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Everything posted by candide

  1. Ooops! Sorry, I misread the OP and It's about the Democrat Party, not PTP. In this case, It's not so surprising that Dems trust the NACC. They may have friends there.
  2. Quote from the article: "He said that the organisation most appropriate in conducting the probe is the National Anti-Corruption Commission, which is an independent agency." If PTP considers It's better to be probed by the NACC, that says it all about the house committee! ????
  3. Thailand is also a nest of Sars Cov related viruses. "Evidence for SARS-CoV-2 related coronaviruses circulating in bats and pangolins in Southeast Asia" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-21240-1
  4. Right. This propaganda organ failed to mention that the real reason was to give some of their friends the opportunity to buy back the Australian company at a low price. And this plan failed miserably.
  5. Your comparison is dishonest because, unlike in western countries, there was nearly no pandemic in 2020 in Thailand. Everyone knows that on this forum. Most Covid cases and deaths occurred since April 2021, and since April 2021 the number of excess deaths compared to 2020 is around 65,000. As mentioned before, the other death causes you mention are not contagious diseases so they cannot be compared with Covid-19. Nobody got a heart attack for having been in contact with someone else.
  6. I think he was referring to the total number of deaths all causes, which is rather reliable as all deaths must be recorded for administrative purpose.
  7. Because they are not contagious diseases. BTW, the number of diabetes deaths is around 30,000. The official number of Covid deaths was nearly 22,000 in 2021, and the number of excess deaths (which is closer to the true number of covid deaths) was around 65,000.
  8. Because the law has been made specifically for crimes by (Thaksin familly) politicians, and they made sure it doesn't include crimes by (rich) private persons.
  9. From what I read elsewhere, it is possible to quarantine in hotels only if they are equipped for telemedicine. I have no idea of what this equipment may be. Internet connection, for sure, and what else?
  10. Right, Numbers matter. As you mentioned, the average consumption of pork per capita in Thailand is around 10 Kg. Multiplied by around 70 million inhabitants, It's around 700,000 tons/year for the whole country. So 14,000 tons is only 2% of the yearly consumption. It's not much, but may have a bit of impact on prices on short term https://www.statista.com/statistics/758883/thailand-pork-consumption-per-capita/
  11. Strange. Usually, whenever a movement is called people's something, It's yellow.
  12. Was he refused a new car? https://www.thaienquirer.com/31648/opinion-turn-coat-mp-going-after-move-forward-party-is-biggest-irony/
  13. It's not the same case. The one you cite was in Chonburi, the OP is about a Bangkok case. The names of the accused are also different.
  14. This is about Thailand 1) As mentioned by Bkk Bryan, unlike most western countries,Thailand has not been much affected by Covid in 2020. The reason is unknown, one hypothesis is that it benefited from some form of immunity to the first variant. The pandemic really started in April 2021. 2) Anedoctical evidence is no evidence. There is a very simple way to check the accuracy of Covid deaths count: to compare with the number of excess deaths all causes. In the absence of another significant extra death cause -such a tsunami, a war, etc...- if the number of covid deaths is close to the number of excess deaths all causes, it is accurate (with a margin of error). If It's significantly above the number of excess deaths it means it has been over-counted. If it's significantly below the number of excess deaths, it means It's been under-counted. In most developed countries, the number of Covid deaths is close to the number of excess deaths, so It's more or less accurate. In Thailand, from the month of April 2021 to the end of year, the number of excess deaths compared to the same period of time in 2020 is 65,291, which is around three times the number of official Covid deaths. It's just another flu.... Come on, it's been debunked long time ago.
  15. Exactly! Voters did not lose anything either because there was nothing more for them to lose.
  16. (1) Your comparison is flawed because Thailand was mainly affected during one year only. (2) The number of excess deaths is much higher than the official number of Covid deaths. Should one believe the offical figures? https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  17. In case you did not notice, the red mobs went out of their village because the yellow mobs first went out of their village, and the green troops also went out of their barracks.
  18. Taking into account the fact that one of the two opposition parties may be disbanded for any reason, or alternatively that some of their candidates will be banned, it's playing safe that each party has candidates in each consistuency. On top of it, they will never be allowed to govern, so It's not very motivating.
  19. Right! Nothing will change. Different generals, or alternatively civilian puppets of the same yellow/green network. The unelected Senate will still be the king maker, and the yellow/green network also still controls the judiciary and the various agencies. It's just a question of which faction of the yellow/green network will dominate at one point of time. It's not so clear now.
  20. Don't worry, It's not like the Chinese would ever use dumping tactics in order to get rid of local Thai competition.... ????
  21. Same rationale as for the four boys party. The new law gives more weight to consistuencies vs party list. So politicians benefiting from a strong local presence become more powerful and therefore also become more demanding.... that's the way the cookie crumbles....
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