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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. An 'extra' accelerator pedal seems exceptionally odd and dangerous.... I'm assuming you mean... your friend wants the 'Accelerator on the left and brake on the right'... i.e. a pedal reversal... Nevertheless, I cant see how this would make a difference, but then again I can't picture his predicament. As Ralph suggests - hand held controls seems far more reliable and not uncommon... perhaps its best to go that route. SIAM NISSIN - looks like the idea solution.
  2. Wasn't that the selfie Malcy posted a while ago ?...
  3. Tragic ???.... is it ?... Surely the death is an awful loss for her family... However, tragic is not the adjective I used... I think this is a perfect example where multiple adjectives can be used... idiotic, careless, stupid, thoughtless.... ... but the self infliction through sheer carelessness is not something I'd consider tragic.... semantics I know... but still - I dont see a tragedy here, I see sheer stupidity at play.
  4. Obvious answer there really... ... there's nothing in it for the police to get involved.... The only time something like this happens is when social media sufficiently snowballs to cause loss of face... then the BiB will argue nothing they can do, the dogs haven't attacked anyone yet (lazy policing) and as its a foreigner, they just force the hand of the local immigration officers to deal with it.... Par for the course - and really, this is why so many 'local issues' seemingly go from Zero to Incendiary in an instant - there is usually a back story thats been ignored for some time.
  5. Well said. IF you (Patong2021) allow your dogs to run free (off leash) on beaches where children play etc... then you are not deserving of any respect that you might otherwise expect to come your way.
  6. I'm quite surprised this 'village justice' has not already been carried out !! The tough guy, black belt Karate, ex SAS, keyboard warrior in me suggests they should have been taken out already.... Would a 22 Round kill them with a headshot ?? - its easy enough to hit a bottle top at 50 meters with one of those (with a decent scope).... though obvious legal reasons prevent this... Just the usual warfarin in a load of meet left on the beach near where the dogs go - painful horrible death I know... But... when needs must.... yes.. every nasty and I don't think I'd have the stomach for that... but I'm surprised others have not taken that route given the news of such occurring else where not irregularly.
  7. Good... This has being going on long enough. Where I'm not usually of the "hangem high deport em" brigade - in this case he's proven that he just does not want to be a 'sociable' part of the society within which he lives..... The dogs should be forcibly removed.... and yes, as he's not followed up after numerous warnings and regulations he's in breach of the law and should be charged accordingly - if that impacts his visa status (from a legal perspective) so be it - he's proven that he doesn't deserve to be around well meaning nice people...
  8. Sir Ranulph Fiennes & Charles Burton (1979-1982) – The Transglobe Expedition - This is the first and only surface circumnavigation of the globe via both poles. - They traveled entirely over land and sea, using boats, sledges, and vehicles. - Route: UK → Sahara → South Africa → Antarctica (South Pole) → Pacific → North America → Arctic (North Pole) → Europe → UK. Steve Fossett (2006) – Solo Flight - The first solo North-South circumnavigation by aircraft. - He flew a specially designed GlobalFlyer aircraft, crossing both poles. Pan Am Flight 50 (1977) Aircraft: Boeing 747SPsps-aviation.com Details: To commemorate Pan American World Airways' 50th anniversary, Flight 50 completed a polar circumnavigation, starting and ending in San Francisco. The journey included stops in London, Cape Town, and Auckland, achieving the feat in 54 hours, 7 minutes, and 12 seconds. TAG Transpolar08 Flight (2008) Details: This mission set a speed record for circumnavigating the Earth via both poles, with an average speed of 822.8 km/h. The route began and ended in Farnborough, England, passing through the North Pole, Whitehorse (Canada), Majuro (Marshall Islands), Christchurch (New Zealand), the South Pole, Punta Arenas (Chile), and Sal (Cape Verde). One More Orbit Mission (2019) Aircraft: Gulfstream G650ERen.wikipedia.org+4reddit.com+4flatearth.ws+4 Details: Led by former NASA astronaut Terry Virts and British aviator Hamish Harding, this mission commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. The team set a new world record for the fastest circumnavigation via both poles, completing the journey in 46 hours, 40 minutes, and 22 seconds, with an average speed of 465 knots (861 km/h). The route started and ended at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, passing over the North Pole, Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan), Mauritius, the South Pole, and Punta Arenas (Chile). Robert DeLaurentis' Polar Circumnavigation (2019-2020) Aircraft: Turbine Commander 900 ("Citizen of the World")en.wikipedia.org Details: Pilot Robert DeLaurentis completed a polar circumnavigation, flying over both the South and North Poles. His journey began in November 2019 and concluded in August 2020, marking the first use of biofuels over both poles and setting records for distance and speed in a twin-engine turboprop. Again: Debating a heliocentric denier is like arguing with someone who insists the Earth is flat while using GPS, satellites, and weather forecasts, all products of the very science they reject. When one side clings to belief over evidence, reason becomes as futile as explaining gravity to someone who denies they’re standing on the ground.
  9. Good... This has being going on long enough. Where I'm not usually of the "hangem high deport em" brigade - in this case he's proven that he just does not want to be a 'sociable' part of the society within which he lives..... The dogs should be forcibly removed.... and yes, as he's not followed up after numerous warnings and regulations he's in breach of the law and should be charged accordingly - if that impacts his visa status (from a legal perspective) so be it - he's proven that he doesn't deserve to be around well meaning nice people...
  10. 'without any money' - does that just mean 'cash'... or cash and cards ? Could he have access to a Bank account i.e. take his Bank Card with him ? and if so, can it be tracked if he used it ?
  11. Reading between the lines here it seems the family are living in Phuket and this lad is a 'run-away'... Three weeks is a long time though.. he's a foreign national (assume not a Thai - foreign national) - did he have is passport with him etc ? He could simply be working on an island somewhere etc... Hope he's ok... Pretty wrong to disappear like that so I wonder what was going on at home to drive him again like that - its personal stuff, but definitely missing from the story.
  12. Your ability to sustain a well-mannered discussion is commendable and reflects a respectful approach to dialogue. However, your assertion implies that cults are inherently hostile, particularly toward those who depart, and that this conversation serves as an example of such behaviour. In forming this analysis, you overlook a crucial factor: people tend to have little patience for sheer absurdity. Hostility in discourse often arises from frustration rather than dogmatic allegiance, and this does not render the heliocentric model cult-like in any sense. Ultimately, debating someone who questions the heliocentric model (specific to our solar system) is an exercise in futility, as the argument is inherently asymmetrical. Science is grounded in falsifiable evidence, whereas conspiracy-driven thinking thrives on beliefs that evade falsification. When one side disregards empirical data, logical reasoning inevitably collapses into an unending cycle of denial and misinterpretation.
  13. Never a truer word spoken... You took this part too far....
  14. mio ???.... genius criticism there !!
  15. I'm sure TPC's marketing team are beside themselves at missing out on a critical target demographic !!!!
  16. No, it is not. There are two types of Visa that come with the Thai Elite Membership: a) Longer term and earlier memberships: Give an SE Visa - which is a 5 Year Visa sticker... 90 days is given with each entry which requires another 90 day extension of stay every 90 days (if you have not travelled out of the country). b) Shorter term and (some) later members: Give a PE Visa - which is a 1 Year Visa sticker and is renewable each year until the term of the membership has been completed (in this case 90 day extensions are required, 90 day reports are required). As the agreements with Immigration are an evolving process, a lot of what is provided with each new 'iteration' or promotions / marketing etc varies... Thus, to know exactly what type of Visa Sticker you get and whether or not you would need to extend every 90 days or every year depends on membership at that time of purchase.
  17. Its almost an opposing approach between Government Schools and International Schools... - One is rigidity and conformity, no questions, rote learning. - One is openness, values and encourages open curiosity and individualism, encourages questions. The irony is that the State system has the blue-print for a better education at their fingertips - the obvious answer is they don't care enough... just going through the motions, as many state enterprises all over the world do.
  18. And why do you think this would this be the case? And why is it not the same in international schools? I think this is one of those facets of Thailand that can be dumbed down and simplified as - the state schools are rubbish for the obvious reasons - Money !!... and that impacts the students. In greater detail: The disparity between Thai state schools and International schools comes down to several key factors, including funding, curriculum, teacher quality, class sizes, and management styles - many of the issues / differences can be easily summarised.... Funding & Resources Limited Budget: That state / government schools rely on government funding, which is often stretched thin, leading to outdated textbooks, poor facilities, and low teacher salaries. International Schools Charge High Fees: International schools charge high tuition fees (often 300,000–1,000,000+ THB per year), allowing them to invest in modern facilities, technology, and well-paid teachers. Teacher Quality & Salaries Low Salaries in State Schools: Thai public school teachers earn much lower salaries than teachers in international schools. This affects motivation and leads to high teacher turnover. International Schools Attract the Best Teachers: With better pay and benefits, international schools hire highly qualified teachers, both foreign and Thai. Many teachers in public schools lack English proficiency, while international school teachers are often native speakers or well-trained bilingual educators. Curriculum & Teaching Methods Rote Learning in Thai Schools: The traditional Thai education system still relies heavily on rote memorisation rather than critical thinking and creativity. Modern Approaches in International Schools: International schools use Western curriculums (IB, British, American, etc.), focusing on problem-solving, discussions, and project-based learning. Class Sizes Overcrowding in Public Schools: Many state schools have 40–50+ students per class, making individual attention difficult. Smaller Classes in International Schools: International schools typically have 10–20 students per class, allowing for more personalised learning. Bureaucracy & Corruption Government Red Tape: Thai public schools are controlled by the Ministry of Education, which is known for slow reforms, inefficiency, and excessive bureaucracy. Corruption & Mismanagement: There are cases where education budgets are misallocated or do not reach schools effectively. Parental Involvement & Student Demographics Public School Students Often Come from Low-Income Families: Many Thai state school students lack support at home due to financial struggles or lack of parental education. International Schools Have Privileged Students: Students at international schools usually come from wealthy families who provide extra tutoring, books, and global exposure, giving them an additional advantage. English Proficiency & Global Exposure Weak English Programmes in Thai Schools: Many Thai government schools struggle to provide strong English-language education, while international schools focus on fluent English instruction from a young age. International Schools Offer More Global Opportunities: Students in international schools are often exposed to exchange programmes, overseas trips, and a diverse mix of cultures. For these reasons Thailands growing middle classes are fighting tooth and nail to avoid placing their children in Government schools and sending their children to the best International School they can afford. There are a couple of 'other' Government Schools that do have a decent reputation, but again, corruption is involved... Triam udom suksa school is a well known top-tier government school that has an extremely high application rate... about 10,000 students sit the exam every year for limited places.... But, this school is still nowhere near the standards of the International Schools but is a good pathway to Universities such as Chula and Thammasat. So.... To answer Bobs question: why do Thai students (in Thai schools) not speak - Answer: because they are trained 'not to'....
  19. After fast tracking through the airport etc... The transport is 80 km radius from various International Airports.... Those members who live in Areas such as Pattaya might be able to offer how they go about supplementing the difference.
  20. Its like the fools who feel they have to chip-in when someone advertises their car for 2 Million Baht and they state that the car is just $25,000 in their home country !!!.... They'll never understand the utter irrelevance of their point.
  21. My thought exactly. No country is worth USD 6 million. Is the 'collective forum' not able to get over the mistaken input of a $ symbol and just understand that he's asking 6 Million Baht ??.... Its not that challenging, surely ?
  22. I thought I covered the 'its not for me' nonsense already..... Do you also post in best burger threads about how they're not your think because you are a vegan ?
  23. I'm sure mines bigger.... ... Seriously though, on the similarly of membership, I'm not sure... I know that 30 years transfers on when I transfer mine. I know that another poster selling his Lifetime Membership Last year had it confirmed by Thai Elite that 'Life Time membership' passed along... So... it depends on the contract you have with TPE... The only way to get a firm answer is to e-mail them.
  24. How may more years do you have left? Mine is lifetime... (for my life) ... but upon transfer - 30 years is transfered across.
  25. Within the last 6 months I rejected 1.7 MB to sell on my membership.
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