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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. @jacko45k Can't think of a person worse person to know than you
  2. cost of living. cost of lockdowns is the real reason obviously and anyway who says otherwise is deluded. you cant shut the world down for 2 years and not expect it to have any effect on the world economy.
  3. @jacko45k OH GOD! you would wouldn't you, but probably don't wear a helmet and drive it drunk
  4. @jacko45k you remind me of Piers Morgan... you always want to take the opposing view to start an argument.
  5. @jacko45k Likewise
  6. It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Covid proved this.
  7. @jacko45k I would never know someone like you and don't want to know you, as on here you come across as the sort of person i would either cross the road to avoid or end up clumping
  8. @JayBird i don't think you heard the reasons you quoted often. most people reasons are as i said its their choice what they put in their bodies and they choose not to which is their right, and you say our bodies are full of junk already, whatever is in anyone's body junk or not has still been put there by choice.
  9. @JayBird no-one is scared of a needle but the people who dont want a vaccine or a booster have a right to decide what they put in their body.
  10. @jacko45kpeople like you would carry on all this nonsense forever, cuz it suits you. don't give me the ridiculous argument of I'm doing this for the community,. the way you always want confrontation on here there's no way your a 'we're in this together' person. you're exactly what you accuse other people of... SELFISH!
  11. @BangkokReady It's always been as mild as a cold for that age group.
  12. How long are they going to make students wear masks for? forever! there is only 2k cases a day, surely the students can ditch the poxy things now. masks are anti social
  13. Do the hotels have to implement it tho or is it up to each hotel? If they don't have to then maybe the hoteliers are making the right noises knowing full well they are gonna to implement it but making out its the governments fault.
  14. @bkk6060 easy to post something like that when we don't know your overall health condition and if you smoke, your age etc etc. and its not my business to know. but its irrelevant to post something like this unless we do know.
  15. @Henryford In Thailand probably yea. the students and lazy teachers love it.
  16. @sandyf "Hospitals are filling up again" utter nonsense. resort to lying because you are losing the argument, you'd make a good politician!
  17. @transam unfortunately we are all at risk from complete tools throughout life. I'd be more worried about the drunk drivers around the world (especially thailand) than someone not wearing a mask. much more of a risk to your life than someone sneezing over you. Although definitely not very nice and totally disgusting
  18. @transam so its the Thai/Chinese, Chinese who should be wearing the masks (weird as i thought they all did) as i don't know any foreigners who would do that as they have manners. funny that! cuz all i see is people on here saying Thais and south east asians wear masks out of respect????
  19. @jacko45k I don't know anyone who would cough or sneeze over someone with or without a mask, even if someone didn't have a mask on they would cover their mouth or nose. what sort of people are you with? and what sort of places are you hanging about in?
  20. @sandyf the UK has over 300k cases a day not the paltry 2k that Thailand has.
  21. All you pro maskers who want me to wear a mask.... why don't you pretend I've got one on and I'll pretend yours works!
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