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Posts posted by Thakkar

  1. This is true of employers everywhere, but especially countries like Thailand that have spent more than the requisite number of years in the "developing" category.

    Employers as a group, and especially as a lobby group conveniently have things backwards, because it suits their purpose to do so. They claim they can't increase wages because workers aren't skilled. They want the government to spend the money to get workers up to scratch while simultaneously demanding low taxes and also tax benefits to hire more workers. Where's the government supposed to find the money to fund the education employers demand? Not their problem. If government can't train workers fast enough, open the borders so we can bring in the workers we need, at the price we want to pay.

    Other countries have shown that by mandating higher wages, they've created the incentives the average Joe needs to invest the time and money needed to improve his skills.

    With virtually full employment, wages shouldn't be as low as they are.


  2. As long as you avoid top tier US cities, I guess, that cost wise, the differences are negligible between Thailand and the U.S.

    The U.S. wins out on such things as quality and variety in food ingredients, cheaper and better wine and dairy products and restaurant fare. And there are other things like parks, libraries (don't talk to me about The Kindle!), museums, some great local fairs, etc.

    Having said that, I think the attractions of living in Thailand are more subtle, less tangible, less quantifiable. It depends on your temperament, and, living here also does something to your temperament. I kind of, but barely feel it when I'm swimming in it, but sorely miss it when I'm not.

    That's my unhelpful contribution to this topic.


  3. I have no real problem with what two men or two women get up to in private ,as long as i do not have to watch or join in (i may make an exeption for the ladies) but there is a reason homosexuality was illegal ,but now homosexuals can marry adopt kids ect ect ,so if now in this enlightened age that is ok and normal ,how long before it becomes "normal and acceptable say to have sex with children ,or animals" is that to just a motter of time ? and to you gay people out there i was born in a time when it was considered a bit "suspect" to even wear suede shoes ,but as i say i have no problem with your choices ,but i do not believe gay people should "marry" or have children ,sorry .

    Which bit of 'consenting adults' don't you understand?
    Read it,I said I have no problem with what adults do in private,but I do not agree with marrying or adopting kids and do not forget in the 1800s gay sex was banned but child brothels were legal
    I did read.

    You are conflating pedophiles who rape minors with consenting adults.

    typical water muddying. Seems you can't help yourself.

    "Water muddying"

    That ain't mud, my friend. Those who can't swim in the lake of logic and love, crap in it.


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  4. I have no real problem with what two men or two women get up to in private ,as long as i do not have to watch or join in (i may make an exeption for the ladies) but there is a reason homosexuality was illegal ,but now homosexuals can marry adopt kids ect ect ,so if now in this enlightened age that is ok and normal ,how long before it becomes "normal and acceptable say to have sex with children ,or animals" is that to just a motter of time ? and to you gay people out there i was born in a time when it was considered a bit "suspect" to even wear suede shoes ,but as i say i have no problem with your choices ,but i do not believe gay people should "marry" or have children ,sorry .

    Mark my words, it won't stop with children and animals. No doubt some enterprising deviants will find ways to legally have sexytimes with cabbages in supermarkets. Then our very food supply will be threatened.


    I'm sure they also insist on it only being halal cabbage too. And it will be all the democrat femonazi Islamic liberal wetbacks fault. And Obamas. And clintons. And society as we know it will fall to bits....

    Oh the horror.

    Grrrr...you had to mention that uppity Obummer. The usurper is handing out equal rights like they were God-given endowments. WHERE in The Constitution does it say THAT, huh?


  5. I have no real problem with what two men or two women get up to in private ,as long as i do not have to watch or join in (i may make an exeption for the ladies) but there is a reason homosexuality was illegal ,but now homosexuals can marry adopt kids ect ect ,so if now in this enlightened age that is ok and normal ,how long before it becomes "normal and acceptable say to have sex with children ,or animals" is that to just a motter of time ? and to you gay people out there i was born in a time when it was considered a bit "suspect" to even wear suede shoes ,but as i say i have no problem with your choices ,but i do not believe gay people should "marry" or have children ,sorry .

    Mark my words, it won't stop with children and animals. No doubt some enterprising deviants will find ways to legally have sexytimes with cabbages in supermarkets. Then our very food supply will be threatened.


    I think that's already covered under Public Indecency.


    "Public indecency"

    They'll legalize THAT too -- wake up, sheeple! Don't you see? Don't you see that giving loving same sex couples equal rights is a slippery slope? Nay! It's a slipperier slope--it all began with giving plebs the vote, then women and blacks.

    It's an inexorable road to ruin; next, we'll be having to eat sexually violated spunky cabbages! I hope you're happy, you liberal do-gooders.


  6. I have no real problem with what two men or two women get up to in private ,as long as i do not have to watch or join in (i may make an exeption for the ladies) but there is a reason homosexuality was illegal ,but now homosexuals can marry adopt kids ect ect ,so if now in this enlightened age that is ok and normal ,how long before it becomes "normal and acceptable say to have sex with children ,or animals" is that to just a motter of time ? and to you gay people out there i was born in a time when it was considered a bit "suspect" to even wear suede shoes ,but as i say i have no problem with your choices ,but i do not believe gay people should "marry" or have children ,sorry .

    Mark my words, it won't stop with children and animals. No doubt some enterprising deviants will find ways to legally have sexytimes with cabbages in supermarkets. Then our very food supply will be threatened.


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  7. Alabama will now be fabulous! But, according to the fundamentalist Christianistas, they better brace for some hurricanes and plague.


    When men make mistake they call it "evil", when god makes mistakes they call it "nature"cheesy.gif

    God NEVER makes mistakes. This is why they cannot accept homosexuality as naturally occurring. The more cynical have used this bias to open them de-homosexing clinics to fleece idiot families and traumatized youngsters.


  8. The problem with biases and prejudices is that they prevent us from thinking rationally and allow us to escape into our built-by-evolution comfort zone of tribalism and vilifying The Other. It requires constant cognitive vigilance to keep these comforting--but in today's world, unhelpful--instincts at bay. And, for some, that's just too much hard work.

    The loud Chinese tourists of today are no louder than the loud American tourists of yore. It's just that there are more of them. A certain percentage of any country's people are bound to be bumpkins of one sort or another. X% of 1.3 billion is just a lot more than X% of 300 million. And with social media, 24-hour news and camera phones--none of which existed when Americans first ventured out, the already larger number of Chinese faux pas due to the larger population are amplified further.

    I believe it's really that simple. But where's the fun in wailing about dry stats and reason?


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