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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 10 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:
    16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Reading a whole GG opening post... 


    ...   Still not achieved it...     one day..  :whistling:


    You might achieve it, if you first challenged yourself to read.


    I mean...

    Speed-Read, of course.


    Do you recall all those speed-reading scam courses, of yesteryear?


    Those courses can really mess you up.

    Hope you never enrolled in one.


    (I once enrolled in one, at aged 17, and realized it was a scam from the first class. Fortunately, when they tested us at the end of the course, I intentionally read at half-speed, and thereby got my money back, due to the money-back guarantee that I would double my reading speed.  Not only a scam, but run by idiots, too.)



    Nah.. I read all of that and now fully understand why I automatically switch off a paragraph or two into your opening posts... 


    That said, I do admire your ability to take a flogging without getting upset - being so thick skinned is something many of us could learn from - so, props to you for that.



    ... And with that, I'll play...  


    Challenging myself... I've done the bungee, skydiving etc... no challenge at all, it would be interesting to have worn a smart watch at the time and see if my heart rate even rose at bit.


    I try to be better at sports, I've plateaued...  age is catching up and I've spent the past year nursing injuries - the latest one, quite significant sport injury after a 'challenging myself' a little too much and having a massing accident at speed.


    It is therefor perhaps time to slow down and remember I'm no longer in my 20's and 30's... thus challenging myself from that aspect (dynamic sports) is perhaps coming to an end and the enjoyment of such activities will take on a more pedestrian approach.


    Mental challenges remain - primarily ensuring I am the rock for my family and the standard of father to my son that my father has been for me - If I am half the father to my son that my father has been to me, I consider that challenge well met, for he set the bar extremely high.


    Other recent challenges are learning not to worry about the future too much and enjoy the 'now'... 













  2. 1 hour ago, bob smith said:

    I'm willing to bet this is his/hers/them/they's 5th or 6th account (at least).




    Agree... with few posts this is obviously someone carrying their nobhed agenda from another thread...  probably previously banned or running a few accounts to troll people... 


    It's easy to discern from their socio-linguistic patterns that they lack intelligence, though they seem to be blissfully ignorant of this reality.





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  3. 3 hours ago, Random8 said:
    4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Seems you are looking for an argument...     I found your comment stupid, apologies if that upsets your sensitivities and you now want to enter forum sparing match...      Its not going to happen, you'll need to up your game if you want engagement.


    You started the argument with me.  You are looking for engagement, d-head.  Common, weak tactics: backpedaling, misrepresenting the past, etc.  You lost already, now you're trying to save face.


    As I pointed out.. you'll need to up your game if you want engagement - I don't argue with idiots trying to trigger me.

  4. 3 hours ago, retarius said:

    More propaganda to do away with cash. I use cash for any face to face transaction. Cash obviously doesn't work on the internet but it still works for everything else. I don't want o be forced into using any particular way of paying by greedy credit card companies that charge enormous fees. I have an AMEX which I don't use in Thailand, but for travel. And I have a local bank credit card that I use on the internet, at hotels etc.


    Do you consider paying for fuel, groceries, medication etc all 'face to face' transactions ??


    As far as using CreditCards - pandora's box is open, everyone already does use their credit cards... so avoiding the party makes no difference unless everyone were to take the same stance against fees.


    When we use our CreditCard we only use it when there is no additional charge - i.e. school fees, supermarket, fuel, all day to day stuff....  the Points Add up and we use the points for flights... 


    3 of us flying to Japan, return each year - seems like decent deal for using a credit card instead of paying cash.




  5. 38 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    I tried to find a way but failed.  I wanted to stop them giving me discounted fares as I had a succession of riders accept and then cancel the ride cause the fare was stupidly low.  It's already cheap, I don't want a discount if it means waiting for 4 or 5 riders.


    If I'm not mistaken - When you get a discounted fare, the discount comes from BOLT / GRAB itself..  not the actual driver who receives the same fare whether there is a discount or not...


    Thus: The 'succession' of riders / drivers who cancel, do so because of 'Thainess'...  i.e. they are cherry picking their fare...  They only know the destination after they accept the job - if they don't want to go into that area, if its too short for them or if for some reason they think its not worth their while, they just cancel the ride... 

    Eventually, they do this enough and get kicked off the platform but not before a load of customers have been inconvenienced. 


    Even when I book in advance, there is a higher probability of a driver who's accepted the ride cancelling about 30mins before hand and I'm digging around for another ride.


    The way I've found around is to book 'premium' which is still relatively inexpensive and it saves having to walk in the rain or heat and humidity when I need a taxi... 
















    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Woof999 said:
    2 hours ago, watchcat said:

    Sorry, ICQ never heard of it,


    At least you can spell it.


    If you were born before 1990 and were an internet user in the mid to late 90s or very early 2000s then there is a reasonable chance you would have heard of it and an OK chance that you would have used it.


    And he also may well have learnt of the utter irrelevance of posting that he's unaware of something, in a topic specifically about that something... 


    Just like the guys who post.... 'never heard of him'... when a famous singer dies etc....   as if its important that they let the forum learn of their limited knowledge base !!! 

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  7. 4 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    I hope Facebook follows them soon. Not because they are outdated but because they are not a good thing for children - makes many of them narcissistic and socially isolated.


    It could be argued that weak parenting does that....   social media just provides the excuse.

    • Like 1
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  8. Just now, Denim said:

    Also , the idea of giving some of these reluctant recruits a loaded weapon of any description , even on a range , would likely be a recipe for mayhem.


    We let them drive !!!... 


    When I look back on my school years, its quite frightening to consider some of the dullards driving on the same roads I do...   reading some of the replies on this forum often gives me cause for similar concern !!! 



    But... National Service could be put to a lot of good..

    Driving courses, safety, first aid training, electrical safety and many other practical and social skills.....

    Its not just about 'guns & shoot'n'

    • Like 1
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  9. 4 minutes ago, bob smith said:
    15 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    In Norway she is looked as a prostitute. Nobody says it, but thats what everyone thinks, and Im sure the same around in Thailand, but in Thailand it doesnt bugging me, here home in Norway, it kind of getting ounder my skin. 


    How is Thai ladies and their husbands looked at in your own mother countries? Is it different from Thailand? 

    Westerners can be forgiven for thinking that about Thai girls with western men.


    Thailand is a well known country for prostitution the world over.




    I think, if there is a larger age gap and the female in question dresses to flaunt her assets, then assumptions may be drawn... 

    ... Otherwise...  I don't think a mixed 'couple' draw any more attention than any other couple.. 

    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    who of you two is more happy than the other in each other places? My wife is most happy with her family close around here, 


    In Norway she is looked as a prostitute. Nobody says it, but thats what everyone thinks, and Im sure the same around in Thailand, but in Thailand it doesnt bugging me, here home in Norway, it kind of getting ounder my skin. 


    How is Thai ladies and their husbands looked at in your own mother countries? Is it different from Thailand? 


    We spend plenty of time in the UK... at least 6 weeks each year...


    We both enjoy it there...  I travel a lot for work and Wife has a very strong network here (family and friends) and I have a strong network of friends here...  so it would be a shame to move back.


    That said, we have often discussed moving back to the UK (especially for my Sons A Levels and into Uni), my Wife is perfectly comfortable with that idea - I believe she'd fit in very comfortably, she thinks so too...   


    I have no concerns that she'd be mis-labelled inappropriately...     






    • Confused 1
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  11. 6 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am surprised about that.

    When I visited Thais in their home (I worked there) I saw them telling their service people rudely what to do. And then they looked at me and maybe made a comment like: They are just too lazy to work or something like that.

    Also, in "my" condominium farangs say hello to the maids regularly, and not only they cute maids.


    We've had plenty of maids who feel more comfortable working for us and mention how poorly their previous employer treated them.


    I just have not witnessed this first hand - we're often over at friends houses... and the maids are treated politely and with respect.


    But, they are employees... so they're not exactly treated as equals, I wouldn't expect that, but they are not treated as subhuman servants either.


    6 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    In average I would say the Thais behave more like: You know I am better than you and I know I am better than you. Not all behave like that, but also not exactly few. 


    Possibly... I know one Thai friend of my Wife's who certainly give off the impression that she believes she's better than everyone... Her father was a famous actor, she is a famous actor... she seem believes it was her birth-right... 


    I think the most of the Thai's that I do know treat their maids well because they know how hard it is to find good maids who are honest and reliable - they tend to be with the families for decades...   


    Thats perhaps a bit different to the 'staff' in an apartment of condo complex..   where there may be a general degree of indifference...  perhaps in this case the foreigner over-compensates because they are not used to having maids etc...






    • Like 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Celsius said:
    7 hours ago, bob smith said:

    But now I am financially sound having made a number of good business moves in my youth.

    I have what I consider to be a good life.

    Plenty money in the bank, sound investments, few women scattered about the country who I can just call whenever I am in town etc..

    I do what I want when I want and nobody is my boss.


    You are doing 90 day reports? There is your answer.


    Those are two different concepts...

    a) how we fit in with immigration policy 

    b) how we fit in with within the Thai social hierarchy


    Example at hand - my wife would fits in with the UK community very well, people wouldn't know she's not British, give or take one or two grammatical foibles in her speech... Yet, she is subject to immigration restrictions.


    That said - simply because many overseas cultures are more multicultural and multiracial I think it's be far easier for a Thai fit in, in the UK, as the natural assumption is that they are living in the area and generational...   That is not true of Westerners in Thailand... and perhaps therein lies a difference.



  13. 1 hour ago, Chivas said:
    1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Exactly... and the IMF - Impossible Missions Force isn't even real....   :shock1:  :whistling:  :passifier:


    For some godforsaken reason you've taken my post completely out of context


    The International Monetary Fund isnt out to get you or me or anyone else for that matter and nor are all the other organisations named by the original poster I quoted


    Au contraire Mr Chivas...  we're in alignment on this...


    ...  my 'deliberate' distortion of the IMF acronym was to point the finger of ridicule at the conspiracists....    

  14. 28 minutes ago, bob smith said:
    31 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    That doesn't mean you have to become a conformist weakling... but showing awareness for and being respectful of your surroundings goes a long way.

    How do you get along with the Thai's?




    No differently than I get along with anyone of other nationalities... 


    A couple of my closest friends are Thai...     


    I generally get along with people very well and avoid the tools in any society. 



  15. 22 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    perhaps the Thai's should look inward then?


    Maybe they shouldn't be so quick to judge a book by it's cover?




    Perhaps you should evolve your game bob...    Instead of needing all Thai's not to judge you based on the way you act, interact, behave and appear....     

    ....  improve the manner in which you act, interact, behave and appear....  


    Its easier to play their game, than it is to have everyone else around you play yours.


    That doesn't mean you have to become a conformist weakling... but showing awareness for and being respectful of your surroundings goes a long way.




    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, Random8 said:


    Weak retort.  I expected as much.


    Seems you are looking for an argument...     I found your comment stupid, apologies if that upsets your sensitivities and you now want to enter forum sparing match...      Its not going to happen, you'll need to up your game if you want engagement.



  17. 21 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    But the problem with our position is that our behavior is not consistent in the eye of many Thais.

    I.e. we might have a good job in a reputable company and make a lot of money. But then, Thais may see us in shorts and a cheap t-shirt, no decent designer clothes like they would expect from a reputable manager.

    And then maybe they see us being nice to the service people, even the Burmese, and even if they are dark brown. That is obviously confusing for many Thais.


    Only those lacking in critical thought...  


    Its also possible not to look like a slob in shorts and t-shirt... 


    Army print (DPM) cargo shorts and vest or worn out t-shirt are never going to cut it.


    All the Thai's I know treat the 'service people' (their maids etc) extremely well.




  18. 27 minutes ago, Random8 said:
    36 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    And when someone mentions such tosh as above...  I think to myself they have shacked up with the first bit of fluff they met in a bar and now have a chip on their shoulder 'cos they are treated like dogs !!!....     :giggle:


    I don't recall you mentioning anything about your wife.  My comment wasn't aimed at you, but apparently I hit a nerve.


    You already know what I'm thinking...



    & I never thought you were referring to my situation....  my response based solely on the ridiculous flaws in your comment...     the 'nerve' you struck, was one of a lack of tolerance for such comments.


    • Sad 1
  19. Just now, Random8 said:

    Pet peeve:  Farangs who consider themselves "better" because of the perceived social status of their Thai wife.  Anytime someone wants to tell me (unsolicited and apropos of nothing) what education or occupation their wife has or better yet, how Chinese they are, I think to myself "...dickhead".


    And when someone mentions such tosh as above...  I think to myself they have shacked up with the first bit of fluff they met in a bar and now have a chip on their shoulder 'cos they are treated like dogs !!!....     :giggle:

    • Sad 2
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  20. 8 minutes ago, Chivas said:
    17 hours ago, johng said:


    They =  The Hierarchy Enslaving You ....simple, government and above them IMF,WEF, WHO  and above them ??


    Seriously you need to get yourself a life rather than following such spurious utter complete shight


    "The Hierarchy Enslaving You"




    Utter utter utter whackjobs and as per the other post thats extremely polite out of deference to Asean



    Exactly... and the IMF - Impossible Missions Force isn't even real....   :shock1:  :whistling:  :passifier:

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