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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. I will give it a go . Although actually i was being sarcastic and didn't want a recommendation of a rom-com but was having a sarcastic dig at TV shows and why they insist on having multiple gay/lesbian couples in every TV show now. It's nonsense. For example only 6% of the UK population are members of the LGBTQ community. So, although i know TV isn't real they have to at least represent some sort of realism to it. In the film and TV world according to them it's the other way round and only 6% of people are straight.
  2. Anyone know of any recent TV shows that have just straight couple relationships? Haven't seen any for years😃
  3. Yes, It's awful. It's bad enough having concrete eyesores ruining the views and it's even worse they're just empty or half built eyesores.
  4. It's stuffed full of concrete eyesores but no-one in them.
  5. Many other factors as well in road safety on these buses. For example a lot of the seatbelts on them don't even work and they never repair them because Thais don't do wear them.
  6. Why is there always someone on here who has to argue the fact. Everybody knows Thais don't do walking. Some of the people on here could start an argument in a phonebox
  7. When do Thais walk?🙄 The only time they walk is to their motorbike or car
  8. If you talk to any Thai they all think they're brilliant drivers and everyone else is a terrible driver that's the worrying thing. I know most drivers will think that to a degree but not to the level of arrogance they do. and also the stats prove their a nation of terrible drivers. If they ever wake up to that fact, Then maybe road safety will approve until that day, The horrendous death toll on Thai roads will carry on.
  9. The Thai mentality towards road safety/accidents is it's just something that may happen it's up to buddha. They don't understand the concept that some accidents are preventable. it's their mindset on accidents. Will be very hard to change that way of thinking.
  10. Now i know you're taking the p***. . I like it. I love sarcasm.
  11. I see what you've done here..... Trying to provoke a reaction by posting something you truly don't believe or you're just being very sarcastic. Bravo
  12. Also I didn't called Thais lazy. I said they lacked exercise but I DID insinuate you was lazy😉
  13. Yes i read it and I've never seen this happen. So, you can just say that and have no proof whatsoever, just to back up your claim. I can guarantee most people who have lived in Thailand will agree with me and say MOST (NOT ALL OF THEM!!)Thais don't walk and in actual fact I've spoken to many Thais about this and they admit they don't like walking and have never mentioned it's because of the weather. They just don't want to walk anywhere. You sound like a Piers Morgan type who just wants to argue for the sake of arguing. You could start an argument in a phone box. If someone said the sky was blue you'd probably argue with them.
  14. Not the old it's too hot chestnut. Whenever a foreigner defends Thais lack of exercise it means the foreigner is also lacking in the exercise and walking department and are trying to justify their own laziness.
  15. It's also hard for Thai dog owners to exercise their dogs because that would mean the Thai owner to do some actual exercise and actually walk a bit. Under no circumstances will the majority of Thais do anything that involves walking.
  16. Lot of "how to hide drugs" experts on here. Are most of these posters ex drug mules?
  17. Just a heads up he's not real.
  18. Or is it that everything can get recorded on mobile phones now? It was probably the same in the past but back then you couldn't just take a phone out of your pocket and video it.
  19. Fair enough. But that was my point if it's such an overcrowded destination then it would be rammed whatever the season. which it isn't because as most of us know it's rainy season and it's quiet here. but loads of destinations don't have a rainy season so surely they're much more overcrowded over a year. I think stats can fit any narrative if needed. for example take the stat they used and use it a ridiculous way....... 118 tourists to each resident. if there is only one resident that means there is only 118 tourists so not exactly overcrowded. I'm using the extreme obviously but it's just to show the stat they're using means nothing.
  20. There has been plenty of days when it's been sunny in the last two months. Maybe you didn't look out the window on them days.
  21. "The foreign driver initially came over to check on her but did not offer any help and later fled the scene". Seems a bit like... He asked her if she was alright and she said yes so he went off. Once she had got over the shock of the accident. she then realized she should have got some cash out of the foreigner.
  22. Best laugh i have had this year. Now, we could all say that everyone thinks they're the best drivers and maybe the Thai is right and it's the foreigners who can't drive. Until you look at the stats and Thailand roads have one of the highest deaths in the world and the facts don't lie.
  23. Totally agree. I was down a beach 2 weeks ago and there was about 6 people on it. Admittedly it was one of the lesser known beaches in Phuket but I still doubt it's the most crowded destination in the world.
  24. The stray dog problem here makes Thailand look like a third world.
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