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Everything posted by candide

  1. Not sure there's an obvious decline. He's always been like that.
  2. Nightlife, girls, ladyboys, booze....Thailand has everything to attract Muslim tourists!
  3. Lol! As usual, you cherry pick the parts of the testimony you like and choose to ignore the parts you don't like.
  4. Tu quoque, Meadows mi! Eh eh! Meadows told special counsel he could not recall Trump ever declassifying Mar-a-Lago docs: Sources https://news.yahoo.com/gma/meadows-told-special-counsel-could-124511661.html
  5. Trump sparks derision for saying he was ‘apple of Putin’s eye’ as EU diplomats ‘terrified’ of 2024 win – live “Putin would’ve never gotten into Ukraine, but that’s just on my relationship with him. My personality over his,” Mr Trump said. “I was the apple of his eye and I would say, ‘Don’t ever do it.’ It was tough stuff there but he would have never done it.” https://news.yahoo.com/trump-dubbed-coward-skipping-gop-120812129.html
  6. I agree of course. Just to mention, for example, how Christians have been enslaved by Muslims in Arab and Turkish kingdoms/empires around the Mediterranean Sea. However, the replies are made by ChatGPT according to the local context. For example I am on holiday in Spain and don't get exactly the same reply as the one quoted by the poster who made the test. The questions to ChatGPT have been asked in a specific context (the US), and the replies made in this context. In this context, it's black people who have been considered as inferior for centuries, and to some extent still are. Hence the reply. In this context, white people have not been considered as inferior by other ethnicities, quite the opposite indeed. (Some white people are considered as inferior but other white people, but that's another story)
  7. Again, stop making things up! Nobody claims ChatGPT is a substitute for hitting books, and certainly not the so-called liberal posters on this forum. As a likely "thread throller" in your mind, here are a few thoughts. 1. AI is very useful for specialised subjects with relatively low ambiguity and a circumscribed scope of information, ex. analysing jurisprudence on legal matters, doing technical service diagnosis, etc... 2. In general, for example in education, it should be used as a complement. People should do their own research and thinking in order to identify complex issues and problematize them, and then use AI to improve it. The danger is that most students may likely use AI to indentify issues and problematize them, and then only improve it by themselves. So they may lose the ability to define and analyse complex issues by themselves.
  8. Yet it was black people who were traded and then treated or considered as inferior for centuries (and to some extent are still considered as inferior by some white people.). It wasn't white people who were traded by black people with the help of other white people, and then treated or considered as inferior by black people for centuries.
  9. Follow the tread if you want to understand why it came up in the discussion, which is about replies given by ChatGPT. Read well my post, too.
  10. Please get informed about what is actually being discussed before introducing yourself in the discussion. I was not discussing who was responsible for slave trade. I was giving an example of a possible offensive reply if there were no safeguards.
  11. You are making it up, Nobody claims ChatGPT is infallible or that it should be the only source of information, including its creators. It's a tool, an aid which cannot replace one's own research and analytical thinking. Now referring to God (as presented in a book which is a compilation of other books and tales, made thousands years ago, if you are monotheist), while also evoking scientific gibberish, lack of internal compass, unable to accept different opinions, brainwashed, etc.. That's rich!
  12. There are surely some checks and safeguards to avoid offensive replies on some sensitive subjects. It doesn't mean that there is an overall so-called left-wing programming (which would be practically impossible, due to the high diversity of questions). Then there is the issue of what is considered as "left-wing". I don't consider not being racist and being cautious when addressing some sensitive issues as being "left-wing". Actually, the replies are more diplomatic than political. Safeguards are obviously needed to avoid offensive content. For example, an offensive and oriented reply "proud of being white" could be: "no, you should be ashamed as white people have exploited and slaughtered other races such as native people in the Americas, black people in and outside Africa, etc... Statistically, due to the high amount of historical documents on colonisation, slavery, apartheid etc...this reply would not be impossible without safeguards In the same way, an offensive reply to "proud of being black" could be "no, you should be ashamed because..... It's more diplomatic to tell white people to pay attention to diversity, and to tell black people to be proud
  13. It seems you don't understand how AI works. The replies are not programmed. That's the difference with traditional computing. In the example shared, it shows it takes into account the context, and does it quite efficiently. When asked about "proud to be white", it screens documents and finds that "proud to be white" is often associated with racism and prejudice, and not associated with exploitation of white people, or white people considered as inferior, etc.. When asked about "proud to be black", it finds that it is often associated to being considered as inferior, being called monkey, etc... and with fighting for equal rights, etc... Of course, the context considered is also the country. It could be that the reply may be different when the question is asked outside the U.S. (the replies were obviously considering the U.S. contex).
  14. "In any normal country the jury would be 50/50 as that would represent the country in total." And what are these countries requiring juries to be composed according to the political orientation of people? Just one baseless claim picked up among others in your post......
  15. "Trump’s notice to Cannon is basically nothing more than a whiny rant to Judge Cannon asking her to take some type of improper action against Jack Smith to cause some delay in the matter before Judge Chutkan." https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-begs-judge-aileen-cannon-for-help-in-late-night-notice
  16. The GOP panel cannot stop winning! ???? Biden emails sought by GOP were sent during planning for anniversary of Beau Biden’s death https://news.yahoo.com/biden-emails-sought-gop-were-212808968.html
  17. So the initial plea deal was not "sweetheart". Hunter will get the same outcome without it
  18. 1. Read the title: not Weiss, a judge 2. Read what the judge said about the previous deal, rather than right-wing propaganda: "I have concerns about the agreement," Noreika said. "I can't let him plea to something if he thinks he has protection from something and he doesn't." Clark called the deal "null and void" after a prosecutor told the judge that Hunter Biden isn't immune from future charges in the investigation, including potential counts under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunter-biden-plea-deal-court-judge/
  19. Yet.... https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
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