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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 7 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:
    7 hours ago, stoner said:


    30 years plus driving and i have never once mixed the gas and brake. 

    People can suffer anxiety or panic attacks and do such things. I never pushed a car off a cliff, but I've done some things under such attacks. Not saying that's the case here though.


    Its been mentioned before on this forum...  that some drive with the left foot for the brake and right for the accelerator, and when panic sets in this happens... 

    ... the underlying issue is of course, no driver training.




    • Confused 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, digbeth said:

    There are revenue threshold of 2 million baht per year that if the shop reaches, has to join the VAT system, business tax on profit of course is separate 

    the new reporting rule from bank is anyone that has over 3000 transactions get reported to revenue department,


    And whats wrong with that ??    


    Are you suggesting everyone should be avoiding tax by using cash ?



    This leads to a larger debate about tax.. but one of the reasons some countries are less developed can be tied directly to the amount of tax paid, or rather the amount of missing tax... 


    If everyone paid tax - there may be a national ambulance service, a better fire service, better public hospitals, Police better paid and less corrupt etc...  No one likes paying tax, but it benefits society....   



    Most businesses already have well over 3000 transaction... my BiL has a restaurant and probably exceeds 3000 transactions in a month... many of those are 'online orders'...  



    Regarding the VAT issue... thats also beneficial as it avoids the cascading of tax in other areas, public funds have to come from somewhere... so people Pay VAT on their spending....  there is less demand for income tax etc...  


    Thus a noodle shop selling a bowl of noodles for 50 baht...  may have to increase their price to 55 baht to account for the VAT - but theoretically, that offsets the demand for income tax, but greater spending power remains in the market


    The economics its more complex than this of course - but again, it highlights the flaw in the argument you presented. 





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  3. 5 hours ago, josephbloggs said:
    12 hours ago, it is what it is said:

    pay by cash, it's much quicker than faffing around with the QR code payment system


    Pay by QR, it's much quicker than faffing around looking for the right money or waiting for the cashier to count your money, calculate change, then get the change, then count it twice, then hand it over and wait for you to put it away before they can serve me. Not to mention all the germs that money is coated in.

    Such nonsense posted in these threads. If you like cash, use cash. No one wants to convert you to cashless - we don't care - just do what you prefer. But don't make up stupid stories to try to make cashless sound slow or inconvenient, just use cash if you prefer it and save us the boring posts.


    Absolutely agree...    


    ... Though, I don't want to live in a world without cash...    my own reason for using cashless is nothing other than it being so very quick and convenient... 


    I guess its how adaptable we are to the changing and developing world. 


    That said, the debate has a place... and its interesting for me as it highlight the extent people will go to to justify their choices and seem to lose a sense of critical balance. 





  4. I want to point out, that I'm not anti-cash... 


    There is a place for cash in society, I believe all shops should accept cash and all payment options. Its bad business to refuse any payment method.


    But... what I do see in these debates is repeated flawed arguments against 'cashless' payments. 




    The only valid argument I have ever read about cashless payment is the devaluation of currency when the cashless transaction comes at a cost...  (which it doesn't with Tap-n-go, QR Payment and TrueMoney, Apple Pay etc).


    BUT...  the 3% credit card charge per transaction IS and issue..  thus, when a person pays 1000 baht for an item, the vendor receives 970 Baht..   That 1000 Baht is now worth 970 baht to the vendor, who pays another vendor by card, that original 1000 Baht is now worth 940 baht....  After 22 Credit Card transactions the value of that 1000 baht has been halved...  to 511 baht (if 3% is taken each time).


    But, that doesn't happen with QR payments or TrueMoney Wallet - so its only an issue with credit cards. 

    But, we don't see the same 'anti-credit-card' argument as we do the 'anti-cash-less' (anti QR payment argument) - which highlights to me the whole basis of this argument is not based around fact, but purely emotional and some are attempting to justify their 'emotional choices'... 


    If people have their preference, just because thats what they prefer, thats fair enough...   But the arguments presented to justify that choice are often very flawed. 








  5. 3 hours ago, digbeth said:

    Actually, some Thai vendors who previously accepted QR transfers are now rejecting it as they were hit with a visit from the revenue department and tax bill as certain threshold of incoming transfers trigger automatic reporting by the bank 


    Two points here... Firstly... Tax is paid income from profits.. not turnover... 


    Which 'Thai Vendors' were visited by the revenue department ?? -  are you sure you aren't projecting some 'whatifery' into the debate and peddling it as something that has occurred ???



    3 hours ago, digbeth said:

    Other reasons that shops that previously accepted QR payment but now reject it is some old mom and pop got scammed by buyers that show their screen that they'd transferred but didn't, some old folks don't know how to check if they had received the funds on their end, or it's the shop owner's account and employee can't know if the payment came through or not


    QR transfer is as instant as a debit card, credit card, union pay, tap-n-go transaction...   there is an instant notification of the receipt of funds..   

    Those not checking funds have been received are opening themselves up to scams as you pointed out - every time I use a QR code payment, the vendor doesn't need to see my confirmation as they receive their own.


    But, how is this issue any different from receiving counterfeit cash ??



    Additionally...  businesses can set up notification to more than one devise... i.e. thats how shops know you've paid - they don't have access to the account, but have access to the notification of payment at the point of sale.


    That said, I'd agree that a 'mom & pop shop' may not have this set up correctly... and an assistant may not be able to confirm that the account has been paid as they may not receive the notification... But again, how is this different than someone paying with a 'fake 500 baht note' ??? - can the average Thai shop assistant identify a fake bill ?





    The 'Anti-cashless' argument always seems to carry the same flaws...  the point raised are based around paranoia and when presenting the argument the balance of a bigger picture is missed - as above, digbeth only mentioned the risk of getting scammed by a photo of a QR code, but ignored the risk of 'counterfeit cash'... 





  6. 4 hours ago, george said:
    4 hours ago, koolkarl said:

    Governments have a record on their computer systems forever of everything you buy, where and how much.  It is the ultimate government control and a reason why cashless is coming soon.


    Hmmm. Do you think the Thai Govt are checking your 7/Eleven and Lotus purchases and how many liters you fill up in your vehicle for example? And scrutinizing your electric bill if you pay online? Or your bar bill if you pay with QR?


    Exactly... Some of these guys seem like absolute nutcases...  kind of like the doomsday preppers of the monetary world - they're buried so deeply into their paranoia the simplicity of common sense eludes them...  


    We've been paying with our Debit Cards, Credit Cards for decades...     We've been paying with 'tap-n-go' for about 10 years... a QR or True Money wallet is not really any different.



  7. 1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:
    4 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

    They are not "available everywhere"!  They may be readily available but not everywhere! 

    Just three doors down from where I am sitting in CM (a main road in the city) the shop owners don't even know what a QR code is never mind use them!  My laundry does not use them either!


    Perhaps they don't understand you?



    Thats a more realistic possibility.... 


    Its like going into a 7-11 and asking them to Microwave a food item you've purchased... Use the word microwave and you'll get a blank stare... Use the word 'wave'... and thats it.. they know exactly what you want. 


    Its the same with the QR code... Mention anything other than 'Sa-kan' (scan)  and they won't know what you mean...


    While there may be 'some' vendors who don't use QR payment, these days most do, wet-markets, even if you don't have the cash to pay a taxi driver he'll accept a QR Payment...   7-11 is the one of the only places I know that doesn't (as its TrueMoney Wallet there for reasons explained by others).






  8. 4 hours ago, koolkarl said:
    21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Why ? what do the government get out of someone buying their 7-11 toastie with their TrueMoney wallet ????

    Governments have a record on their computer systems forever of everything you buy, where and how much.  It is the ultimate government control and a reason why cashless is coming soon.


    Entertainingly Orwellian... .     Are the government going to tell me I've bought too many 'toasties' in the last 12 months ?


    These 'government control' comments are always hilarious...    Did you pay cash for your car ?...  never used a credit card ?



    Paying digitally for every day items is going allow the government to control us how exactly ??? 


    Ultimate Government Control !!!..    how 'tin-foil-hat-ish'.... 





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  9. 7 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    travel cards?  like a prepaid debit card? that could be lost...like travelers checks???? confusing....


    A little myopic that view point - a traveller could equally lose their cash or their debit card...   so singling out the 'travel card' is made somewhat moot.



    8 hours ago, Purdey said:

    How is a travel card different from a debit card? 😕


    Its a 'currency card'...  i.e. you load up the card with currency of the nation you are visiting, and use that as you would a local card in that country....


    As mentioned earlier: The SCB Planet card works like this... i.e. Going to Japan, load up the card with 25,000 bahts worth of JPY and pay the exchange rate at that time...  you then have about 106,000 JPY on your card and spend... no need to worry about international transaction or exchange fees etc.


    HSBC do the same with their Global Money account - you can load up your card with the currency of the country you are visiting (not all currencies are covered though).


    With the over-seas accounts (such as HSBC) you can add the Card to your Apple Pay or Google Wallet, so you don't even need the card, you can just pay with your phone - extremely convenient. 



    There are plenty of options: Revolute is one of them.



    4 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:
    5 hours ago, brfsa2 said:

    f you need cash, no problem, use your SCB planet card to withdraw cash in Japan ATMs!

    At what exchange rate? Or you do not ncare.


    When loading up the SCB Planet Account - you have already paid the banks (SCB) exchange rates at the time of initial transfer. 

    That said: When withdrawing cash overseas the cost is 100 baht fixed fee.






    • Thanks 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    you  know what ive decded this forum is  a load of <deleted>e and wont bother with anymore posts as they always end like this. If youd seen the news a few years back they said they were doing a  big  bike licence................... oh whats the fukkin point sod off

    Take it easy, it’s just a discussion forum & you’ve started off a discussion- that’s all….  Relax & roll with the thread. 


    I answered you in the 3rd post on this thread….  
    Q: what happened to the big bike license? 
    A: Nothing, it was just a pie in the sky announcement with no teeth, just like most announcements.




  11. 4 hours ago, MichaelJackson said:

    Thailand has made cannabis "legal" but not vaping. I am not sure how vaping is worse than cannabis. Are there any reasons behind it?


    The Tobacco Authority of Thailand, otherwise known as the Tobacco Monopoly is very strong in Thailand....  owned by the Ministry of Finance. 


    Ultimately, legalising vape would eat into the 'big tobacco' profits... 



    • Love It 1
  12. Quite likely difficult for anyone to evaluate as there is very little basis for comparison, unless someone has had a number of suits from a range of different tailors and can identify the better one. 


    .. People get a suit and that's that...   they like it.. and thats their recommendation, when in reality, another tailor may be better.




    From a personal perspective - I've had 3 suits made in Thailand over the years, from three difference tailors and I wasn't really that impressed with them. 

    Being 'normally sized' I found that an off the rack suit from a decent brand to be much better, only requiring adjustment for leg-length (as they come).


    That said, the off the rack brands were Boss, Paul Smith and Givenchy - so the price point very different at 50-60,000 baht, compared to the 15,000 baht or so for a Tailored suit - the issue I found with the tailored suits was that they just didn't hold their shape well enough so they didn't get much wear.



    There was a sponsored article on this site yesterday - I'd be tempted to give a suit from there a try... Its near Thonglor, so perhaps worth a throw of the dice.







    Perhaps someone has been there and can comment. 






  13. 1 hour ago, digbeth said:

    but to be fair most big bike dealer in Thailand are careful to not sell to unexperienced rider and most big brands has decent riding school you can go to, still doesn't stop clueless parent buying their 16 years old 650cc 


    Do they ??...    Dealerships would say no to a 16-19 year old ready to drop cash on a 650cc bike ??



    I like the idea that they'd be that responsible, though I struggle to believe they'd chose morals over a sale. 

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  14. 9 minutes ago, CHdiver said:

    He could start using Bolt, he can pay by Card there (if he wants) so his problem would be solved. Beside that his rides would probably be cheaper. 


    Not always - in some area's BOLT / GRAB moto-taxi will not accept the ride because they are scared they'll be attacked by the local win-rider hoodlams... 



    This happened to me in Bangkok, years ago... I called a Grab Bike - rider turned up, then told me he'll drop me off round the corner as he doesn't want to pass the Moto-Taxi's with me on the back, he was worried about being attacked...  There are plenty of stories of similar. 



    Anyway - the Ops 'friend' is likely already being ripped off being charged 60 baht for a 30-40 baht ride...   so he's already highlighted that he can be taken for a mug... and tipping on top of that makes it worse...    


    • Like 1
  15. 21 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    For me, big would mean something that will handle 2 people +, and the highway @ 75 mph, with lots of throttle left.   At least 900cc, and many would probably think 1100cc, (maybe ever full dresser for comfort), but really not needed, as my 900cc was more than ample, comfy w/extra power if needed, with 2+.


    My 750cc, nah.  Not with 2 people, comfort or top end stability.


    400cc, that's a joke.  Don't know any that started on less than 450/500cc in USA, then quickly upgraded to 750cc or much more.


    Although, economics has a lot to do with it, as most can't or won't spend $5-10-20-30k dollars for a scooter here.  $3k / ฿100 being more than a stretch for many, even me, as can't see the point for knocking around town.  Don't need to do more than 90kph to drive locally.


    Our own subjective opinion is somewhat irrelevant to what the authorities call a big bike...     



    Ride a Triumph Rocket (at 2458cc) and nearly every other motorcycle is no longer a big-bike !!!... 



  16. 3 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:
    22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You mean you renewed your standard Motorcycle license ???... 

    well they announced the "big  bike  licence"  so i assumed theyd  done it , hence why I put big  bike  licence as its relevant to the thread of  "whatever happened to it"



    You mean you renewed your own motorcycle licence and assumed you had a big big licence that was being renewed because of an announcement a couple of years ago ????




    [ "Just renewed my big bike licence" ]

    • Haha 2
  17. 6 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    Whatever happened to "Whatever the market will bear?" Are the prices posted ANYWHERE? Let the buyer beware.


    A fundamentally flawed model...   becuase they (the taxi's and TukTuks) all get into cahoots and fix their fares illegally high.


    Leaving the Rajamangla stadium last month - Every single taxi we asked wanted a 1000 baht flat fare...  TukTuks wanted the same.

    (No Grab or Bolt available)...    The Grab to the venue was less than 100 Baht. 


    We refused to pay and went and had a late bite to eat - then called a Grab an hour later.



    These guys are all scammers & rip off merchants.

    • Thanks 1
  18. As others have pointed out - so the TukTuk driver is 3500 baht up then... Winner for him !!!... 


    And he'll be back in his TukTuk tomorrow - they should have confiscated it for 90 days... 


    But, then he'll have no money and have to turn to something else to make ends meet - its difficult to practically penalise someone (theoretically) so poor without pushing them into 'other crime'...


    What of the Japanese guys - 6000 baht for a TukTuk fare is ridiculous - can't believe they paid it.


  19. 25 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Facebook marketplace 




    I've sold my last three cars and two motorcyles on FB Market place... 


    The only issue with selling... its that you get a LOT of people asking "is it still available"... (which is an auto reply)... 

    Then you get a lot of time-wasters... asking for silly discounts etc... some even getting upset about it...  

    Or... the person who does't read the full add and asks loads of questions already answered in the add.

    Or.. the person who just asks loads of questions, negotiates, agrees the price and then just disappears !!!.. 


    But.. thats part and parcel of selling something - people seem to think because they are the purchaser they hold some sort of addition power.. is weird... 


    BUT.. FB Market Place will expose you to the most potential buyers.

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