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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. Do feel for you oenophiles out there. I have a friend who likes a decent glass of wine every once and a while so on the way back from my last visa run to Penang, I bought a bottle of Aussie Penfolds cabernet savignon at airport duty free (Penang that is) and it came out to about US$ 35. I was in Villa Pattaya recently and checked out the price of the SAME bottle of wine...price...B4000+ !! My calculation had it at US$ 123.00!!! Ouch

    Yep – the tax on wine here is outrageous. Its rather frustrating that (as I assume it is) the high tax on imported items is to aid with the sales of local items. But this in no way encourages to the local items to compete on a level playing field. And with products such as wine the geography (soil) and climate make it quite impossible to compete at a high level.

    I come and go regularly and pick up a bottle at duty free whenever returning. My girlfriend travels a lot and does the same thing.

    The Penfolds at duty free: Bin 407 at Bkk duty free is B1000 (in Villa its B4800 / In Auz its about B700). Bin 389 at Bkk duty free is B1500 (in Villa its B4200 / in Auz its about B800). The duty free even sells Bin 707 and Grange which are expensive but if you really wanted one its offers a huge saving (the Grange I believe is about B11,000ish at duty free, I saw it in the wine shop in Paragon for B49,000, although I’m not sure of vintage. I can only assume that it will acquire dust at that price !)

    I have e-mailed wine merchants around Bangkok, and using the Penfolds as an example enquired how much it would cost if I ordered in volume, i.e. 24 and 48 bottles. However, I was told uniformly that they will not import to order, we can only buy what they already import. This seemed to me to be a bit of a lazy ‘don’t want to deal with it’ kind of reply.

    In short, I have reasoned with myself that attempting to buy half decent wine in Thailand is just not possible, and I’ll be sticking to duty free wine and the B300-500 corkage charge at the restraints. Another point here is the price of wine in the restraints also, using the same examples; I’ve seen Penfolds Bin 407 in restaurant menus from B7000 up…. ouch !

    Possible good news (if there is any and if I am correct with my understanding) is that with trade agreements, the taxation on Australian wine (I don’t think this will happen yet with wines from other regions) will be taxed less over the coming years, further information on this can be found on the internet.

    Chon geaw…

  2. I had a smaller sportier car and loved it. However most other cars on the road were either the slightly larger saloon / sedan type, or much larger 4x4 Fortuners, or pick up etc... and no one gives way.

    I bought a much bigger car (Not a Hummer and not a Fortuner !) about a year ago and for a year I had both cars and drove which ever one I preferred to on that day (while at the same time reluctantly trying to sell the smaller one as I had no need for 2 cars). I noticed the difference of driving the two different cars immediately. While driving the larger car a lot more people gave way without my having to be forceful. However, returning to the smaller car was sometimes potentially dangerous, after getting used to people giving way, no other car would (the exception to the observation here was young girls in a Yaris / Jazz / Vios; while on mobile phone, they never give way to anyone !)

    My simple conclusion, as someone who has had a large car and a smaller car at the same time, driving regularly around town (Bkk), is that the bigger your car the more trouble free the driving is and the more polite more of other road users seem to appear.

    My guess at the reasoning for this is that at a subconscious level people may associate the size with say a greater impeding doom if in the event of a collision and hence initially give way on some subconscious level … The flip side of this of course is the bus drivers who dangerously refuse to give way to anything. I’m bigger they’ll have to stop for me !… (and Fortuner drivers, as another post in the motoring section has suggested… sorry Fortuner drivers)

  3. Mr Plum,

    I doff my hat sir. What an excellent post.

    I’ve read this post out of interest, however without commenting as I have not wished to fuel the ‘extremists’ who seem unable to understand the view point of another without being able to see their own limitations.

    I for one understand the OP and hope he can find the ‘right one’; who for me, would be one who stops me looking at others… however, while waiting for ‘lightening to strike’ I’ll trot on gently through life trying to maintain my self respect and positive outlook.

  4. Firstly, what a moody, frumpy, stroppy woman at the Vietnamese embassy.

    Sounds like the same woman who was working there last year. She's probably caused a few people to scrap their trips to Vietnam for her rudeness alone. She's right up there with the Thai embassy staff in Phnom Penh and the immigration officers at LAX. I'll definitely be using a travel agent to get the visa for my next trip to Vietnam.

    Lets suggest to her... "Smile, you should be happy you're not in Vietnam"

  5. the relationship started on a financial basis. However what about secretaries etc who also make themselves ‘more available’ ?

    The question raised here is about financial differences and the potential for financial influence on the heart of the less well off females…

    Someone else said – you can only make your own mind up, as everyone different, I don’t think its too difficult to see that if its too good to be true then generally it is… (flip side of this, is that too good to be true is great fun up to the point that the ‘to be true’ part comes along).

    I have met a number of ‘Occupational Farang hunters’ when out and about and I can only think that any potential relationships can only be spawned from an initial ‘career choice’….

    I’m sure I’ve missed out because of this, but I’ve been very happy with the great ladies I have a pleasure of a past with in both the UK and over here.

    The culture here is in a sense very similar to the west in the 50’s and 60’s (I’m guessing, I too young to know !).. men pay for things, its chivalry even if the door is forgotten ! Those not used to that will always see money as an issue, although, there are limits !

    Isn’t this subject so wide that no rules can be applied? only good instinct and common sense can apply surely?.

    And in that last sentence the answer may lie after all, where does good instinct and common sense go after x amount of Chang’s, Singha’s or what ever the poison is ?

  6. This might apply to more than one subject… Mod’s can decide where to locate it….

    The motoring part:

    I got pulled over by the jollies today; the first time in about 4 years or so…

    I didn’t think I was in the wrong, so I argued my case, firmly and politely with a few ‘ai-yaaa’s’ and ‘oh-hoooorrr’s’ for my own personal entertainment…

    After 5 or so minutes of ‘polite disagreement, which the h the policeman radioing back to confirm that I had indeed made a mistake (my car is not easily mistaken with others), paper and pencil came out, diagrams were drawn … I laughed, when I realized that perhaps I had made a simple traffic violation (which is a little difficult to explain without another diagram !)…

    It cost me 100B, as I am off to Vietnam tomorrow and don’t have time to pay the fine through the official channels.

    The police man was polite, attempted to speak English, smiled and was quite friendly to the point of being helpful !!..I left the scene after a handshake feeling amused and not even slightly as though I had been taken advantage of as a westerner (as is often the fears / points I often read about in many threads in TV).

    Travel Part:

    Firstly, what a moody, frumpy, stroppy woman at the Vietnamese embassy.

    I didn’t think much of the majority of the treatment towards foreigners when I was in Vietnam previously. When I checked into my hotel (I cant remember the name but it was about US$100 per night and a decent looking hotel) I was told that we had to have two rooms because we were not married !!!!... (My girlfriend is Thai, a flight attendant, and stays at that hotel frequently), naturally I was furious and spoke with Management who told us that we had to book as a couple in advance (this might have something to do with preventing the hotel from getting into trouble with their local fuzz if guests bring a girlie back for the evening). In the end one room was ok. (we had to chose that hotel because my Girlfriend has to stay where her airline tells her).

    My trip to the embassy was a brief reminder of what I’ll face again. This is generally a feeling of irritation because for what ever reasons I get the impression that there is almost an air of arrogance and superiority from those Vietnamese I’ve had the displeasure to come across in the past. There seems to be a reluctance to help out, of course, this is not always the case. My experience has already told me to be ‘thicker skinned this time round’…

    I’m tempted not to go there, but I’m meeting my girlfriend who is flying in from Auz, I’ve not seen her for 4 weeks and I don’t want to let her down.

    Thai Part:

    This is a good reminder for me of how good things are in Thailand.

    Yes, things maybe changing slightly – but it remains a wonderful country to be in.

    For all its misgivings, people generally are much friendlier, and more polite and helpful than else where in Asia I have worked or travel to frequently.

    Familiarity breeds contempt, and after long spells anywhere the little irritations, frustrations and annoyances creep in. When that happens, go to Vietnam and come back happy to be in Thailand again !

    I’ve read a lot of threads and opinions of people who are fed up with Thailand and are considering a move to Malaysia or Vietnam… If I am permitted, In my opinion none of the S.E. Asian countries can compete with Thailand, I hope the visa regulations relax for many of the ‘Decent’ folk who bring something beneficial to Thailand.

  7. (Apologies in advance... This thread benefits no one with anything other and subtle entertainment and perhaps persuades a little second thought before some people post !)

    I’ve been Reading a lot of posts this morning, by a lot of different people and I’ve been thoroughly entertained, frustrated, momentarily shocked, slapped with disbelief…

    It occurred to me today that amongst a lot of criticism of Thailand, are the people who self incriminate their own intellect and common sense and tar themselves with the same idiotic brush as those they are trying to criticize.

    We have the Darwin awards for those stupid enough to remove themselves from the gene pool with idiotic acts..

    Should we have a TV Darwin awards, for those who completely misinterpret the level of their own common sense and void the point of a post by being stupid enough to get themselves in that situation in the first place ??

    Favorites are:

    > Driving drunk and criticizing the following fines.

    > Meeting the girl of your dreams, half your age, on the internet or within a few months of meeting her.

    > What to do, Visa over stayers.

    Add more……. (Mods: can we name guilty posters ?)

  8. Reading a lot of posts by a lot of different people. It occurred to me today that amongst a lot of criticism of Thailand, are people who self incriminate their own intellect and common sense and tar themselves with the same idiotic brush as those they are trying to criticize….

    We have the Darwin awards for those stupid enough to remove themselves from the gene pool with idiotic acts..

    Should we have a TV Darwin awards, for those who completely void the point of a post by being stupid enough to get themselves in that situation in the first place ??

    Favorites are:

    > Driving drunk and criticizing fines.

    > Meeting the girl of your dreams, half your age, on the internet or within a few months of meeting her

    > What to do, Visa overstayers.

    Maybe this is for a new thread. But maybe a good thread to start... …Can we add the names of guilty the parties ?

  9. I am wondering if anyone on the Forum has any experience purchasing wine from an wine import company in Bangkok.

    My girlfriend travels to Australia on a regular basis, each time bringing back a couple of good bottles of Auzzie Red, i.e. Penfolds Bin 407 / Bin 389. In Australia, these wines cost approximately 800 baht per bottle. Villa Market sells the same wine for 4800 and 4000 baht respectively.

    I enjoy a decent bottle of plonk with dinner and often take my own and pay corkage (normally 300 to 500 baht per bottle) when I eat out at a decent restaurant (at least 2 times per week).

    My question is these...

    a) Does anyone know of the likely cost if I was to purchase 24 bottles from a Bangkok wine dealer, or have them import it for me ? I'm not interested to deal with the import myself.

    :o Also, I've done a google search and e-mailed a couple of places and await their reply. Does anyone had any experience of good wine dealers in Bangkok ? (with websites ?).

    c) A friend is getting married, this may be useful for him, purchasing a few hundred bottles and saving rather a lot. I believe the hotel where the reception is being held is not going to charge corkage.


  10. What is happening with Samui ? is it just an office opening there to attract further members or anything else ?

    Are there any TE members out there disappointed with the program or wish they had not purchased the card ?

    I for one am very happy and satisfied. I’ve just been reading threads about airport taxi scams, immigration cues and am so thankful I had the good sense to purchase one.

    We have lost the Thai Airways Gold Card, but that was only a 2 year privilege anyway.

    I estimate Thai Elite Card will pay for itself after 5 years or so average use (as explained on other TE threads).

    If the card lasts another 4 years or so, I’m happy, if not then I probably lost some money and the investment was not as wise as I thought. And, yes, I think it’s an investment because if it lasts 10 years I would stand to save a lot.

    But what price can I put on not worrying about Visa’s ?

    TE members have the money and have the need, it’s a valuable service – I hope it lasts, but I worry about that less than I worried before when I was concerned if I can get another tourist visa, or had to plan a visa run with constantly changing regulations.

    Oh, and now I get free golf, free massage, 1 min immigration, free airport transfer… No, I have no complaints whatsoever.

    I don’t feel elite that I have the card, just satisfied I have it. Although after reading the threads of those who ‘bash’ the TE card, I’m happy I’m not in the same immigration cues at the airport listening to their complaints, I’m happy I’m not at the same immigration office extending my visa while having to listen to their complaints, I’m happy I’m not playing on the same 400 baht per round golf course having to listen to their complaints, happy I’m not next to them while they are getting irate at taxi drivers at the airport…

    Come to think of it, perhaps I do feel a little Elite, and it’s nice once in a while.

  11. Dear Readers,

    today received a short letter of KTC Krungthai Card Public Company Ltd. which told me I do not get a VISA Credit Card.

    They did not give me any explanation for their rejection. This was reason enough to call their service department. But I shouldn't

    have done that because it was a massive frustration again the only explanation was; "it is not allowed for them to tell me the reason for their rejection".

    I was thinking about myself: Have I ever been a wrongdoer regarding my Baht-Account? No, I never have done somthing like that, I never ever was in the red zone of my account. My brain kept me very busy to find the right reason. Don't I have enough income or maybe enough mony in my account. No, that can't be the reason because my monthly income is approximetly 55 k and in my account is far above 500 K. Maybe that's it: I am a Farang that is the reason!

    Does anyone know which Thai Bank is willing issuing Credit Cards to farangs?

    I am waiting for your help and comments.

    Many thanks for everybody who is able to help me.

    With out a work permit I think its rather difficult bordering on impossible. I assume it has something to do with traceability and being a flight risk.

    Banks do issue Mastercard Electron, which works as a debit card drawing money directly from your account and can be used much in the same way as a credit card, although I’m not sure of the limitations.

    Also, I am not sure of this but will post anyway. I am of the understanding here that Banks do put the onus of responsibility for credit card fraud on the card holder, this could prove highly expensive with the high incidence of fraud in the region. Western Banks take this responsibility themselves.

  12. In Response to the Ops question:

    I’ve had a few cars here and now drive a MkIII Range Rover I personally like it because I can use the Mercedes SLK next to me as an ashtray at the traffic lights, especially after Miss Khun Nai or Mr PooYai have tried to Run Mr Kee-nock farang off his Honda wave for lowering the countries image. Oh, but I don’t like Rolex’s try a Frank Muller watch, it helps Balance the chip on ones shoulder against ‘inferior farang’.

    OK – Seriously then….I know people will comment that the RR is too big but its not, it really is the easiest car I’ve driven in Bangkok. Very comfortable, with ease driving about town, parking, and on the express ways and country roads, it’s quite fast too but it also gulps fuel.

    Other Options:

    Alfa Romeo Brera – Beautiful car.

    Any Porsche.

    New Nissan Skyline (if / when it comes out in the states).

    Bently GT continental.

    BMW M6 / M5

    Mercedes AMG models i.e. CL / SL / ML

  13. I've been there a few times this year - Best part about Bangladesh is hearing the words "cabin crew, doors to automatic"...(on departure).

    Bur really, it’s not such a terrible airport especially considering its location. If you don’t have to go through immigration then you don’t have many worries. The problems occur when it’s busy, the cues get rather large and listening to the immigration officials shouting across to each other can be quite amusing. Normally I am not one to rush too hard to get off the plane - but at Dhaka airport getting off ASAP and getting to the front of immigrations lines is highly recommended. If the immigration lines are too full you can also try the diplomatic channel, its cheeky, and an embarrassing refusal is always a possibility.

    There is a bar upstairs near the business lounges.

    It would also be wise to check with the embassy in your country (a week before departure) and check that there is no national strike on your arrival day.

    The national strikes are called 'Hartals' and are basically politically triggered riots, not safe.

  14. I'm planning to buy a Ronix wakeboard and a guy told me about a shop called X-Square or something like that, in Siam Square. Does anybody know about that shop and where it is exactly ?



    Its on the 4th Floor in Siam Centre next to one of the exits / entrances to the car park at the rear.

  15. For Sale: 920,000 baht (1.86 Mil New).

    Purchased Sept '05 Alfa Romeo 156 Selespeed (2000cc).

    Registered June '06.

    12,500 km, 1 owner (English).

    Full Service history.

    Red Exterior / Black leather interior.

    Multifunction steering wheel, stereo controls, paddle gear shift.

    Gears: Full Automatic / Tiptronic / Manual Paddle shift.

    17" Original Alfa GTV alloys / Sports Pack Exterior.

    No crashes, breakdowns etc.

    Reason for sale. I have two cars and only need one of them.

    Please contact: [email protected]

    Or phone: 0890402045 (may not answer due to being overseas at work).

  16. Most car parks here have a shocking design – high curbs that can’t be seen while reversing etc. often in these cases the guards can help from scratching the skirting / body work. I pay attention to them as in most cases they are very helpful.

    On one occasion it was very dark and I tapped a low bollard that was out of sight while reversing. Did I blame the guard ? No – he wasn’t driving my car for me !!! but it did teach me a lesson – these guys are there all day, it’s got to be a boring job, even the most attentive of people would switch off and become robotic after a while, its only human.

    The reason we don’t have this gripe in our home countries? Because there are no security guards in most car parks.

    Would the guards here prevent someone from breaking into my car ? I doubt it, but its enough of a deterrent for my liking.

    Now when I’m parking however, I do my best to ignore their whistles and hand signals and rely on my mirrors and parking sensor. But…. the guards stand so close to the car it makes the sensor all but useless….

    Consequently they must be thinking – Gosh, can’t these silly farang’s park ?

  17. I know a member of cabin crew on a follow on a flight with the same plane.

    Follwing the Bangkok Melbourne flight, the plane was turned around for its next flight. The flight from Melbourne to Bali was delayed a few hours while trying to fix the door seal. It couldn’t be fixed but the plane was deemed safe to fly regardless.

    The apparent issue here was the noise. As I understand it, the door in question was half way down the cabin and passengers were seated towards the front and rear of the plane away from the noise. However the cabin crew were still required to prepare meals etc in the galley and had to work in the noise.

    Again, as I understand it, after the BKK-MEL flight, 3 of the cabin crew were taken to hospital with ‘high pitch ringing’ in their ears….

    I’ve told my friend, if she is aware of anything like this in the future – it should be within her rights not to fly.

  18. When people reply to a post with absolute or apparent authority and experience on a subject, but the perception from their replied post clearly suggests otherwise.

    No body can know what they don’t know, and a little knowledge is often very dangerous!

  19. I sympathize, it seems there are too many speed bumps everywhere in Thailand.

    Also – turning into soi’s from a main street can be like hitting a speed bump.

    I’ve a low riding car and a 4x4.

    Speed bumps and these Soi entrances are potentially treacherous for the body-work in the low car, while they are just uncomfortable in the 4x4.

    The reasons are fairly self explanatory…

    The Roads are heavily cambered to allow for storm water flow, hence the ‘big dip’ before entering the soi.… But – cleaning the cutters and drains more frequently could solve the water flow issue. Currently – when it rains heavily the roads just flood anyway !

    The speed bumps are unavoidable as and traffic calming measures, but their overuse is a lazy method. But, over use for some, is not enough for others.

    They should be used near schools etc. But education is also key here.

    Quick TV adds could be the way to go.

    Seat belts.

    Child seats.

    Giving way.

    Keep your distance (I’ve seen so many pileups here).

    AND. "drive slow, at proper speed, and they are no problem" >> Clearly they are a problem for some, isn't that the point of the post ?

  20. The only speed camera (hand held) I have seen so far is the Second Stage (upper level Express way) heading out of Bangkok towards Chonburi, just after central Bangna. I’m sure more locations will be added.

    The Jollies there cannot be bribed… a friend of mine got stopped for doing 136 kph and was told the limit is 120 kph. The lights always show 80 kph for some reason.

    He received 30 points (limit on the Thai licence is 60 I think) and had to pay a 400 bhat fine.

    On Saturday, I passed the camera doing about 115 kph. The police at the toll station (to collect the ticket)… shouted ‘Hello !’ as I drove past !!

    I think the locations of the ‘speed traps’ will always be before a major toll booth so that those marked as speeding cannot leave the express way at an earlier exit.

  21. One quick point I would like to make.

    Any reduction in benefits only effects new members, established members need not worry.

    The exception to this is the Fast track on return. This is a security issue which means people must accompany their passports at the immigration desk (although they can go through the faster diplomatic channel).

  22. “The best massage places charge 2,000. Do you get anything special with that?”

    No.. If you like a Warm flavoured tea and some fruit – that’s your happy ending.

    From what I gather, any ideas of that nature would be deemed as highly inappropriate.

    I was even told a story by one of the TE team that a Japanese fellow has been banned from using his TE card at Spa’s for requesting that they only massaged his bottom cheeks !

  23. I edited my post above to make things a little clearer.

    I've been a member since May.

    As far as I am aware – the one free upgrade is part of the TG Gold card service – and thus is available every 2 years for as long as the gold card lasts.

    The one free with one full fare business (on the same flight) is only a good deal if two people were going to be on the same out and inbound flight and were going to fly business TG anyway. Its available every flight.

    I have a quote from an e-mail regarding program cancellation

    “Many prospective members had asked me about Thailand Elite program cancellation. If such case happens, the Thai government will reimburse not less than 1 million baht to all members”

    I’d only believe that after it happened.

  24. I have a Thai Elite Card.

    I don’t work in Thailand but I like to live here.

    For someone like myself, I have worked out that The Thai Elite membership will pay for itself with unhurried use in approximately 5 years.

    Alternatively – over 5 years it is 16,666 Baht per month.

    I play golf regularly and now also play on the better more expensive golf courses (Alpine, Navatanee) more regularly than that I otherwise would.

    I now nip out for a convenient and very relaxing massage once or twice per week which is something I never did before – having the card has definitely improved my lifestyle.

    Having the visa has definitely reduced my concern over visa issues.

    A lovely new BMW 7 is an unnecessary but very pleasant addition to the frequent trips to the airport.

    Fast track through the airport is no difference from normal business use anyway.

    And on return, the fast track option has been removed, which means we cannot go into the lounge and wait for someone else to deal with our passport. This is due to security (and not Thai Elite service reduction) and because the camera system at immigration has or is going to be re-introduced. Instead of waiting in the lounge we just go through the diplomatic channel; this is still fast track in my book.

    The buy one get one free Business class flights with TG is not really a bonus. The full fare flight is more expensive than 2 business class flights with the excellent quality middle eastern airlines (i.e. Emirates, Qatar etc).

    The one free Upgrade to first from Business or to Business from Economy is nice though.

    For one who has membership – I think the card is of great value.

    And I’ve had no disappointments so far.

    However, the one cloud that hangs over the Card is the risk that the Government may close the scheme.

    In this case we are assured compensation not less than the 1MB we paid. This is Thailand so I wouldn’t hold my breath for any compensation. But after 5 years (if the scheme lasts) I’m ‘quids in’ so to speak. Will it fail? it could. Will I have a lifetime visa? quite unlikely. Will it be economically viable for me? Maybe and I’m willing to risk it.

    Here is how I work it out…

    4 Golf Games per Month (4x 3000 baht i.e. at Alpine or Navatanee)

    4 Massage per month (4 x 2000 baht yes the best massage places charge this)

    2 airport trx (2 x 2000 baht – BMW 7 series)

    Total – 24,000 baht per month = 288,000 Baht per year.

    As an example – subtracting the services I have used.

    If it company fails in 3 years. I’ve paid 136,000 baht for a 5 years visa. That’s 27,200 baht per year or 2270 baht per month for a visa.

    This is why I’m not particularly worried….

    I’m not proud I have the card. I just saw it as frugally advantageous.

    For those who don’t have a spare 1MB its unfortunate that you can’t ‘try it before you knock it’…

    It is 1MB and its called an Elite card for a reason….lowering the price will increase numbers and lower the quality of service.

    My only disappointment is that while on return into the Kingdom, waiting in the lounge (for my passport to be stamped and my luggage to be collected) a beer is not available with the refreshments offered.

    Is there anyone out there who has the card who has been disappointed by any aspect ?

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