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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. @dinsdale and they could have done that with flu, so thailand and the rest of the world didnt mind passing that to the elderly. it's like there was never any viruses before covid. strange.
  2. bound to still have to wear mask outside tho. endemic thai style
  3. @Destiny1990 they'll never have a level for that. here to stay for a long while yet.
  4. @jacko45k you have to wear them outside so what your saying is stay in my room! such a petty thing to whine about... what my civil liberties!! pro-maskers make me laugh, as i said in previous post, you wasn't wearing them pre-covid so i can drive a bus through your argument. as there has always been plenty of viruses about which can kill the frail and elderly, but now you put on the holier than thou act saying you're doing it for the community.
  5. all these pro-maskers. i always ask the same question "was you wearing them before covid?" and obviously the answer is no. so the pro-maskers didnt mind giving people flu and other viruses especially to elderly people who could then go on and die from it before covid. but are now putting on the holier than thou act about caring about the community. the only one who could have preached to me about masks is michael jackson! you can drive a bus through any pro-maskers argument because they wasn't wearing them pre-covid. end of argument
  6. funny how his boss the PM wasn't wearing one when he met biden yesterday.????
  7. an endemic.... will still be forced to wear masks, will still have temp checks, will still have the pointless screens up in 7-11, a lot of schools will still make students have a jab, apart from that it will be back to normal life????
  8. @hotchilli That's the problem here in thailand it isnt a free world, we are forced to wear masks, as you say you're not bothered if people wear masks or not but you will keep wearing yours, and that's your choice but people who dont want to wear them don't get a choice.
  9. till a student tests positive which is inevitable and then most schools will have their usual knee jerk reaction even tho they've been told not to.
  10. @ozimoron you're man of total contradictions....we are finally winning the war against against covid. It is always possible that we could see another, more infectious version. which one is it? we are winning the war or we could see another version?? you can't control a virus, no-one is god. we can try and minimize its impact within reason and that doesnt mean wearing masks for the rest of our lives or any knee jerk reaction to spikes in cases. i don't think you understood my point.....its here to stay as in, so is the flu. im not saying it will be rampant all the time but it will be seasonal like the flu no doubt. obviously there's gonna be a decline in cases but its also never going away completely. we have to move on. its been 2 and half years for god's sake so we have to learn to live with it
  11. oh jesus! a member of the covid cult. "we're far from done yet".... then all the bed wetting wussies shouldnt be coming out from behind the sofa yet then. course were not done its here to stay, so we gotta get on with our lives.
  12. it entered rainy season about 2 weeks ago it seems.
  13. the paranoid thais would get one every week if they could. covid lunatics
  14. didn't they say this the start of last term and at half term in november that the schools will be reopening. a lot of thai directors can't wait to shut the schools down, and that's if they even open them! and its nothing to do with worrying about the students getting covid. its cuz they're worried they might get it. they sacrifice the kids education because of their own fears. very selfish.
  15. @jacko45k what the hell are you talking about!! they are required outside and in supermarkets. do you know the actual mask mandate. or are you not even here in thailand???
  16. @jacko45k if people feel better wearing masks I say let them....... That's the problem tho, its not your own choice at the moment, for those who don't want to wear them, they should be allowed to not wear them.
  17. the absolute front of people walking home. cant believe they say its a problem for people to walk, cuz most thais dont walk they think no-one should and want only vehicles to use it. it beggars belief
  18. @superal the staff are usually driving their motorbikes a few 100 yards cuz thais wont walk anywhere, thats why there's a lack of car parks cuz the thais wont use them because they always want to park right outside their place of work, god forbid they have to walk a few hundred yards. soi excite before it got built on recently, was a massive car park and there was barley any cars or bikes ever in there. its not exactly a long walk from soi excite to buakhow
  19. another major problem they havent mentioned is the lazy ba****** who park their cars outside 7-11's, bars,etc, etc cuz they're too lazy too park up in a car park or somewhere out the way and walk.
  20. ok just the ridiculous closing hours for "bars" and masks to be dropped and you can join the real world again Thailand
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