of Ukraine will fall … fairly quickly.” Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people “would rather be with Russia,” a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that “Russia did not seize Crimea.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/26/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html
  21. A reply to your argument: it was the job of the Obama administration, the E.U., the IMF (they all asked to fire Shokin). They were giving or lending money to Ukraine, and it was their job to make sure the money did not end up in corrupt hands, because corruption was not actually being investigated by Shokin (and his predecessors).
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