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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. Do tell more.... £1400 First Class to the UK ?? wow...

    I'm a regular Etihad flyer but their business class seat is now B140,000 per ticket... which I've no intention of paying.

    I split my time evenly between Thailand and the UK so I always book from the UK. Much cheaper than the other direction.

    Booked the flight in May with ebookers. Surprised by the price really as the biz class ticket was £100 more for the same flights.

    Etihad biz class was the norn for me until a year ago when they started hiking the prices. Their economy is still the best value in my opinion.

    Ah ok - my miss-read, I thought you were referring to flights to LHR from BKK. My folks have just purchased £1450 biz class on Etihad from the UK, returning to the UK (LHR).

    It used to be cheaper from the Thai side (returning back to Thailand), it seems the price pendulum has swung but for the life of me I have no idea why. I think there is another thread on this forum wondering why...

  2. Usually flying business however found a cheap first class ticket with Emirates (£1400 LHR to BKK) for my next flight.

    Bit disillusioned with biz class, not really worth the money in my opinion so back to Etihad economy for me soon.

    Do tell more.... £1400 First Class to the UK ?? wow...

    I'm a regular Etihad flyer but their business class seat is now B140,000 per ticket... which I've no intention of paying.

  3. Doesanyone here have the iphone 3G? if so please write a few words about the pros and cons if you can.

    I am thinking of buying one, I had the older model when they first came out but it was not so good and so I ended up going back to Nokia. I heard the 3G is much better now and am thinking of buying as I liked the internet application. and the screen in general.

    Thank you

    You've done exactly the same as my girlfriend and I. We both bought the first generation iPhone - My girlfriend got rid of it within a week. I persevered, but after 3 months my girlfriend bought me a Nokia E71 when she saw me getting so frustrated with the 1st Gen iPhone - What a load of overrated over marketed and over hyped Cr@p IMO.

    The E71 is an OK phone, I'm not that impressed with it. But its better than the 1st Gen iPhone IMO.

    A friend has the latest 3GS iPhone and is hugely impressed with it. I am very skeptical but was shown all the improvements and it appears that all the things which annoyed me with the 1st Gen iPhone have been corrected (i.e. copy paste, forwarding messages, sms's now save if you answer a call in the middle of writing it. The only thing I am still not that endeared to is the lack of keyboard tactility but then the N71 has tiny keys which I don't like either...

    I'm currently thinking of trying the new 3GS too....

  4. In Chiang Mai a top buffet in the best hotels is about 5-600 baht with no alcohol and it is not difficult to find someone with a discount card..

    You get plenty of shrimp, smoked Salmon, local lobser, crab and some decent roasts.

    I just can't imagine how a 1,500 baht Bangkok banquet could be much better than this,

    I can’t imagine how the same bottle of whiskey in a bar in Bangkok at twice the price it is in a bar Chiang Mai is twice as good…

    Supply and demand, Bid rent theory, cost of overheads…

    The op requested Buffet in Bangkok.

    The Marriot Riverside has a good Sunday Brunch – I’m assuming that if it has an evening buffet that will also be very good.

    On a slightly different note – I recently had guests in Bangkok, I took them to Café de Laos (on Silom Soi 19) and they loved it.

  5. Service is a little less than we signed up for and following negative publicity there is now a cloud over the public image of the program. However, I remain satisfied and hope it continues with out further reduction in services rather than have my money returned – Golf was the key attraction for me when purchasing this scheme. The visa and airport transfers are handy.

    There are 22 golf courses in Thailand on the list, on this list there are 7 golf courses within an hour drive of central Bangkok. One of the courses I regularly played (Lakewood) was removed which is disappointing, a different course which I won’t play so often (Bangkok Golf) was added.

    Massage is now Thai Massage only. I’ve written a letter of complaint as I only took the aroma massage before. 66 Spa’s in Thailand.

    Airport transfers now utilise a Toyota Camry and not the 7 Series BMW.

    No change to the 5 year renewable visa.

  6. I never knew what it was about Beer Lao… People talk so much about it in Thailand…

    How is it so much better than any other beer here? Is it the underdog thing?

    I’ve no idea… then I went to Laos and I love it now. It’s just better beer than any of the local beers and I don’t know why…

    But if you really want good crisp beer… draft beer in any bar or restaurant in Japan. Beer Lao somehow manages to nearly re-create that IMO – Maybe that’s why…?

  7. To all the Tourist Police Volunteers, both Thai and Western… thanks for being there and being prepared to assist if I ever needed it.

    HM – You take a lot of sh!te on this forum and its undeserved.

    HM - I head to Pattaya perhaps one or two times per year… If someone comes up to you out of the blue and says thanks… It’s me… Thank you…

    Tourist Police Volunteers – Please wear more visually friendly uniforms.

  8. Not a hello response but funny nonetheless…

    After collecting her car from the restaurant valet parking, an ex Thai Girl Friend told me that she’d been informed by the valet parking attendant that there was some ‘semen’ on the side of her car.

    She told me that the valet park was near a construction site. I was astounded – workmen knocking one off on the 20th floor of a condo construction and managing to fire it as far as her car in the car park below.

    When I visited her the next morning I saw ‘cement’ that had splashed up the side of her car !


    Regarding the Hello's... It depends on the tone, sometimes it comes across as slightly aggressive so I ignore it, otherwise a nod and a smile and maybe a hi...

  9. It appears like fresh damage. Also, two jet skis were damaged which fits (if they bumped each other – and the location of damage seems to indicate that).

    The amount requested to cover the repair costs were not over the top.

    I believe the rental guy was being straight.

    Should the rental businesses have insurance – Yes, so should all cars, motorbikes etc etc etc…

    One step at a time though I guess.

  10. How about starting some campains first about avoiding accidents than rather do these funny campaings about the results ?

    Learn to drive a motorbike campaign

    Learn not to use your mobile phone on a motorbike campaign

    Learn the rules of traffic befor riding a motorbike campaign

    Learn to be careful on a motorbike campaign

    Learn not to drive piss-drunk on a motorbike campaign

    Learn to respect others in traffic on a motorbike campaign

    No no no ... it's allways the same old story, beter talk about the popular things which are sooooo much easier to tell everybody: "Don't lern how to do it, just wear a helmet and you are fine."

    Sorry, but that's pretty naive.

    BTW ... I am quite happy to NOT us a hlmet and it's MY decission. And I would prefer if I could keep this choice of NOT wearing a helmet !!! [maybe you should spend a minute or two tofind out WHY eerybody has to wear a helmet in europe ... and NO, the REAL reason is NOT because it' good for you !!! It's because social security systems save huge amounts of money. That's why they took the liberty from you to make a free choice.

    And plase, spare me the whole discussion until you can tell me where in Tailand I can buy a real SAFETY helmet .... or do you realy think the 300 THB helmets from tesco will help you anything els than giving you a false impression of being safer ?

    Start making a campaign about the real traffic problems plaese before always comming up with the same useless stories. Just becaus the europeans forced this apon every sheep there [for completely diferent reasons than the sheep think btw] doesn't mean it is good.

    A helmet is NOT at any kind a solution to the real problem ... and it is NOT good to tell people otherwise.

    If you see the following campaigns would you wear your helmet then ?

    Learn to drive a motorbike campaign

    Learn not to use your mobile phone on a motorbike campaign

    Learn the rules of traffic befor riding a motorbike campaign

    Learn to be careful on a motorbike campaign

    Learn not to drive piss-drunk on a motorbike campaign

    Learn to respect others in traffic on a motorbike campaign

    You make good points. Then I see a great amount of irony in someone calling themselves 'brain' and choosing not to wear a helmet.

    Agreed, helmets out here are crappy. But if someone can afford a 40,000 B bike (or whatever they cost) then surely 1000 B on a helmet is not too much is it ?

    The Op appears to be planning his campaign on tourists (the 80% who read his site if I'm not mistaken) most of whom if they can afford the flight can afford a helmet.

    It starts with education and you are quite right that there are other area's of road safety needing to be addressed. If this one step saves a life or serious injury then it's an honorable step to take, no ?

  11. Did you have anything in the bed of the pickup?

    Although we see it all the time, I thought that pick-ups with items in the bed without a cover cannot enter any express way (the bed has to be empty or covered).

    You handed in your expired Texas licence, correct? That might be useful in similar circumstance in the future. If / when you retrieve it and pay the fine it would be worth asking exactly what the exact offence was, and have the ticket translated before you head to the station.

    I have a suspicion that pickups get stopped more commonly than cars for similar reasons that motorbikes also get stopped commonly. Those vehicles cost less than the normal sedans and the person inside is less likely to have connections and considered an easier target…

  12. I'm always amazed at the massive amount of daily expenditure people on this forum feel is necessary in Thailand. An average day for me costs 500 baht. Room and bills for 150, food and water for 150, plus 200 to spend on whatever I want to do that day. A book that could last a few days. A session at the gym. A day at a lake or waterfall etc. I understand some people have families and some live in more expensive rooms and houses, and some people drink a lot and pay for entertainment, but apart from that what is it that you do everyday that costs so much money? Or is that just it? A nice house, beer and girls?

    You room for 150 baht per day ? (4500 per month?) Eat for 50 Baht per meal ?

    And 200 B for whatever ?

    Your monthly budget is about 15,000 Baht, correct? I guess many locals live on that or less, so without ridicule it is possible and believable.

    I’m game to try the 50B per meal game and see how it works…

    For the rest I’ll have to budget separately: recreation, comfort and general standard of living.

  13. Children were born in thailand and have dual citizenship they were married in Sweden been together 8 years, he said he was taking them for a holiday, and now he won't bring them back . Any suggestions on what she should do next,

    Yes, Get a someone who can articulate the details more clearly...

    Is 'She' Thai and 'He' Swedish ? Did they get married in Sweden and move to Thailand where they lived together for 8 years ? Where are they now?

    From the information you have given - They are still married, kids have dual nationality and they remain with a legal (Parental) guardian.

  14. Yep, OK, so he’s a cock….

    But what’s next, no drawings or cartoons?

    No wait.. Morgan Freeman played God in a recent movie.. Isn’t that blasphemy?

    I guess there is a difference in intention and arrogance plays quite a role - but the line is fine...

    Believe what you believe in your heart - If you lived on a desert Island or were the only person left in the world, would you give 'two hoots' then ?

  15. Ouch..... ai-yaaaa....

    Ok, sorry...

    I believe Yanhee hospital in Bangkok is renown for it's cosmetic surgery, particularly if I'm not mistaken in area's of... well... private areas..

    If you are in Bangkok and your research is genuine, by attempting to speak to specialists directly your search of knowledge in otherwise embarrassing topics may illuminate your sincerity and prove more fruitful. If not, perhaps attempting to e-mail a Dr. at Yanhee hospital my yield the information required.

    I opened this thread out of shear curiosity - and guessing on the direction its going to take I wish you luck in avoiding a 'lengthy hard' struggle ;-)

  16. I’m struck totally numb by this thread. On a forum where everyone is anonymous my heart turned momentarily cold, the hairs on the back of my neck stood and a chill shot through my body…

    To the parents of Paul, I wish to offer my most sincere condolences.

    I truly hope someone somewhere can be protected, learn or even be saved in some way after knowing of the tragic events which have struck your family.

    After reading this thread, I for one have remembered not to take anything or anyone for granted and if it’s of any value 1376 people who have read this thread so far feel the same.

    I apologize in the way I so weakly articulate my thoughts at this tragic loss.

  17. That's really not much money to live on but I guess it could be done.

    Not much money to live on? 40k? In Thailand? Have you any idea how much salary the average office worker in Bangkok earns? Christ almighty, what planet do you come from? Not everyone expects to live in a luxury condo and buy a new car every two years, you know...

    Sarcasm or irony ?

  18. I tried the boxes of white in Villa - One was rocket fuel, another was quite drinkable... it's put me off experimenting a little, but at B1200 for 3 or 4 liters its not so over priced when compared to the bottles if all you are looking for is something to wash down your evening meal.

  19. I have just picked up a case of Penfolds bin 2 for 500 baht a bottle :)

    There are deals to be had if you ask around and buy by the case :D:D

    Slightly off topic, but how long can you store it here at room temp before it goes bad??????????

    Check your bottles, they won't have the 'tax' strip across the top. You have probably bought wine that has been smuggled in through various channels

    Keep your supplier, he will save you a lot on wine costs !... But exercise caution as I'm not sure what would happen should you get caught with a crate of un-excised wine.

    Buy a wine fridge (some are about 15000B in places like Emporium) store your wine in that and it will last.

  20. I don’t believe that someone who has concerns regarding the seconds savings between a cash and card transaction lives a life whereby the difference in efficiency could have any impact whatsoever.


    I’m not sure it’s quicker to use cash or not.

    But I do know that if I used cash all the time I would waste more time returning to the ATM. I have no wish to carry around B20,000 or more in my skinny wallet to cover the expense normally covered by simple card transactions.

    IF my card or wallet is lost or stolen the card is easily cancelled, cash however is lost.

    Conversely we are also subject to the risk of fraud when using a card, I’ve been subjected to this fraud and lost nothing after signing an affidavit.

    Isn’t it easier to keep enough cash for cash necessary transitions such as taxi’s, bars etc? Then in restaurants , supermarkets and other places of ‘transaction reliability’ (i.e. when you are confident your card will not be cloned etc) you can slip out your slim wallet which is not bulked up with an excessive number of notes.

    Do you also round up so you don’t have to waste time waiting for change ?

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