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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Don't stop there... what was the blanket made of ??
  2. 15-18 years old - restricted to less than 110cc - which is also never followed. But... when 4 kids are riding to school on a single bike, without helmets past policemen etc... a complete farce is made of any rules... ... until someone pulls a wheelie on a main road and posts it on social media !!
  3. Yup - the only missing 'part' is his [the Ops] lack of original driving license. That can easily be posted over here if he has someone who can do that.
  4. Just a thought here... It is possible the 84 year old died of natural causes within the radius of the dogs reach, and out of hunger, the dog resorted to eating the owners flesh ??
  5. Excellent Info... After the UK Embassy stopped providing an Affirmation of Residence for those not on 'long term visas' (i.e. they would not provide the affirmation for those on Visa Exempt entries or Tourist Visas) that was a 'brick wall' for some... as Immigration previously required a 90 day report. So, with CW issuing the CoR without the requirement for a 90 day report that brick wall has been knocked down. -------- That was nearly a 'brick wall for me a while ago'.... I hold an Elite Visa and travel a lot so am very rarely here for more than 90 days at a time... So I'd not carried out 90 day reports. I had to 'negotiate' with the Embassy and explain that the Elite Visa is a 'long term Visa' (they were claiming I needed an Non-Immigrant Visa), I received the Affirmation of Residence at the time - but it was this that triggered me to get the Yellow House Book in the end.
  6. The best option is to get your home license posted out here - or just go ahead and do the full test. Driving License Requirements: Do I need to bring my original EU driving license together with my International Driving Permit (IDP), or will just the IDP be sufficient? Unfortunately, I only have my International Driving Permit with me, as I didn’t bring my original EU driving license. Will that cause any issues? You need only the Original license Health Check: Does the health check need to be done at a government hospital, or can it be done at a regular clinic? Any clinic will do, tell them its for a driving license, most carry the basic form. Visa Requirements: Is there a specific visa required for applying for a Thai driving license, or can it be done with any type of visa? Any visa is ok - the important part is getting the Letter of Residence (which is often dependant on visa) Other Documents: Besides my passport, what else do I need to prepare? Are there any additional documents I should bring to avoid delays? You will need either: a) Affirmation of Residence from your Embassy (if they do it) b) Certificate of Address from Immigration (if you have done a 90 day report - but this depends where you are, some immigration offices issue it anyway, others require a 90 day report).
  7. Absolute rubbish.... In the UK people over 70 do not need to have a GP certified medial checkup when renewing their driving license every 3 years... they are only required to self certify medical fitness which is why there was proposed change to policy (as indicated by Vinny41)... https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/uk-drivers-over-70-could-30661495
  8. Same here... BS cold calls... all my junk e-mails get filtered into Junk anyway. The amusing part about the point of not wanting to give Decathalon an e-mail address is that I have never had an e-mail from them other than an online receipt and delivery notification for an online purchase.
  9. This is why I would like to see an option whereby long term residents (i.e. those on Non-Imm Retirement / Marriage Visas can 'pay into' the National Healthcare system to ensure continued treatment. IMO - at the moment this is a huge gap in any retirement plan.
  10. Who can access that if you are incapacitated or in a coma ??? The most common answer to this is a flippant response of 'just let me die' - which side steps the intricacies of carrying ID and Insurance cover. This raises the question of 'proof' - i.e. if a person is covered (or not) and the 'hospital' is somewhat mercenary in its approach to treatment, how does an incapacitated person prove they have cover ? This highlights the importance of carrying an Insurance card, or having close friends (and / or family) who can advice the hospitals of payment information.
  11. Both male and female elephants have tusks, although they are smaller in Asians African Elephants: In both African savanna elephants and African forest elephants females typically have tusks which are usually smaller and thinner than those of males. Asian Elephants: Female Asian elephants usually do not have prominent tusks. Instead, they may have small tusk-like structures called "tushes" that are not visible unless the mouth is open. 'Gored her' implies tusks were used (gored implies sharp object), without getting too graphical - its possible the article used the term 'gored' rather loosely when mauled might be a more correct term.
  12. Could have been... could have been a deeply interesting discussion, in a very animated fashion that appears as though they were having an argument... Either way - the 'other guy' remains the most important person to get hold of and find out what happened, and if they can't find him - he's fled and likely fled for a reason. As I mentioned - I'm surprised CCTV photo has not yet been circulated 'as a person of interest'.
  13. So, what are they going to do ???... Force me to buy a Pilates leggings 'cos my Wife has some ? There's so much delusional paranoia about...
  14. Or this: He also suggested that the dog might have been stressed, as it had been chained for an extended period. I can't see much Pitbull in there either, if any. Not that that will help it now. A Poodle would not have been strong enough to chew its owner to death.... The Pit-bull part definitely explains it... Not that I have any sympathy for the owner at all, I'm just glad this wasn't an innocent visitor or child who was mauled to death.
  15. There are 3 forum members who I'm sure are going to pee a little bit with excitement when they read this this thread... Silly fool - carrying drugs in Thailand is ridiculously stupid.
  16. Classy woman... The foreigner lucked out there !!! ... If ever the saying.... 'Run Forest, Run' was applicable - that was the time...
  17. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from a Gas Fire etc in an enclosed space, I get. (we have a CO monitor for when we go camping in cold weather in the UK and use a gas heater), But... to fall out of bed, roll into a fire and burn - without waking up ???.... How out of it does one have to be ???? Is it even possible to be 'that out of it' - that you would notice you've rolled into a fire ?? (I guess it is).
  18. Any place is full of cyber scammers. Cyber criminality knows no boundaries. Very true..... In ANY country I had had a phone, I've been contacted (cold called) with scam attempts. This was particularly rife in the UAE and Qatar.... In Qatar I had someone calling up claiming to be from the Ministry of Interior - all quite official sounding, but of course a scam. The UAE has just passed strict cold calling laws. In Thailand, the cold calling and scam attempts is just as bad as anywhere else - Its the constant e-mail scams that are irritating... some quite legitimate looking e-mails come through (i.e. Apple accounts and PayPal etc).. never click on any link in an e-mail.
  19. Its looking very suspicious - obviously they 'have' to find this other man... I'm surprised they have not released a CCTV image of him already (as a person of interest). If he is involved, I suspect its likely he has fled already.
  20. You're making a right old pillock of yourself... Just deal with the fact that you've been called out for making dumb comments instead of digging your 'face saving hole' even deeper.....
  21. Ironically, refusing to shop at one store because you don't want to give out your e-mail address and instead using another store where you have to register with an e-mail account !!! I'm not sure you really thought your objection through. It's often entertaining on here to read of some of the objections people have and watch them tripping over themselves and getting in their own way.... When Thai's comment 'Farang think too much' - these are the examples they mean !
  22. Pretty much, 100% of the shops that I order online from.... As do all of the shops from which I make a purchase which involves registering for a warranty. It is of course your choice, and I'm not questioning that freedom of choice not to provide your detail. I am questioning the logic process to make your life a little bit more difficult because you refuse to give an e-mail that 100's of stores and businesses already have. I wonder if all the 'other reviewers' that don't agree with this policy are also of the 'boomer persuasion' and get upset and the insignificant things. By giving your e-mail address you were never going to lose anything or encounter inconvenience. By not giving your e-mail address you've added an element of inconvenience to your life as you now have to shop elsewhere, are less likely to find the same quality or the same price point. So..... You'll end up getting the same item from Lazada, who, you've guessed it - have your e-mail address !!!
  23. Yup... but giving them your e-mail address is hardly a difficult thing to do - also Decathlon have online orders... So, we don't even need to go there !!... (if someone is not going to be stubborn and withhold their e-mail address) - I just find that all a little bit neurotic. Decathlon don't send spam & junk mail etc - which is why some may object, otherwise, its just stubbornness for no reason.
  24. Cut off your own nose to spite your face much ?......... Whats so hard about giving them your e-mail ??? Every time you purchase something online (Lazada / Amazon etc or any other online shops) they all have your e-mail... some people act as if their e-mail is a state secret !!!
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