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Everything posted by candide

  1. It's very easy to check, as the number of excess deaths from all causes is available and is quite reliable. If the number of Covid deaths is higher than the number of excess deaths from all causes, it is likely overestimated. If the number of Covid deaths is significantly lower than the number of excess deaths from all causes, it is likely undercounted. In Thailand, since the beginning of the pandemic in April 2021, the number of excess deaths compared to previous year has been consistently 3 times higher than the official Covid death numbers, including in January 2022 (1,692 excess deaths compared to January 2021 vs 575 official Covid deaths). I guess you can draw your own conclusion.... https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  2. The full quote is better: "Deaths in the period from Dec. 19 to Jan. 15, when Omicron infections were at a peak, averaged 9 per 1,000 COVID cases, compared to 16 per 1,000 in the previous winter peak and 13 during the Delta wave, the study showed." If these figures are reliable (I have no idea about it), they show that the death rate is far from being neglectible. The death rate is more than half of the Delta or Beta variants' death rates. And as the article outlines, the Omicron wave occurred at a time when people were more vaccinated (more people and most of all more jabs).
  3. Thanks for this interesting article. Actually, it wasn't a study I was referring to, it was a database. It's the same database used in the article. The difference between my approach and their approach is that they use an estimate based on previous years (2015-2019) as a basis for comparison, while I simply compare with the previous year's numbers. I feel safe with my approach as I remember what happened one year ago and whether some factors may have impacted death count For example, I know that 2020 was not significantly impacted by Covid or other issue. It also allows me to calculate excess deaths every month. For example, in January this year, the official Covid death count was 575, while the number of excess deaths compared to last year was 1,692. So still around three times the official Covid numbers. As there is a delay between infections and deaths, the full impact of Omicron on excess deaths will be observable only in February and March data.
  4. No. The figures I posted were only for January 2022 compared to January 2021, as the figure shows. 48,377 -46,685=1,692 The total number of excess deaths during the previous wave (April to December 2021) was 65,291 compared to the same period of time in 2020. There is no other identified cause which can explain these excess deaths.
  5. There were 1692 excess deaths in January, compared to 2021. What else than Covid-19 can explain these excess deaths? An epidemy of of heart attacks? https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  6. Excess deaths may not double the number of Covid deaths, but triple them.. Since the beginning of the pandemic in April, they have consistently been around three times higher than the official number of Covid deaths. 65,292 excess deaths between April and December 2021. So 37 official Covid deaths should correspond to around 100 excess deaths. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  7. No! It's people who are rational and looking for facts, and are not trying to downplay them in order to keep their misconceptions.
  8. Maybe. However, when I was there in January/February 2020, there were plenty of foreigners there, including Chinese, Koreans, etc... and as you mentioned there were already some cases in January, and borders have only been closed at the end of March. In Italy, the pandemic probably started with one identified case, same for NY, and it diffused quickly. Actually no one really knows why SEA has not experienced an Alpha variant pandemic. NZ and Australia, It's another story. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/16/world/asia/coronavirus-thailand-photos.html In case all merits should be attributed to the government's policy for the low first wave, which is doubtful, it remains that they did not manage well the next one.
  9. This is not true. I have provided the graph and the source in a previous post. Since April 2021, the start of the pandemic, the number of excess deaths compared to 2020 is around the triple of the official number of Covid deaths during the same period.
  10. As everyone knows, there was nearly no pandemic in Thailand in 2020, for unknown reason (possibly some form of immunity acquired from related CVs in SEA), so comparing cumulative numbers since 2020 is irrelevant.
  11. It looks like Anutin has the required qualities to become the next PM! ????
  12. The excess deaths numbers are available. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  13. Only if you believe official numbers. The number of excess deaths is around the triple of the official Covid deaths number.
  14. The good side of it is that, the Thai education system being inefficient, pupils will likely not learn that either.
  15. Nah... just a mere coincidence! ???? https://thewest.com.au/business/finance/thai-tycoon-launches-bid-for-kingsgate-ng-ya-118478
  16. Actually, It's "us, us, us". He may leave some day, but as long as Thailand is keeping the current constitution, it will be the same "us" governing the country in one way or another.
  17. Same reply as usual: - the causes of deaths you mention are not contagious diseases, https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid - the number of excess deaths since the beginning of the pandemic is around three times the official Covid death number, i.e. it was 54/day in January, - the effect of the current increase on deaths will be felt only in 2 or 3 weeks as people don't die instantly after being contaminated, BTW, I did not find the same number of diabetes deaths. The one I found is about half, with 23,929 deaths https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/thailand-diabetes-mellitus#:~:text=According to the latest WHO,Thailand %23109 in the world.
  18. Many young farangs are doing the same. The easiest way to do it is to register in a language school, not in universities.
  19. The Chinese system is very selective, so there aren't really low-level universities
  20. I had a look at the Thai Universities listed in the full article for being lenient and easily granting diplomas to Chinese students. I found the names of universities known for letting well-off Thai students pass as long as they are paying tuition fees. I am not going to cite any because of the computer and libel laws in this country, but Virgin Mary knows... ????
  21. Lol! Pongpol and the other yellows did not complain when the Dems were using the same trick against Yingluck!
  22. I was infected by Omicron the last week of December in Thailand, and I surely wasn't the first one.
  23. It's possible, but it would not explain the increase. The number of heart attacks or other diseases has surely not tripled between Jan. 4 and Feb. 10. It is very likely that this number remained more or less constant. Jan. 4 -- 17,280 Feb. 1 -- 40,590 Feb 10 -- 51,435
  24. Raw deaths all causes numbers are available for January. As for the previous months, the number of excess deaths (1686) compared to previous year January (2021), is around 3 times the official Covid deaths number (475). That's around 54 excess deaths per day in January. The impact on deaths of the current Omicron wave should be observed in February/March, as there is usually a delay of around 2/3 weeks between infection and deaths.
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