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Everything posted by candide

  1. No, not at all. It has been confirmed during the trial that Sussman's claim was not at the origins of the Russia investigation, and was not considered to be reliable enough to be taken into account. Mook also testified that no one directed or authorised Sussman to present his evidence to the FBI.
  2. You failed to notice that the FBI did not found the Alpha server data to be reliable and decided not to use it. You would also have noticed that the investigation into Russian interference started before Sussman went to meet the FBI. So Sussman was not at the origins of the Russia probe and was not included in it. You also failed to notice that Mook declared under oath that no one directed or authorised Sussman to present his evidence to the FBI. The Durham probe has been a waste of taxpayer money!
  3. With Trumpers, It's always the same story. When you don't like an outcome, it must be rigged! Rigged elections, rigged jury, biased media, etc.... It's time to grow up, guys!
  4. More than that https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/22/durham-probe-cost-38-million-525985
  5. So basically, Durham's investigation found peanuts. Three years of investigation and more than $3.8 million of taxpayer money wasted just to satisfy Trump's capricio! What a shame! https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/22/durham-probe-cost-38-million-525985 There should be an investigation into the origins of the Durham probe! ????
  6. I think everybody messed it up: the British with fake tickets (apparently 70% of tickets were fake) who tried to climb over and also de facto blocked people with real tickets from entering, the organisers who did not organise well, and the police who got overtaken by events.
  7. 1) which memorandum? I did not find track of it. Anyway, you ignore the fact that this promise was made to an entity which doesn't exist any more. So basically Russia is complaining about a promise made to a defunct entity it left.
  8. 1) This was an oral promise made to an Union which was dissolved in December 1991, not to Russia. Additionally, the Russian federation left the Soviet Union and declared its independence in June 1991 (which ultimately led to the dissolution of the Union) 2) No. Most of the Eastern Europe countries which joined NATO were not part of the Soviet Union (except for three small Baltic countries). They had been conquered by the red army and imposed a communist regime controlled by the Soviet Union.
  9. Actually, this is absolutely not true. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country
  10. Interesting remark. However, as there is demand all year long, i would assume that the whole crop is not exported at once and a significant share of it is stored to be sold later. On top of it, markets usually anticipate on the next crop volume (in June/July, not fall), so prices go up before harvest time.
  11. In summary, Trump called for more guns and less money for Ukraine. He confirmed again that he is both Putin's b**** and NRA's b****.
  12. That's a lame argument! In case you did not notice, Pinochet's regime is long gone. Actually, Michelle Bachelet was an opponent to the dictatorship of Pinochet and a political refugee. As Chilean and as a person, she is fully legitimate to criticize human rights abuse in other countries.
  13. This is absolutely disgusting! The canal water is very dirty. Pimples expected.
  14. Complete B.S. there were not 500,000 US troops in Europe. On top of it, most of the troops located in Europe were not near a border with Russia.
  15. Nice try! The FBI was already investigating the Russian interference when they got this information. Additionally, the Alfa server information was dismissed by the FBI at an early stage and was not included in the investigation (I.e. Mueller report). BTW, the same witness also declared that "He also testified that neither he nor anyone else at the campaign directed Sussmann to take the information to the FBI and that the main focus was tipping off the media." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-20/clinton-approved-trump-russia-leak-her-campaign-manager-says On top of it, you are completely incoherent as Trump was not impeached because of the Russian interference, but for abuse of Presidential power and trying to collude with a foreign leader (Zelinski, in case you did not remember).
  16. Following this line of thought, it can also be said that if Russia would not have intervened in 2014, there would have been a clear winner. Ukraine would have quickly regained Donbas, and peace would have reigned since then. Additionally, Ukraine may probably have been starting a process of joining the EU, which would have resulted in progressively adopting EU compliant laws, in particular as regards protection of minorities.
  17. Well, It's a question of perspective. Actually, these regions have been brutally colonised by Russians. A few quotes from the Wikipedia article: - According to the Russian Imperial Census of 1897, Ukrainians ("Little Russians", in the official imperial language) accounted for 52.4% of the population of the region, whilst ethnic Russians constituted 28.7%..... - Along with other territories inhabited by Ukrainians, the Donbas was incorporated into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War - Ukrainians in the Donbas were greatly affected by the 1932–33 Holodomor famine and the Russification policy of Joseph Stalin. As most ethnic Ukrainians were rural peasant farmers, they bore the brunt of the famine.... - During the reconstruction of the Donbas after the end of the Second World War, large numbers of Russian workers arrived to repopulate the region, further altering the population balance. In 1926, 639,000 ethnic Russians resided in the Donbas.[33] By 1959, the ethnic Russian population was 2.55 million. Russification was further advanced by the 1958–59 Soviet educational reforms, which led to the near elimination of all Ukrainian-language schooling in the Donbas.[34][35] By the time of the Soviet Census of 1989, 45% of the population of the Donbas reported their ethnicity as Russian. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donbas Having said that, you are probably right that the successive Ukrainian governments mismanaged the Donbas issues.
  18. Unlike Trump, Biden is not going to be fooled by Kim and to be involved in a NK PR operation.
  19. Really? ???????????????? "A viral video of world leaders huddled together and apparently joking about US President Donald Trump has not gone down well with the American leader, who called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ‘two-faced’ and cancelled a scheduled press conference, which would result in him leaving the summit early as a result." https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2019/12/04/trump-to-leave-nato-summit-early-after-video-shows-leaders-laughing-at-him.html
  20. You sure? ???????????? May 4, 2019 North Korea launched several short-range projectiles from the vicinity of Wonsan on the country's east coast,[75] initial speculation as possibly a Russian Iskander missile which can make course corrections during its flight.[76] Later designated as KN-23.[77] May 9, 2019 North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles[76] from the vicinity of Sinori in North Pyongan Province (launch area also, in another source, identified as Kusong[76]) at 4:29 p.m. and 4:49 p.m. local time.[78] July 25, 2019 North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles, believed to be of a new design.[79] Demonstrated maximum range is 690 km.[80] July 31, 2019 North Korea launched "several" short-range ballistic missiles.[81] August 2, 2019 North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles at 2:59 a.m. and 3:23 a.m. local time.[82] August 24, 2019 North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles from Sondok in South Hamgyong Province. Both fell in the Sea of Japan.[83] September 10, 2019 North Korea launched two short-range projectiles from Kaechon shortly after proposing to resume denuclearization negotiations with the US. Both the projectiles fell into the sea off the North's east coast.[84] October 2, 2019 North Korea test-fired a new-type submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) in the waters off Wonsan. The Republic of Korea Armed Forces said the missile, which was dubbed Pukguksong-3, flew about 450 kilometers and reached a maximum altitude of 910 kilometers, making it an intermediate-range ballistic missile. It fell into the exclusive economic zone of Japan off Shimane Prefecture. North Korea said the launch was successful.[85][86] October 31, 2019 North Korea test-fired two short-range projectiles from Sunchon at 4:35 p.m. and 4:38 p.m. Both flew around 370 km and reached a maximum altitude of 90 km before falling in the Sea of Japan.[87] November 28, 2019 North Korea test-launched two "short-range projectiles".[88] Rocket exhaust was visible from Russia.[89] March 2, 2020 North Korea carried out test-launch of two unidentified projectiles from eastwards over the sea from the Wonsan area on the east coast. Projectiles are equipped with an operational range of 240 kilometres, and capable to flew a height of 35 kilometres.[90] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_Korean_missile_tests
  21. Actually, UK is still unable to implement its post-Brexit border check system! ???? https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-outsource-border-check-eu-brexit/
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