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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. Oh yeah! DOH! But then again it was quite plausible when it comes to Thais and mask wearing
  2. It could be a throwaway comment and will come to nothing but would be interesting to see how this pans out because before when tourists had to wear masks here, everywhere else was(although Thailand did carry it on a lot longer than most countries) as well, so wasn't such a big deal. but now that, in general every country has ditched them. They might find tourists won't be so keen to wear them. Especially as a lot more people are probably skeptical they even do anything than when covid first broke out and people believed the masks did do something.
  3. In other words..... they're under scrutiny atm so have had to put that on a back burner. the little brown envelopes are on hold atm.
  4. And what have these restrictions/laws/rules ever done for actually deterring Thai people from drinking. As far as i know Thais drink just as much as most other countries. It's feels like that isn't the government's aim and its just about power and control🤔😉
  5. I think you're getting it mixed up with a different story. this has definitely only just happened.
  6. In 60 years time there will be hardly any jobs, Everything will be done by AI. Should be more worried how there will be even enough work for 14 million.
  7. I wonder how long greedy companies will use covid every time they just wanna rip off the public. 10 years time they'll still be using covid as the reason they're greedy ba**ards
  8. Like most of us on here. So, are we all going to get an article in Asean now? How the hell is this a story? might as well report tomorrow that someone went for a pi** in a toilet.
  9. Pinos Probably undercutting like they do with all other jobs😉
  10. Having money makes so many people arrogant (however he got it🤔) Well he will get his comeuppance this time.
  11. There's no big mystery It's not anything to do with a lack of staff. It's lack of staff wanting to do anything. a common problem in Thailand.
  12. Indians spend a lot. That's a new one on me. As far as i know the majority of them are tight gits.
  13. JESUS WEPT! You've gone totally off the point. i commented on your post saying you liked Thai music and i comment i didn't. end of chat. I know the Thais wouldn't care if i liked it or not. I was commenting on you talking about it.
  14. That's the way they do it in Thailand. Haven't you noticed?
  15. Not if you don't like it, It Isn't.
  16. Each to their own but i think Thai music is abysmal. I love many things about the Thai culture/life... food, weather, etc, etc If you asked me what i don't like about the Thai culture, their music would be top of the list.
  17. You gotta be joking! they're a lot of great things about Thailand but Thai music is definitely not one of them. It's awful.
  18. And a major lack of exercise to boot.
  19. That's what always makes me laugh that lots of people say the Thai diet is good. is it f***!
  20. And you just emphasize my point.
  21. There is some real heartless people on here.
  22. Sorry my bad. Thai drivers are brilliant drivers and Thailand having the one of the highest deaths on the roads in the world is just pure bad luck.
  23. I was on a bus/coach from Surin to Maha Sarakham sunday and the seats were full and they just had people standing in the aisle for a 4 hour journey. At least 20 people standing in the aisle of the coach. incredible. And not the first time I've seen that. It beggars belief.
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