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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. @BigStar I don't know of many car parks in Bangkok,? plus doing that didn't add to the traffic more road users added to it, not the stopping of cars and bikes parking anywhere they want. <deleted>
  2. Here's an idea... why don't they stop cars parking in any areas that aren't residential in Thailand and stop <deleted>**ing cars and bikes parking on pavements. and build some car parks and get the thais to learn that their legs can do a motion called walking <deleted> I never known a nation so against walking anywhere. Rant over
  3. @BigStar The one thing british people can't be accused of is being arrogant. don't know what british people you know or have come across but i can assure it isn't the norm.
  4. But that's the visa they're cracking down on. my friend just got his ed visa refused because immigration is stopping people staying here on that. so again ill say how are the russians getting away with it and everyone else isn't
  5. How are they getting 90 days then? As far as i know an extension is 45 days these days
  6. @OneMoreFarang Well maybe 10k isn't a lot of money to you but it is to me, especially for just no helmet but to be fair i doubt very much they would want 10k for no helmet anyway.
  7. plenty of Thais don't work 7 days a week. and exercise you can do by walking to work but god forbid the Thais walk anywhere. they get on their motorbikes to go a 100 yards to the 7-11. I don't think Thais even know that their legs can make the motion of moving.
  8. @OneMoreFarang It depends what you've done. don't think id be too eager to pay 10k just for not having my passport on me or no helmet.
  9. Well let the bed wetting wussies stay at home where they're safe.
  10. They can have their hair any way they like just as long as they got their masks on.
  11. That must be an old photo of a school because now there isn't a school in Thailand that doesn't have masks as part of the uniform. insanity!
  12. Be a lot of motorbike shops going out of business if they keep that up.
  13. the baht is manipulated no doubt about it. it hasn't weaken in coups, lockdowns, etc, etc, but the majority of currencies have. doesn't add up to me
  14. @richard_smith237 Can you honestly tell me you wore a mask pre-covid if you had a cold???
  15. @proton blood splatter. nothing to do with viruses. because pre-covid your local GP's weren't wearing them. which just goes to show they do nothing against viruses.
  16. @BananaStrong Well the good looks would be a waste now, as masks seem to be part of the school uniform for students and teachers.
  17. Although I agree with a lot of what you say, what's the solution? Also you say the pay is terrible and then say the teachers turn up late, etc, etc. well no wonder if the pay is bad.
  18. It's insulting buffalos cuz they're hardworking at least
  19. @JoseThailand That's debatable. It's too close to call
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