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Everything posted by candide

  1. Ok, you should have linked it first, it would have saved time. Your second assertion is confirmed by this source. About your first assertion, the only thing I found was "2.08 million or 8.33% of 12- to 17-year-olds nationwide report using drugs in the last month.".
  2. And all these assertions without any quote! ????
  3. The title of the original document is "Medication Use in US Youth With Mental Disorders". It doesn't say that one quarter of teenagers are on psychotropic drugs. Nor does the rest of the document. You are trolling.
  4. In particular when those bringing it up are pro-Republican people who (pretend to) fail to notice that It's GOP Senators who blocked the bill about retail businesses! ????
  5. There is no abuse. It's just DUP's propaganda.
  6. It's a convincing argument. However, as usual, it is an unsubstantiated claim.... https://factcheckni.org/topics/economy/do-20-of-eu-customs-checks-take-place-in-the-irish-sea/
  7. I am surprised the Republicans did not already propose to give guns to pupils! Well, sometimes It's difficult to distinguish between fiction and reality...???? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/unwitting-gop-lawmakers-endorse-arming-young-children-sacha/story?id=56619878
  8. So it was not in the previous document you linked. And now you want me to lose again my time scrutinizing a scientific study in order to find out whether your assertion is in it or not? Really? Cite what confirms your previous statement in this study or stop trolling!
  9. It's not only a guess game. The difficulties generated by Brexit, in particular from leaving the common market, have been extensively documented.
  10. Ok. However, considering that UK and the EU were more or less at the same level pre-Covid, the total surface between the UK curve and the EU curve in 2020 and 2021 represents a significant cumulative loss of GDP for UK. Of course, it cannot be scientifically proven that it is attributable to Brexit. However, in the absence of another identifiable cause, it is a reasonable assumption. Will the gap persist or will it be compensated by a higher growth? We don't know.
  11. Sorry, I could access it from Google search. It may be different if it aggregates links from this forum. Anyway, attached one of the main facts. However, I must admit that it is maybe still a bit early to draw definitive conclusions.
  12. Covid is the main driver, but it seems that Brexit is an aggravating factor (or vice versa). https://www.ft.com/content/c6ee4ce2-95b3-4d92-858f-c50566529b5e
  13. That's a political preference issue. Some people think he's doing too much, some others not enough, according to their preference and ideologies. Immigration a subjective issue. Some see it as positive, others as negative. However, everybody cares about GDP, employment, inflation, etc..
  14. Right. But he also did not "disprove".He just mentioned that there was not sufficient evidence to charge anyone with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It's not the same as disproved.
  15. As concerns Trump, not proven is not the same as "disproved". As Mueller himself declared, Trump was not "exonerated".
  16. Record worldwide inflation, record global fuel prices, global supply chain problems. Have you missed a few things about what is affecting every country in the world and is largely outside the scope of individual governments' intervention? At the US level, you could however add record GDP growth and record employment increase, which is known to increase inflation. So yes, had the US government been less successful in increasing GDP and in reducing unemployment, there would be a bit less inflation.
  17. You are raising a legitimate concern. However, it seems you read the stats wrong. It is 24.9% of youth with mental disorder symptoms which received mental health services. I also did not find mention of your other claim that a quarter of teenagers are on psychotropic drug.
  18. Easy. As they wouldn't stand alcohol, they would not be able to shoot straight and would miss their target! ????
  19. Don't forget to blame him for record snow storms, record heat waves, not to mention floods! ????
  20. The number of homicides in the United States increased by almost 30% in 2020. It affected both cities and rural areas, and in Republican and Democratic-leaning states. Of course, it's because of Soros and has has nothing to do with the pandemic! ???? BTW, who was president in 2020? And guess what's also behind the rise in crimes, as usual? An increase in gun sales! "Record increases in gun sales, children homebound like never before, social isolation, and economic struggles due to COVID-19 put many people at increased risk for gun violence." https://everytownresearch.org/report/gun-violence-and-covid-19-in-2020-a-year-of-colliding-crises/
  21. And don't forget China. I doubt they would appreciate it. Too much disorder for them. On top of their lost investments in Ukraine, a slowdown of the global economy, inflation, belt and road on halt, etc....
  22. My experience: -all my recent transfers from Wise to Kungsri Bank have been instant (I always put monthly expenses as motive, I have no idea whether it matters or not) - when it is not instant, it depends on which type of transfer I choose at my farang bank: *if I choose free transfer, my farang bank will usually wait the next day to send the money to Wise, then Wise sends it instantly to Thailand *if I pay 80ç for instant transfer at my bank, It's instant to Wise and then instant to Kungsri. Of course, It's pure marketing tactic from my farang bank, as it is surely not more costly for them to make an instant transfer.
  23. So it has not been blocked by friends of Soros but by the GOP. The preferred party for Wombat, I guess! ???? That's what happens when people re-post Right-wing Internet memes without checking facts! ???? The most funny is that the guy cited in the meme Billy Prempeh is GOP congressional candidate! ????
  24. And from his record, we cannot expect A bot to do anything against it. "Texans can carry handguns without a license or training starting Sept. 1, after Gov. Greg Abbott signs permitless carry bill into law" https://www.texastribune.org/2021/06/16/texas-constitutional-carry-greg-abbott/
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