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Everything posted by candide

  1. They will have to sell their properties.... And there are no Chinese to buy them. It will be a good time to buy a condo in Jomtien! ????
  2. Thais can be told whatever one wants, the truth is that they simply don't care about this issue.
  3. This invasion is a symptom of Russia's failure. Russia has no soft power, and rather a repelling power. On top of it, Putin failed to develop the economy of his country, despite good natural and human resources, so Russia is an economic dwarf. Putin is a fail
  4. Interestingly enough, he talked about "hostilities" etc... but didn't mention that Russia was the culprit. Well, at least in the article.
  5. Every month, since the beginning of the pandemic in Thailand in April 2021, the number of excess deaths compared to the previous year has been consistently around 3 TIMES higher than the official Covid deaths count. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  6. Actually he was not replaced by a relative of hers. Thawil Pliensri was transferred and replaced as NSC chief by police general Wichean Potephosree, who was Thai Police director (he had been appointed by Abhisit and was not a fan of the Shins). This position was subsequently given to police general Damapong Priewpan, a brother of the ex-wife of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. It shows how "motivated" they were to oust her.
  7. In Thailand, there are two types of power: the power of appointed people and the power of elected people. Both are usually corrupt. The power of appointed people has been dominant during most of Thailand's modern history, with the exception of the short episodes during which the Shins have been governing. It doesn't matter too much if crooks are elected, as long as they are able to challenge the power of the appointed crooks, as Thaksin did. On middle or long term, it still leaves a chance to see honest people elected one day, as there is a minimum of accountability and people can learn to better use their democratic power. By contrast, as recent history confirmed once more, the unaccountable appointed power never evolves into an honest power.
  8. Did you make the tests with two different kits the same day? Omicron is usually detected only 2 or 3 days after first symptoms.
  9. It only made things easier, but they would have ousted her in any case, for any pretext. There was no way the yellow/green network would have risked to have a succession happening under a Shin government.
  10. I was putting hoping to make a living from Cigarette rolling by hand ????. Well the good news in that giraffe combing is not prohibited! ????
  11. I am known for not being a Trump supporter and I agree with you that Trump, for once, was intuitively right. Well not completely as the key issue is not about each European country independently spending enough, It's about how these military expenses could be coordinated in order to efficiently complement each other.
  12. Exactly. Russia has absolutely no soft power. Putin is a fail. Even Ukraine, despite its cultural and historical proximity, doesn't want to be associated with Russia. As he also failed to develop his country, Russia has not much economic power to exert (unlike China) Needing to exert military power is a proof of failure
  13. And I guess that in order to get a new Thailand lass for day 1 only, you need to provide a day 1 certificate from the hotel! ????
  14. The Chinese government is not stupid. China has absolutely no interest in getting involved in it. When it's outside their strategic zone (i.e. Taiwan and SCS), they are only interested in making business.The economic significance of Russia for China is peanuts compared to Nato countries. On top of it, they need to protect the investments they have started to make in the EU according to the Belt and Road strategy.
  15. On day 5, it's a self test. So one only needs to upload a photo of a test kit showing a negative result....
  16. Exactly, they arrested army officers (including a General) for human trafficking. Then Prayuth quickly forgot about the idea of fighting corruption in the RTP. ???? Army general among Thais convicted of human trafficking https://apnews.com/article/eaa174075aa14f0e9355e557d9255954
  17. It's very easy to check, as the number of excess deaths from all causes is available and is quite reliable. If the number of Covid deaths is higher than the number of excess deaths from all causes, it is likely overestimated. If the number of Covid deaths is significantly lower than the number of excess deaths from all causes, it is likely undercounted. In Thailand, since the beginning of the pandemic in April 2021, the number of excess deaths compared to previous year has been consistently 3 times higher than the official Covid death numbers, including in January 2022 (1,692 excess deaths compared to January 2021 vs 575 official Covid deaths). I guess you can draw your own conclusion.... https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  18. The full quote is better: "Deaths in the period from Dec. 19 to Jan. 15, when Omicron infections were at a peak, averaged 9 per 1,000 COVID cases, compared to 16 per 1,000 in the previous winter peak and 13 during the Delta wave, the study showed." If these figures are reliable (I have no idea about it), they show that the death rate is far from being neglectible. The death rate is more than half of the Delta or Beta variants' death rates. And as the article outlines, the Omicron wave occurred at a time when people were more vaccinated (more people and most of all more jabs).
  19. Thanks for this interesting article. Actually, it wasn't a study I was referring to, it was a database. It's the same database used in the article. The difference between my approach and their approach is that they use an estimate based on previous years (2015-2019) as a basis for comparison, while I simply compare with the previous year's numbers. I feel safe with my approach as I remember what happened one year ago and whether some factors may have impacted death count For example, I know that 2020 was not significantly impacted by Covid or other issue. It also allows me to calculate excess deaths every month. For example, in January this year, the official Covid death count was 575, while the number of excess deaths compared to last year was 1,692. So still around three times the official Covid numbers. As there is a delay between infections and deaths, the full impact of Omicron on excess deaths will be observable only in February and March data.
  20. No. The figures I posted were only for January 2022 compared to January 2021, as the figure shows. 48,377 -46,685=1,692 The total number of excess deaths during the previous wave (April to December 2021) was 65,291 compared to the same period of time in 2020. There is no other identified cause which can explain these excess deaths.
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