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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 3 minutes ago, JoeyMac said:

    So if i am to fight this, then what happens ? I am not looking for a protracted court case here for something to go wrong. 


    Nope...  you can push it as far as you want...   it'll never go to court - the BiB are just trying it on.


    If however... it goes as far as you are willing to push it... you can fall back to where you are now (square one).



    A while ago now... I was in an accident whereby I was turning right and a following van tried to overtake me.

    The BiB initially blamed me, as they said I was the one making the turn...   

    I argued the van was speeding, overtaking into an oncoming bus lane, and had cut the corner of the previous junction (its complex to explain)...  Ultimately, I was polite, but stubborn, and said I was quite happy to see this escalate to higher levels... 

    ... the BiB changed their mind...  the accident was deemed 50/50....  

    (the reason I didn't want to accept fault was that the other part was faking injury and I wanted to ensure I avoided any compensation claims).



  2. Just now, JoeyMac said:

    The tourist police lady was pretty decent. She said if i didn't drop my shopping bag on the ground he wouldn't have had the accident. It's irrelevant apparently if he was over taking on the underside, or that the motorbike taxi stopped and dropped me of in the middle of the road. 


    Everything was well, till a few others came running and got involved and got him to sit down, got an ambulance (which turned up in record time). 


    Thats almost the same as saying... If you weren't there you wouldn't have had the accident.


    Its not irrelevant if the passing bike was undertaking - its illegal, its in the Road Traffic Act...     you have permitted the police to interpret the laws and utilise them as they see fit...    the Tourist Police lady may have been calm and polite, but she wasn't fair in proportioning blame to you.... 


    The following motorcyclist is also complicit - if he wasn't riding illegally and passing to the left, the accident wouldn't have happend - and thats the key point you should be using.



    • Agree 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, JoeyMac said:

    I called the tourist police. 


    There conclusion was because i dropped a bag, the accident will be my fault. 


    What type of compensation are we talking about here ?


    Thats the conclusion from one single aspect of the incident...  


    ... The lazy BiB have 'picked the low hanging fruit' so to speak....    they have missed the point that the motorcycle should never have been under-taking the stopped moto-taxi and that he was riding too close (dangerously).



    Up to you if you want to pay compensation - but I'd be very stubborn in the same situation. 

    Instead of dropping your bag, if you had slipped and fell, the following motorcyclist would have hit you.

    Based on your description the following motorcyclist was riding dangerously and illegally.


    If you have a Thai friend with any position of respect or authority - now is the time to ask for their assistance. 


    • Agree 1
  4. Just now, steven100 said:


    TIT ....    he will most certainly be blamed as it was his fault in dropping the bag on the road.  


    None of what you said above will come into play here .... 


    In the Ops shoes, I'd stand firm and not accept anything.


    Op was getting off a moto-taxi to the left.... It appears as though another rider, was dangerously close and passing on the left which is illegal. 


    IMO - the BiB know the Op might have money (as he's a foreigner) so they beleive this is the path of least resistance and they may get to earn something from the compensation. 



    9 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    And as he was dismounting he dropped his shopping bag on the road as another bike was pulling in to park and this bike ran over his shopping bag which caused the rider to dislodge ( fall off ) his bike while coming in to park at speed.  


    Where did you get this from ? - that the other bike was undertaking because he was 'coming into park' at speed...

    • Like 1
  5. It would appear as though you have mistakenly been reported for committing a crime in France and a block had been placed on your passport, this block as since been removed and you can collect your passport. 


    Its possibly because your name matches that of someone who was reported. 



    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, JoeyMac said:

    Define ... a packet ?


    It was purely an accident. Are you saying i'm in trouble with the law for dropping a bag on the floor whilst getting of a motorbike taxi ?



    It seems like there could be some collusion to get some form of compensation from you...  


    ... i.e. Pay for the damages and medical bills for the Injured party.


    As the incident was 100% his own fault (IMO)...  it is not your responsibility to cover his damages.




    You dropped the bag... but that is almost moot - the accident was caused by the following riders actions (undertaking / too fast / too close)....      he could have hit you as you got off the moto-taxi.


    • Agree 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, stoner said:
    4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Its been mentioned before on this forum...  that some drive with the left foot for the brake and right for the accelerator, and when panic sets in this happens... 

    ... the underlying issue is of course, no driver training.





    good thing that is not how you are supposed to drive. not yours but i find that kind of excuse quite lame. 


    It's incredibly lame....    There are posters on this forum who have mentioned that this is how their wives or other Thai's they know drive. 


    Thus...  I suspect it is the reason for so many similar accidents... 






    I recently properly shagged up my right ankle in a sporting accent - I was unable to drive for a few months...   At one point I very briefly considered giving driving the car with my left foot a go, which I realised would have been an exceptionally daft idea.





    • Confused 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Lorry said:

    So the exchange rate you get is the exchange rate of SCB at the time of buying yen.

    Which one? T/T rate or the rate for notes? Or do they have a special rate for their travel cards?


    BTW the real Superrich with the best rates is the green one, not the orange one.


    You get the 'going exchange rate' at the time of transfer.... 


    Effectively, its the same as buying cash...  you get it for whatever the exchange rate is at that time of purchase. 



    Regarding comparison of rates between SCB (Banks Vs Superrich) - todays rates.


    SCB Planet:      10,000 baht = 42,735.04 JPY (Rate 1 JPY = 0.2340 THB)

    SuperRich:       10,000 baht = 42,643.92 JPY (Rate 1 JPY = 0.2345 THB)



    The difference in rates is negligible..... the convenience isn't.




  9. 1 hour ago, WDSmart said:

    I play golf twice a week. I speak Thai with the caddies, and I've named my hybrid clubs (a club that is a cross between a wood and an iron) "kathoeys," like "kathoey 2" or "kathoey 4," since that also carries the meaning of "hybrid." The caddies all understand and like that.


    ..... when the hybrid clubs first came about the Caddies didn't start naming them that 20 years ago ???  :whistling:

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, koolkarl said:
    On 5/15/2024 at 10:35 AM, richard_smith237 said:


    Why ? what do the government get out of someone buying their 7-11 toastie with their TrueMoney wallet ????

    Figure it  out.


    50 minutes ago, koolkarl said:
    7 hours ago, george said:

    Wow! Could you please elaborate on that?

    Figure it out Einstein.  I don't spoon feed for free.



    You can't answer the question either because the delusion is just that....  


    The degree of paranoia is quite amusing, in a pathetic 'I don't want the government to know what type of underwear I'm wearing' kind of way...  :whistling:

  11. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:
    1 hour ago, renaissanc said:
    5 hours ago, proton said:

    The obligatory book full no doubt of self pity and exagerations

    If you can't be kind be silent.

    "If you can't be kind be silent", ironically, also applies to your comment admonishing him!


    And yours for admonishing him admonishing him...   and now mine for admonishing you admonishing him admonishing him !!...


    This could go on... 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 22 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Yep last year when i sold my Honda Click, i had 30 messages, the low ballers just get ignored


    I recall having a couple of Westerners getting quite upset with me because I wasn't interested in their low-ball offer... 



    I was selling my car for 3 MB... and I recall one Westerner offering about 2.2 Million Baht... I just said nope, too low... 

    He wanted to negotiate and I told him not from that starting point...  He got angry, and started telling me I don't know how to do business and I should learn business 101...  he flooded me with angry messages !!... 

    The car sold within a couple of weeks for 2.95 MB.


    With another car, another westerner got angry and was rude after I rejected his lowball offer....   I told him even if he offered me the asking price he can go F himself... he's not getting the car !!... 



    There are some very entitled people when trying to sell something - it goes with the territory I suppose, but some can get nasty... 




  13. 4 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

    I sold my Mazda 2 with Bathsold within 2 Weeks, easy.


    Baht&Sold has a very limited Audience...      just expats really and thats missing a huge proportion of the population.


    By all means list and item there...   but don't go exclusively with that IMO...   


    List in as many places as possible... 


    ... and also watch out for people trying to 're-list the car...   (acting as middle men to make some cash).

  14. 9 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

    Try it on Facebook or trade it in🙏


    Trade it in for... ????


    Trade it in for a new car at the dealership you mean ???... If so... Dealerships in Thailand offer appallingly low trade in values and often only accept the 'same brand'.... 


    I did ask similar when purchasing a new car...    I asked them if they'd accept a trade in (same brand), they would but I was shocked at the lowballing... about 70% of the cars value...     The 'tents' aren't much better...  they may offer about 80% of the value you could sell the same vehicle for privately. 


    Facebook Market Place is most definitely the place to sell if the Op wants the best price.



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