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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. I think its a solid reason for private schools not to charge 20% VAT... Most of the private schools in Europe don't charge VAT... Give parents and children the best advantages..... this isn't the way to do it.
  2. Some yes... some no... Some are impossible to get into, with Exams and interviews etc...
  3. So pathetic... 'made you tough'.... Boomers always come out with that rubbish... Certainly made you delusional.
  4. Aligning yourself with Malcy eh... No imagination.... Private Schools don't make people soft... thats just a daft comment and usually one thats motivated for other reasons...
  5. Malcy going for Grade A1 dumb comment of the day again - thats quite a trophy cabinet you are filling... Approximately 70% of Englands Rugby Team come from Private Schools - Bunch of softies eh ?... .... meanwhile while there's you... Hardman keyboard warrior stating you'd have beaten the Brit in Phuket far harder than that bouncer did.... ... Typical of Tough-man boomer stuck behind keyboard completely out of touch with this generation and any other...
  6. You are right, the devil is most definitely in the details... They're schools... not businesses.... and any loss of a school has wider implications - taking a 'simple business approach' to such establishments highlights naivety and a complete lack of understanding of the issue created by this Labor Government.
  7. Its more complex that this simplified approach... the relationships between state schools and private schools is far more intertwined... The detrimental impact of the 'compulsory school system' is as it becomes overloaded.... ... a 'shut down school' does not bring in the extra 20% VAT, so the students have to go somewhere..... and that is at extra cost to the government. This is more myopic elitist rubbish from the Labor Government.... while on the surface it seems unfair that some children have greater advantage at Private Schools; which is why this policy was able to gain traction in the first place, Private Schooling eases the burden on State / Comprehensive schools and resoruces. People can afford it ?? sure, the very wealthy can... But there are borer-line 'payers' who've sacrificed other things so that they can afford the private school and the 20% is the tipping point. So, what happens... The Private schools open up more spaces to overseas students which is great for the government, bringing in overseas money.... Or, they can't get the students and they have to close... The winner ???? the mediocrity and 'great leveller' - students who would otherwise excel in Private schools and held back, students who would do better in State Schools suffer a lack of resources... There is the Grammar Option of course - and competition for that is now perhaps the top 5 or 10% of British Students.... so impossible for many to get into... This government seems to be doing its utmost to drive the UK backwards.
  8. Not really.... I don't think thats 'real' - not in my experience anyway... Rules that appear unnecessary get up peoples noses... So... for those of us who might 'pop away for a weekend' and relax... only to find out when we get there that we can't have a bottle of wine with dinner get irritated by what seems 'petty and unnecessary rules'... (yes, I know that shows some religeos insensitivity - but thats the way it is). So... we have to look ahead, then search if 'going away on xxx weekend' involves dry days... Otherwise we have to act like children and 'smuggle our own G&T or Wine into a restaurant etc'... Can't go a day without a beer you say ????... I haven't had a beer since Sunday, just because I didn't feel like one thats all... But when I do 'feel like a beer' I don't want silly rules to generate a minor element of frustration. In truth the 'non-beer days' don't bother me too much, its easy enough not to have a beer or plan around it... But for those travelling from overseas I can see why this would be more of an annoyance and authorities are quite right to try and deal with this in the interests of tourism. Even sillier than that is the 2-5 ban on selling booze..... It catches me out so often... I nip into a supermakert (Tops / BigC, Villa etc) to pick up some items.... I might have friends popping around that evening etc and need a little stock up... etc... But no, I can't by the beer, I can't buy the Gin etc... so I have to get what I want, then head back out later after 5pm when its peak-traffic.... Its just an irritant... ... Plan the day before !!!... Sure - but it doesn't always work out like that.
  9. Exactly, because he wanted to fight! Agreed - the Brit was an utter idiot and 'created the escalation' when he could have walked in the opposite direction. BUT... Those suggesting the Security Guard was defending himself are also wrong - the security guard was not only happy for the situation to escalate, it appears he actively encouraged it and lured the Brit into the ally before sucker punching him.
  10. He 'wasn't solitary' he was with three other bouncers - and I'm sure there were more out of shot. If you look at the video taken from the alley, after the Brit has been grounded, there are 7 security guards (by my count). If you watch the whole video, it tells a more complete story. 1) 3x Brits try and get access to a club - they are too drunk and security refuses them. 2) Brits should have just moved on - 1 of them is an idiot and doesn't want to move on. 3) Idiot Brit starts an argument with one of the security guards. 4) Both security guard and Brit become agitated. 5) Security guard swings at Brit but appears to miss (2:33 mark on the vid) 6) Brit tries to retaliate and is held back by one of the other Brits (in the light blue shirt). 7) While the Brit being held back (arms held) the Security guard sucker punches the Brit (2:50 mark). 8) Brit in light blue shirt continues to try to restrain his idiot mate. 9) It takes a short while for things to de-escalate before the Brits appear to make the decision to move along (3:33 mark in the vid). From here on in - this is where I think most people have it wrong because they only saw the 'latter part of the video' not the full clip. 10) The security guard takes off his uniform (3:24) 11) The security guard follows the Brits into the road (3:32) 11) The security guard walks into the alley, says something to the Brit (3:52) 12) The security guard waves to the Brit numerous times to follow him into the alley (3:54) 13) The Brit is stupid enough to follow him 14) The Brit walks after / up to the Security guard in a very aggressive manner 15) The Security Guard Sucker Punches him to the head and drops the Brit. \ From the 3:24 mark in the Video - the Security Guard appears to plan his attack by encouraging to get the Brits off the street into an alley so he can attack them - the Brit guy stupidly obliges. The Security was not not walking away to take a break and have some noodles - he planned to assault the Brit who was stupid enough to follow him. Once the Altercation had moved to the alley, the security guard was not defending himself, he was instigating further altercation and escalating to extreme violence - which is where consequences could have been far serious (potentially deadly as we have seen before). Agreed - the Brit is an unhinged idiot and should never have behaving like this. If he can't handle his drink, he should not be drinking. The Security guard was a thug looking for a violent outcome instead of trying to escalate. Also note: Contrary to reports - no security guard was kicked at... No security guard was kicked in the testicles (as claimed by the security guard). Watch the full video and see what you think once the 'anti-brit' bias on this forum is removed. IMO - the Brit guy was clearly a drunk idiot looking for a fight. IMO - the Security was also a thug and once triggered was also looking for a fight. Full video here:
  11. I completely agree here - The Brit was extremely stupid to follow the Security Guard into the alley.... The security guard was clearly planning a 'sucker punch' to deal with the Brit and the Brit walked face first into it and never knew what hit him. Perhaps... People who get this angry while drunk should not be drinking... But then again, people working as security guards should not get prepared to resort to assault so readily.
  12. Up to the victim to press charges, and I believe he declined, everybody waied, apologized and went home. As 'assault' is a criminal charge - its not up to the victim to make the decision. But ultimately, yes... apologies all round... Hopefully the foolish Brit learns his lesson, hopefully the security guard learn a better way to de-escalate a situation.
  13. There are laws in the UK which specifically recognise provocation. Yes... and the penalty is 'Aggravated Assault'... Its still an assault charge.
  14. You're not in Kansas now Dorothy And you're not in a 1939 MGM film.... this was assault and after watching the whole videos, it looks planned.... Exactly - after the initial confrontation in which the 3 Brits were not permitted entry to a club, one idiot Brit getting agitated and aggressive, arms being held back by his made, he was sucker punched in the face.... ... then things seemed to calm down and the Brits started walking away The security guard then takes off his uniform, follows the Brits, walks into an alley across the road and invites the Brit into the alley (waving with his hand)... The Brit was dumb enough to follow where he walked 'face first' into head-punch which was clearly pre-determined.
  15. No it doesn't... it just says there are 60 idiots... A sea of simpletons mindlessly clicking ‘like’ does not bestow wisdom upon ignorance, nor does the applause of fools make a falsehood true.
  16. I don't recall the story (another thread I'm assuming). But what if you come up against some one like Malcom who'll never back down and is so hard, the boogyman checks the closet for him and is the reason Waldo hides??... .... I imagine mace wouldn't work on him... he probably snorts that for breakfast.... but it would just make him angry, then what ? Would using mace or standing up to a delusional lunatic work ???... is it not easier to say... nah, and just walk away ???? .... the only issue of course is if someone assaults family (wife, children etc)... then I think anyone becomes capable of some very extreme responses and forgets the consequences....
  17. When have you ever been attacked in 'adult-hood' ??? I've been here over two decades and I've not been in a situation I'd call violent or getting attacked.... though a fool did try to once but he was too drunk and it was too pathetic to consider calling it an attack.... Maybe its a Pattaya / Patong thing... But certainly going out in Bangkok regularly, I never get to witness any issues..... and certainly am not involved in any - certainly not to the point of carrying mace... .... And if I did feel that need, then I'd probably re-consider where I'm going out, or the kind of character I am to draw that attention.
  18. The whole conversation is ridiculous... 'getting too old for this kind of thing'..... Was this kind of thing ever worth bothering 'getting into' anyway ??..... We used to smash the shyte out of each other on the rugby field.... but a street fight, no thanks... idiots carry knives, use bottles etc... Bouncers should be trained not to escalate to protect themselves as much as anyone else.... I agree, they should have plasticufs... I'm not sure about tasers... look at this bouncers reaction - hitting the guy while he's already restrained.... and then following him and enticing him to fight more.... He'd just use the taser as an additional weapon. They should have de-escalated, and if that was not possible, restrained the guy. Until the police came - then he spends the night in the lock up and is charged with drunken and disorderly behavior..... thats how 'security' should be doing their jobs. There is nothing in any of the video's that shows the bouncer getting kicked in the 'nuts'... This is exactly the same as people making stuff up after a car accident etc... people lie... You said it yourself how Thai's will tell bare faces lies in an accident... I think most people will.... and in this case, the the kick to nuts seems like a bare faced lie to try and justify the bouncers aggressive over-reaction...
  19. Of course you would.... because you are delusional loon... ... You'd have put your back out and given yourself a hernia !!!!
  20. Learn to read ye dimster... I couldn't have written it any more clearly for you..... I've not taken the 'side of the farang' at all... Unlike you I'm capable of more than 'binary thinking'... Meanwhile its impossible for you to see that both parties can be in the wrong because you're so completely delusional whenever it comes to such issues....
  21. Agreed... You're hilarious.... Internet hardman... You'd have punched him right in the soul, eh ?? So tough... you don't even need to shower eh Malcy... you take blood baths !!! So hard, you can fight yourself.... and win of course !!!
  22. I won't be a victim, there is no way I am letting someone come at me like that, I would have done exactly what that bouncer did. I wholeheartedly believe in ending things as fast as possible, no reason one hair on my head needs to be out of place because of someone else is attacking me, better they go down than me. I kind of agree.... But there's no need to allow the sitation to get to that stage.... there were enough bouncers to subdue the Brit.... and they successfully did that. The two other guys with the Brit also successfully held the idiot Brit back..... but still, the aggressive bouncers punched the idiot Brit in the face while one of the other brits was holding him back (and holding both of his arms)... Instead of de-escalation, the bouncer did the exact opposite. The bouncer was lucky the Brit didn't smash his head on the ground and suffer more severe injuries or die (that has happened enough times here). This is 'why' more training is needed... Agreed. The bouncer was also the aggressor - he punched the Brit twice. Once with his uniform on.... Then he took off his uniform on and escalated further, encouraging the Brit (who'd already received one punch in the face) to come on to him, so he could punch him again. He planned his attack very well.... but it was assault.
  23. The Brits two mates were already trying to de-escalate.... You can see them holding back the idiot Brit who was being aggressive. Your use of language is also hilarious.... 'the Thai security professional' You're ridiculous Malcom... the delusional level of your bias is astonishing...... ....there was nothing professional about the security guards behavior... he did nothing to subdue the aggression...
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