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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. Not quite a first date but a first introduction....

    A good while back I was to be introduced to an ex-girlfriends parents (Thai). Privately they had expressed their reservations about their daughter dating a foreigner (based on our reputation to break up rather easily with a girl and move on).

    Nevertheless on a Chinese New year I was invited round for dinner to meet them as a 'friend'. I was treated very politely and respectfully, they (my ex's parents and family) made it easy for me to be polite, comfortable and represent myself well.

    But I had a wicked secret... that day I had particularly suspect bowels. After eating a number of 'unknown items' I needed to excuse myself. After being escorted to guests bathroom I was horrified to discover there was no air-con. 10 mins later I was even more horrified to discover the flush wasn't working. I spent another 20 mins attempting to flush Mr Hankey away but failed miserably.

    I gave up and returned to the table looking very sweaty after a 30 minute departure and had to explain to my ex that I'd left a present in the bathroom and could she ensure that no one else goes to that bathroom until the offending item had been dealt with...

  2. Lots of choice for washing machines here (in Bkk).

    BBQ's: There is a good (Gas) BBQ shop on Sukhumvit 39 called 'The BBQ Store' (do a google search for BBQ Thailand).

    Although you might not have to pay tax, it's possible that you may be faced with an exorbitant 'inspection fee' as I have read on other import threads.

    One thing I am looking for: 'George Forman Grill' or a decent similar styled one... I can't find a reasonable one anywhere (i.e. at Emporium).

  3. The majority of the my Wife's friends who have kids have had C-section (all I think as out of about 15 couples I don't remember any of them talking of a natural birth - although amongst the men its not really a great topic of conversation).

    Packages in Bangkok stand at approximately B50-60,000 for a 3 or 4 night stay package (Bumrungrad / Samitivej) so I'd assume CM to be cheaper.

    Medical Insurance (Bupa Int'l) covers my wife for child birth costs (after 10 months of membership - Their website explains it a little more - The premium is about B50,000).

  4. :)

    Yes. I'm a Farang that can't be mistaken for a Thai. I don't feel I'm being "ripped off" in Thailand as a Farang as long as whatever I pay for what I buy seems like a decent value to me. I don't care if I get the "Thai price" instead of the "Farang price". All I care about is this: Is whatever I pay for what I buy a worthwhile value to me at the time.

    Consider this scenario. I am arriving at the airport on my first vacation trip to Thailand in 10 months. I have worked a 12 hour night shift the day before I started my trip. I get off work at 07:00 Monday morning on the day I am going to leave after a 12 hour night shift. I catch a taxi at 08:00 for the airport to catch a 10:00 short hop plane trip to the capitol city. I then spend another 8 hours in the international airport until I can get my 16:30 flight to Thailand. Then 12 hours in the air, and I arrive in Bangkok on Tuesday morning (Bangkok time). I have been awake for almost 18 hours now (maybe a short nap on the plane, but I have problems sleeping on planes. By the time I get my bags and clear immigration I may have 20 hours without any sleep. So now I have two choices. I can take a regular meter taxi to my hotel...let's say 250 baht. Or I can take an air-conditioned limousine to the hotel, have the driver carry my bags to the limo, have him stop so I pick up a cold beer on the way...all first class service. Let's say it costs me 1300 baht. Why do I care if I pay that 1300 baht? I have the money, it's my vacation, I'm hot and tired...so I pay 5 or 6 times what a Thai pays for that air-conditioned trip with a cold beer in the back of the limo. To me, it's worth the amount...just for the relaxation and the enjoyment of the trip. Was I "ripped off". Not in my mind. It was worth every cent (or Satang I guess). Now I arrive at my hotel, comfortable, relaxed, cool from the airconditioned ride. Yes I paid 5 or 6 times what a Thai might pay...but I feel much better. I even give the limo driver a 100 Baht tip.

    In my opinion, I wasn't "ripped off".

    Do you think I was?


    And anyone else from any other country (including Thailand) would pay the same predetermined price. It's not a rip-off. You are simply are paying more for a better and more reliable level of service in the same way someone who chooses to fly business class pays a premium to travel in greater comfort and convenience with a more reputable airline.

    Additionally, is it not possible that you may choose the AOT limo because there is always an underlying risk of a standard taxi going the wrong way, the long way and placing you in a situation where you have to remain vigilant and alert when all you really want to do is simply get home?

    As far as rip offs are concerned, we each give ourselves enough rope to hang ourselves... we are treated as we permit others to treat us and naivety is not an excuse, getting ripped off has been, is and always will be a negative practice for those of low moral character who deserve their comeuppance.

  5. I believe one of the comments I made in the initial thread to which the Op was referring was that people can tell where we have learnt our Thai.

    Years ago when I visited Bangkok with friends I overheard a Thai girl in English comment that my friend speaks Thai like a bar Girl…

    I decided to be very careful how much and from where I have picked up phrases and terminology.

    While my Thai is far from satisfactory there are phrases and tones I can pick out which come across as rather crass and crude.

    As an example… How many people will refer to their wives as their 'Mia' rather than the more respectable term 'Phanrayah' ?

    To answer the Op. I believe the majority of Thai's can identify the origins or base of or our linguistic influences in Thailand.

  6. The woman is 21.

    She has stamps that appear to be fakes in her passport.

    It has only been assumed by TV forum members that the photo of the passport pages (with 2005 entry and exit stamps) is an image of her passport (and not a random passport image).

    The absence of the I at the end of Suvarnabumi on the stamp may simply outline that the stamp had been incorrectly applied or ‘inked’.

    My assumptions:

    I assume that upon exiting the country her departure card date may not have matched the dates with the registered arrival card on record, or some similar irregularity. Further investigation by the Immigration officer may well have been demed necessary at that time.

    I assume that a person 21 years old may easily fall for a visa agency scam of not having to actually leave the country to get a visa. I guess many have tried this successfully in the past.

    I assume that after looking in greater detail it may have been noted that the stamps were the incorrect size and when questioned she admitted to using a visa agent.

    I assume the an arrest was made in attempts to track down the people who issued her with a fake visa.

    Why would such a senior officer make this arrest? I assume he probably didn’t but took media credit for it regardless. I doubt this is uncommon.

  7. In the UK my parents have a 'black box' with a digital readout.

    In the Fuse box there is some sort of device (which measures draw of current, I think), this sends data to the 'black box' which displays the power usage and converts it into money (i.e. cost per hour etc)... You can see the change when the kettle is on etc...

    Could it be something like this ..... Or is it actually just a box with some sort of suspected paranormal influence over the electricity ?

  8. here is the before dealership cleaning pic

    Well, on the plus side it would definitely not appear to be someone maliciously damaging your car :)

    My best guess with be that you rubbed up against a shrub - the lack of gouges and dents (or impressions) suggests it was not caused by a motorcyle.

    It looks to me like this damage / rub marks has been caused by a passing motorbike. i.e. by a shopping bag or the handbag of a pillion passenger. It seems more of a rub mark than a scratch.

  9. Thais taking advantage of Farangs is a myth, they are more than happy to take advantage of each other as much as Farangs.

    I very much agree with this....

    In an environment where the policy makers lie and cheat to get where they are, and then lie and cheat plenty more when they are there, where the law is upheld or rather manipulated for profit by those who are supposed to be protecting it, it is hardly surprising that the moral compass of this society is somewhat off.

    Even Thai's tell me that Thai's have very creative ways of ripping each other off. We foreigners are more shocked when it happens to us because its more difficult to understand or explain why someone would want to cheat us and loose respect for what in our eyes are such minor sums of money.

    A person who wants to rip someone off will not pick and chose who or what nationality they want to rip off. Rather they will profile and choose someone weaker for reasons such as language etc...

    Combine all of the above with the fact that as foreigners in Thailand we are continually told to be 'Jai dee' and never create a problem and it doesn't surprise me that much of the rip offs happen.

    As for some of the racist comments that some people have experienced, thats just shocking. A response of 'Baan nok' would be appropriate and fitting in this case.

  10. BulK

    I used Italasia for sparkling wine for my wedding - 10 boxes of Prosecco.

    And a contact of my FIL for Red Wine (Penfolds) - 15 boxes.

    I still use the italasia contact and FIL contact for smaller quantities which saves me a lot.

    Chillean wine from Villa, wineloft and wine-connection offers good value IMO.

    Old world wines are always too expensive in Thailand IMO.

  11. With a Big Bag a taxi is the best option, lugging baggage around is a headache. I very much doubt I'll ever use the airport link as traffic in the destination area is poor so I can't see a time saving when compared to using the express way.

    Airport to Rama IV rd should cost approximately B350. At that time ensure that the driver takes the tollway/express way (cost B45) and exits at Rama IV rd. It should take approximately 45mins.

  12. Briggsy could have made the call to the Police. However so could a large number of others.

    Accusing the op of going to the short time hotel is little over the top isn't it ? Could he have been going to the early market, temple? why assume the worst and potentially start a flame war (this is not the motoring forum!).

    The news today may well have been - Hunt for foreign man suspected of hit and run....

    Regardless of the outcome l believe its human to at least attempt to do the right thing.. So fears aside I would like to think that I would've made the call, or better still had my wife make the call and report the incident.

    Unfortunately I would be very reluctant to hand over any personal details.

    It shocking to think that a dead body would be left for 40 mins... Mostly so because they may well have been simply unconscious and not dead.

  13. The fake braces is a much publicized issue in Thailand, and this thread has nothing to do with Thai bashing IMO.

    Asian girls | Thai Teen

    For those who think this is Thai bashing... Let me appease their thoughts and re-tint their specks by bashing the English and Japanese.....

    It has long been stereotype that the English and the Japanese have poor teeth, wonky, sticking out, goofy and as a nation generally our smiles are a cosmetic disappointment. I put that down to the fact that for generations it was our character that was judged and not our cosmetic appearance.

    After moving to Thailand I received a number of comments about my poor teeth... 5 years ago I did something about this and had braces to straighten them and then veneers - I'm very happy with the result and smile more.

    Back home the most common attitude was, my teeth were ok, why bother with braces for a year?

  14. I love my green and pleasant land, I have many friends and family there. I thoroughly enjoy traveling back there 2 times each year, visiting my friends and family and seeing the sights.

    I enjoy the cosmopolitan culture, architecture and history.

    I dislike the over PC culture of my home country. I dislike the fact that jobs are taken away and replaced with financial benefits.

    I like the fact that those in need receive financial benefit, I dislike the fact that many not in need receive financial benefits and have thus created a culture where the system is there to be screwed.

    I like the fact that most of the populous in my home country have consideration for those around them.

    I hate the fact that for whatever reasons the alcohol culture in the UK has created somewhat of a culture of misbehavior and acting like right royal twit. Many over here can get extremely drunk and still manage to behave. In Bangkok at least there is certainly much less trouble than at home.

    I'm always proud to be British, and English. I have a pang in my stomach when thinking about the football this evening.

  15. "Rather bullyingtaking much longer than necessary to get where I need to be. I have clapped my hands behind pavement dawdlers before too... tactics I know, but I do object to "


    Dunno if I would go as far as clapping my hands at pavement dawdlers,a bit risky trying that in Sydney ,London or New York.

    Dont know what would happen to me if I did............can only imagine,especially say at 2am on a Sunday morning in Glasgow.

    But then again Im never in that much hurry.

    I often wonder why people have to push past me on escalotors etc and stop when they get to the top,why not just ride it until its gets to the top?

    I had a good laugh at that one too, I've never had someone clap their hands behind me on the pavement, not sure how I would react to that one. Must be because I walk fast :)

    There definately seems to be different rules to the street here when it comes to personal space and getting in and out of elevators, I mean what sort of brain dead individual tries to get into an elevator before the people inside can get out?? <deleted>:blink:?

    Agreed... getting in the elevator is another shocker... Also the people you hold the door open for who try and squeeze through it without taking the door.

    Quick clarification about the clapping hands incident, it's not a regular occurrence, I did it once and it was necessary at a time when the people in front had virtually stopped but blocked passage - Rude and over the top yes, necessary no.

    And back on topic... a lot of driving issues are created by the so called innocent party. We are all human and will get frustrated.

    There is no need whatsoever for two cars next to each other to be traveling slowly or well below the speed limit. If every driver had the sufficient consideration for other then much of the tailgating would cease to exist.

    The idiot 2m behind the rear bumper is a lost cause.

    Maybe my idea of when I accidentally tailgate someone is when I get a little close for my comfort, which may not actually be considered as tailgating by many.

    In the UK we are taught the 2 second rule: Always leave 2 seconds between you and the car in front. In Thailand this is rarely possible as someone will jump in the gap. By this rule it's likely we all tailgate.

  16. I've read before in the Thai news about a girl who died from an infection from 'fake braces'....

    In that news topic it was touched upon that the braces are the cosmetic result of girls in a less wealthy demographic attempting enhance their socioeconomic image.

    Real braces are relatively expensive. In a country where money appears to be the most important factor for 'face' and social success a lot of girls try to make themselves look wealthier and therefor more desirable by having these fake braces fitted.

  17. My Car is relatively quick... and I find myself accidentally tailgating cars when they are in front pulling away too slowly from the lights... I hate it, some people pull away so slowly it's painful, yet once up to speed they have no issue passing junctions and cross sections beyond reasonable limits...

    I like to accelerate away from the lights (after checking its clear left and right) and often arrive at the next set before they have changed to red, not by racing but by getting up to a reasonable city speed. Often 5-10 mins of a 30min journey is saved this way (as the red lights last so long). I am very guilty of 'amber gambling' to avoid the red light !....

    But gosh do I get frustrated being held up by two dawdling drivers in the next lane blocking the whole road and holding everyone up...Do I tailgate them, sorry but Yes I do, I sometimes give my lights a quick flash - Rather bullying tactics I know, but I do object to taking much longer than necessary to get where I need to be. I have clapped my hands behind pavement dawdlers before too... YES, I know its very impolite, but I see many others recognizing there are others around them but the mind has not trigged enough consideration to do something about it (this is global, not just Thailand, stopping at the end of an escalator is a favorite).

    This mentality in a car also exists... it says "I'm in front and screw anyone behind me"

    Consideration on the Road is not just about not driving too quickly and dangerously, its also about driving at reasonable a pace so as not to frustrate others around you (although many aggressive drivers are a lost cause).

    When I am tailgated by a nutter, I touch the break to show my brake lights, if that doesn't give a response I brake and slow down, that usually gets a message across. On the highway with clearer roads its easier to move out the way and let them past.

    What I find worse than the Tailgaters are the city drivers who are hedging their bets and blocking both lanes so they can switch easily to the one that movies the quickest (normally taxi's)... I do dislike the lack of lane discipline here.

  18. Hear, hear… However, should the situation have presented itself, Henry V on St. Crispin’s day, in Agincourt, blessed by Shakespearian memory might’ve much preferred the latter day pissartist, hooligan and ‘us’ (who simply enjoy a game) battle things out under less violent terms with an inflatable bladder.

    Many still much prefer to get Blized, avoid the rott and not think too much about anything until the full time whistle.

    I do agree though, behave because we should and support our nations respectfully without shame because we want to.

    Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori,

    Maybe Wilf thought he was going to battle with football supporters….

    Good Luck England W.C. Football Squad 2010.

  19. I've just bought myself an LED 46" Samsung - and i must say its bloody awesome!!!

    And i got it at a total steal of 50k... special 'last in stock' promotion from Home Pro Plus in Ploen Chit

    Shop around and dont be impatient - there are some fantastic deals around if your prepared to hunt a bit

    I did the same thing and went for the Samsung LED 46" - Paid B89,000 (including the home theater Blue Ray) in Nov 2009.

    I haven't watched many Blue Ray movies. The normal DVD's appear impressive on this system.

    As I write this I'm watching True Channel 151 and it has a flicker line through the screen which migrates up and down the screen. True's broadcast is atrocious.

    As one poster mentioned, the sound broadcast is very hit and miss but it's not Television Set related.

    In another room the True Visions image is shocking because I used cheap AV cables (the HDMI cables work well with the Samsung LED).

    My conclusions.

    1) LED rocks for even normal DVD's.

    2) LED image is limited to broadcast quality, but that appears to be improving.

    3) Like tires on a car, cabling is paramount in limiting the lack of broadcast quality.

    4) True Visions are crooks !

  20. Worst date: In Singapore about 10 years ago.

    I was new to Singapore, I didn’t know anyone there and I was contemplating the prospect of a lonely weekend.

    On my way back from work I’d stopped off for a bite to eat, while minding my own business a rather attractive woman approached me and started conversation.

    After a some chatting we’d agreed to meet up on Friday.

    She picked me up and took me to the harbour where there were a group of people at a BBQ, this is where the nightmare started.

    She’d taken me to a church group all of whom appeared to want to adopt me as a new born again member.

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