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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. Cheers
  2. IF it is true he deserved to lose it and he probably could afford to lose it, If he could be that absent minded about 500k,
  3. Yes it seems ever since COVID they never got back to the timetables pre that. they got even lazier than they were previous to COVID which I didn't think was possible😉
  4. How do you travel then? As any mode of transport is a risk here because the roads are so dangerous. So, if you drive yourself that is not really much safer. no matter how good a driver you may be. Unless you fly everywhere but that's not always an option if you're not going so far.
  5. Any recommendations for a decent bar in Phuket to watch the final of the euros in?
  6. All very good but you need to find drivers who can actually be arsed to stick to a timetable and not just turn up when they feel like it.
  7. During her stay, she engaged in voluntary work... . "I missed my £370 flight and had to apply for emergency documents. I don’t have any money left.” Maybe she should have engaged in paid work then.
  8. During her stay, she engaged in voluntary work... . "I missed my £370 flight and had to apply for emergency documents. I don’t have any money left.” Maybe she should have engaged in paid work then.
  9. It will be as illegal as prostitution is.
  10. A lot of people seem to be blaming the victim. yeah! cuz Thais never drive at high speeds. Also if the driver is so innocent why did he drive off?
  11. Exactly. They need to build some more pavements in Thailand and make sure they stay as pavements. Because even the ones they do have, Cars and motorbikes park on them and you end up having to walk in the road anyway. I think there is a lack of pavements in Thailand because Thais don't do walking and probably can't believe anyone else does.
  12. You seem to be implying that the foreigner didn't look. If that's the case why did the motorbike driver drive off?
  13. Why didn't she just resort to hitting him like most Thai teachers do.
  14. Don't think they are but anyway the thing is in Thailand it isn't just the under 40s but the majority of Thais.
  15. What is the actual point of the photo? It serves no purpose. Thais are absolutely obsessed with photos. It's like the camera has only just been discovered here and it's still a novelty.
  16. This was the most important issue of the day.
  17. They could save a lot of money on electricity bills if they told Thai teachers to stop having lights on in the daylight ffs. I can never get my head round that, they have all the lights on in the classrooms and offices and the sun is blazing away. You only need lights on at night. weirdos
  18. The students love online teaching cuz they just don't turn up.
  19. The skint bar girl who has 15k in her purse. Me the rich falang who will max have 5k on me.🤔
  20. Nutjob? Or just facts. So, anyone who gives you stats and facts is a nutjob. I think we know who is the nutjob here
  21. The dangers of the roads in Thailand is ridiculously accepted by the Thai public but a bit of puff and some people are up in arms. Strange priorities Thai people have
  22. And the rain will come like it always does in rainy season but you don't have to be so happy about it and most of the people on here sound like they want rain all the time. Also if you want it cooler.... MOVE!!
  23. What's up with everybody on here wanting rain. You love rain so much go live somewhere else.
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