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Everything posted by candide

  1. That's why I prefer numbers rather than %. And if we look at raw numbers, your comments are irrelevant: - GDP level (not only growth %) is higher than pre-covid (see chart) https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp - job number (not only %) is lower than pre-covid (see my previous post) Actually, the factors you mention allow to consider the U.S. performance in a better way: - despite the negative impact of the Covid crisis, the pre-Covid level of GDP has been surpassed, - despite a lower labour participation rate (means: less people than before Covid are on the job market), the number of jobs is higher than pre-Covid. As about the deficit reduction, high growth and high employment generate more tax. It will be a long way before we see a balanced U.S. budget (probably never). However, if we compare with Trump's tenure pre-Covid, Trump stupidly increased debts during a period of regular growth and prosperity, while Biden (and Obama before) used debt to recover from a crisis.
  2. From what I read, Russia is not so happy about Macron's comment, which indirectly suggests Russia may be weak enough to feel humiliated. A way to humiliate Russia, while pretending not willing to humiliate it? ????
  3. In May 2022, the number of jobs was 158,1 million, much higher than 152.5 million in February 2020. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwivocbc25r4AhVtQ_EDHTYQBe8QFnoECBUQBg&usg=AOvVaw0El9HPDNwCkjhZ_HvoSxIU
  4. Biden did big mistakes: ???? - stellar GDP growth, and GDP levels higher than Trump pre-Covid - record unemployment, much lower than Trump pre-covid, and reaching a 50 years low - budget deficit reduction (compared to Trump increasing it every year pre-Covid) -international leadership and recognition (compared to foreign leaders laughing behind Trump's back, I.e. at NATO meeting) - Covid response (compared to Trump continuously downplaying the pandemic)
  5. Talking about trolling! ???? Please explain us how Biden has caused baby formula shortage!
  6. They also forgot to mention this https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp
  7. And as usual...... https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state
  8. On the other hand, the Covid stimulus packages also helped to increases GDP and create jobs. Underemployment is now at a record 50 years low level
  9. Lol! The BLM never stormed the Capitol in order to overturn the legitimate results of a presidential election. ???? The BLM have also not been incited to riot by a U.S. President!????
  10. Loll! And, of course, you don't mention how Russia triggered and supported the Donbas/Donestk rebellion, which has been led by former FSB/GRU members (who had formerly been employed in Chechnya) with the help of a Putin advisor. Below the pedigree of a few Russian key players in the rebellion https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Girkin https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Bezler https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Glazyev Not to mention how the DPR and Russia continuously violated the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements.
  11. Do you remember the aim of the Durham probe? It was to prove that the Russia probe was not properly predicated. It failed so far, and this next trial will not change anything, because it has already been acknowledged that the Steele dossier was no at the origin of the Russia probe. So even if this trial can convict an informant of the Steele dossier, it will not show that the Russia probe has been wrongfully predicated. So in brief: - the only guy convince so far has altered an email after the start of the Russia probe so nothing to do with predication - the Sussman case: not only not guilty, but the data he provided had been rejected by the FBI anyway - Donshenko: nothing to do with the predication anyway. So the Durham probe is a fail, a waste of taxpayer money ($3.8 million) during 3 years. Actually, as this article explains, instead of proving that Trump was right in denouncing the Russia probe, Durham actually debunked Trump's claim that it has been a hoax, a witch hunt!. ???? "In the reality-based world, Durham actually has undermined Trump and his bogus narrative. He has failed to demonstrate that the Russia investigation was a witch hunt or hoax cooked up by Trump’s enemies........Durham has provided a valuable service. His inability to uncover evidence of a hoax confirms that Trump’s denials and diversions have been the real hoax all along. " https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/06/how-john-durhams-probe-has-exposed-trumps-russia-con/
  12. Sure! I have no doubt they will dethrone hamburgers, fried chicken, tacos and pizzas as favoured dishes in the U.S.! ????
  13. I was wondering why a Bhumjaithai MP (allied to coup makers) could be convicted. Then I read the full article...... "A former MP of the Opposition’s now-defunct Future Forward party, Samlee defected to Bhumjaithai, the second biggest government coalition party after the dissolution of his former party. "
  14. Par. 1: following this line of thought, Russia did support the rebels in Donbass in 2014 which resulted in a deadly war followed by a state of quasi-war.. Had Russia not intervened in another country's internal affairs by supporting and arming the rebellion in 2014 (as well as by sending army members and mercenaries), there would have been peace in this region to start with. Par. 2: - There is no "mysterious reason" why Donbass was attached to Ukraine, it was because the highest share of the population was Ukrainian. "Along with other territories inhabited by Ukrainians, the Donbas was incorporated into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War." - It's not only a question of Russian origin. There has been a policy of Russification of Donbass. . "Russification was further advanced by the 1958–59 Soviet educational reforms, which led to the near elimination of all Ukrainian-language schooling in the Donbas". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donbas
  15. The Donbass used to have a majority of Ukrainian inhabitants (plus Don Cosacks who have been more or less exterminated or deported by Stalin). The current majority of Russian speaking inhabitants is the outcome of a policy of russification by the Soviet Union. It means that by recognising the right of Russian speaking people to be independent from Ukraine, you legitimate the prior russification. If russification was legitimate, it means that other xxxxxxxations are also legitimate, and that would include Ukrainisation as well. As Bild766 commented, It's not as simple as you present it. Having said that, I agree that the Donbass issue has not been well managed by the successive Ukrainian governments. Do that justify the Russian invasion and massacre? Certainly not.
  16. However, tools provide opportunities. If someone gets enraged or depressed and only has a toothpick at hand, he is less likely to kill someone (or himself) than if he has a gun in his pocket.
  17. You mean free to read news controlled by the Russian state or the Chinese CP?
  18. I love this Trumper's statement highlighted in the Fox News article: "I just think it is really disappointing that the FBI had rejected these stories—whether it is Alfa Bank and the secret server with the Trump Organization, or the dossier that the FBI reviewed and rejected as legitimate...." So basically, they are disappointed that the FBI did its job properly by rejecting questionable information, so that they are now unable to criticize the FBI about it! Priceless! ????
  19. Yet the article also confirms that the Alfa server allegations have not been taken into account. Of course, Faux news argues that, because it has not been mentioned and used in the investigation, It's because they wanted to hide the fact that it was at the origins of the investigation, Typicall Fox News tactics. Anyway, there's a long and expensive investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, so if there is something to be found, I guess it will find it
  20. No, not at all. It has been confirmed during the trial that Sussman's claim was not at the origins of the Russia investigation, and was not considered to be reliable enough to be taken into account. Mook also testified that no one directed or authorised Sussman to present his evidence to the FBI.
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