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Everything posted by candide

  1. I can imagine how many young tourists will be scammed by people claiming to sell marijuana. ????
  2. From the full article: "The court has, however, granted bail to the four defendants at 200,000 baht each." So 24 years after their crimes were committed, they are still walking free......
  3. You need to look at the broader picture: - Pakistan is India's arch enemy and is allied with China, - China is in conflict with India for parts of Cachemir - It's not only about Cachemir but also a part of Tibet which is like a balcony overhanging China
  4. Exactly. The Russian federation left the Soviet Union and declared its independence in June 1991! Oh wait! Don't Putin and his fans refer to oral promises made by the US not to extend NATO to former Soviet Union countries, made to the defunct Soviet Union, in order to justify the invasion of Ukraine? ????
  5. Another lame oversimplification. This is not the same people. The truth eventually surfaced and the GOP has been voted out. That's the difference between a (surely imperfect) democratic system and an autocratic system. The USA did not convince anyone that Russia is a threat. Eastern European countries which experienced Russian imperialism in the past did not need to be "convinced". They new by experience that Russia was a threat. They begged to be admitted to NATO. No one is currently convinced by the U.S. we just need to look at what Russia is actually doing and the lame lies of Putin (Ukraine threatening Russia, lol! Denazification! ????) Putin is a fail. Putin is real clown. He failed to develop his country, he failed to create a soft power in order to attract allies, he even failed to create a modern and efficient army. He's a dinosaur. What a difference with China! And we should pay attention to his lame justification for killing people and destroying an independent and democratic country?
  6. Following this line of thought, if the US had not been overtly anti-German and had not helped UK and Russia during WW2, and let them alone resolve their disputes with Hitler by themselves, lots of lives would have been spared! ????
  7. It's a ridiculous fake equivalency! The WMD scam was based on faked evidence, the invasion of Ukraine by Putin is real, the killings and destruction are real, they are not faked evidence.
  8. Lol! You are defending an autocracy by citing a piece of propaganda by another autocracy! Of course, nothing to do with the fact that Russia was first an unstable corrupt country run by an alcoholic guy, then an increasingly authoritarian State lead by an incompetent old-school ex-KGB official! Not to mention that Putin had probably no intention to ally with democratic and wealthy countries (which Russia is obviously not after 20 years of Putin's leadership.) Below a link to a more balanced analysis https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/russia-could-have-joined-nato-but-why-didn-t-they-do-it-55561
  9. Interesting analysis. Apparently, It's not going to end soon. "To win the war in Ukraine, Repass advocates that the US and its allies build up a Ukrainian strategic force amounting to five brigades of up to 40,000 soldiers capable of mounting offensive operations to force the Russians out of their country." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/04/opinions/bergen-repass-ukraine-interview/index.html
  10. As far as I know, the only significant changes since April 5: - the interest rate has been lowered from 20% to 14% - inflation has reached 17.6% seen as of April 22, a more than 20-year high., and is expected to accelerate, according to Russia's Central Bank.
  11. Thanks for the update, I did not check it since early April. 14% lower than 20% but still high, and still costly. You may also add inflation to the list of your indicators "Inflation, which the bank hopes to bring down to its 4% target in 2024, is on track to accelerate to 18-23% this year from 17.6% seen as of April 22, a more than 20-year high." https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/russian-central-bank-lowers-key-rate-14-flags-more-cuts-2022-04-29/
  12. Not to mention that they appointed Prayut as army chief in 2010 and supported the coup in 2014. The Dems have signed a pact with their own blood and it doesn't bring luck.
  13. Talking about losers, lol! The article I quoted is full of Facts. Facts are, for example, that Russia is compelling other countries to pay gas in Rubles, that it has raised interest rates to 20%, and also forced Russian businesses to convert 80% of any money that those businesses make overseas into Rubles The numbers you showed are not the outcome of the good health of the Russian economy, but of specific decisions made to make the Ruble artificially high. The problem is that these decisions have a cost. A 20% interest rate is a cost which cannot be sustained for a long period of time. It's not only a cost for the Central Bank. It 's also a cost for any business or people needing to borrow money.
  14. And here's the explanation. The Ruble is a Potemkin currency which cannot be sustained for a long time. https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2022/04/05/1090920442/how-russia-rescued-the-ruble?t=1651414801313
  15. On top of it, Russian tanks have a 'jack-in-the-box' design flaw! ???? https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/27/europe/russia-tanks-blown-turrets-intl-hnk-ml/index.html
  16. They did not have 10 years. Thaksin first 5 years, plus à few short episodes of one year one year and half. These few episodes, such as Yingluck's government were a bit short to change education.
  17. And what you don't like to see is that these new clean politicians will be banned by the yellow/green network if they don't submit to them I.e. Future/Move Forward.
  18. On the same subject, another difference is that the military-linked autocracy was rather competent in SK.
  19. Hmmm... Let me guess. Because South Korean is no longer ruled by a military autocracy since the mid-80s?
  20. We all know he would never do that! ???? The fairy tale is that he made a coup in order to stop corruption!
  21. And guess what would happen anyway? I.e. what has happened to Future Forward and what will likely happen to Move Forward...
  22. There was not much integrity during the previous elections. It did not seem to bother them.
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