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Posts posted by pepsi666

  1. Now this is a bit disappointing, no recommendations from anyone (apart from the ones above)

    When I needed advice when I went to Pattaya, there were lots of replies and recommendations for peoples favorite hotel, pubs, dives :o

    Is it you all want too keep it a secret ?

    Or aren't there any other places, hotels, pubs, accommodation you could/can recommend ?

    Seems like not a lot of pub-hotel-dive-school managers are contributing to TV Samui!

    You like seafood? Go to Ban Makham or Bang Po: Many affordable sea food rest. on the beach

    You like fun on the beach: Go to Ark Bar on Chaweng

    You like to be quiet: Go to Tongkrut

    What do you like?

    I'll try anything, I want a holiday where I can meet the locals, meet expats, even other tourists, just generally trying to forget work for 2-3 weeks

    I'll be with the missus, and she pretty much has a go at most things, trekking, safari, whatever, really, even just sitting on a beach, 'chillin'

  2. I was hoping for replies from REAL people, not a website

    Most people have a favourite haunt, hotel , pub they would like to share with others, these are usually a lot more upto date than a website :D

    I agree with you; you deserved much more.

    Thanks, considering I generally spend about 2K booking my holiday, air fares and hotel, and spending money (which ends up more) :D , thought it might help out the samui economy (I know my little bit isnt much,) but there must be other tourists who browse in here for ideas and recommendations and it all adds up

    Maybe Samui isnt the friendly island I was expecting or hoping for :o

  3. Now this is a bit disappointing, no recommendations from anyone (apart from the ones above)

    When I needed advice when I went to Pattaya, there were lots of replies and recommendations for peoples favorite hotel, pubs, dives :o

    Is it you all want too keep it a secret ?

    Or aren't there any other places, hotels, pubs, accommodation you could/can recommend ?

  4. Hello in here :D

    I usually spend my 2-3 weeks in pattaya, thought I'd have a change and visit Koh Samui, but I need a few bits of advice and I hope alll you good people would help out

    1, Can any one recommend a decent hotel, usual thing, CLEAN,decent service, a bedroom, a bit of space, a pool for the evenings, decent resturant (mainly for breakfast) not too quiet, but without the rowdiness :o

    2 The date of the water festiva ?

    3 Decent bars, pubs, resturants (dont mind which type of food, Thai, English, German, but as long as its not crawling off the plate and give me the trots)

    Bars and pubs, I know they all sell Singha beer, but a bar or pub where I can just enjoy a drink/snack/meal and not end up in a brawl or drunks falling over :D l

    Thanks, all advice/replies are appreciated :D

  5. Whoever said a little ____ is bad for a community?

    Sorry Piker, but have a look at the the very first thread on the Pattaya Forum :o

    I had a look, couldnt find anything on pages.........158, 157, 156

    Can you give any more info ? Please

  6. Definately worth a visit, both shows are pretty good, I visit both when I go to the LOS

    They last just over the hour, cant remember which but they had some daft camera rule, but as you can see I never had a problem using mine

    Have your picture taken with the 50/50 guy, (they song will stick in your head for days)

    Both shows have really stunning 'people' there, hard to think they are geezers :D

    My missus hates em, they got better skin, t*ts, clothes, figures, everything she wants :D BUT she never misses a chance to go along to see them

    I think I usually pay the farang price, but hey ho, I'm on holiday :o

    My favourite show was The Simon Show, but they moved to Phuket, never had any problems taking pictures or using the video camera

    BUT I think thy are a bit more bitchy than real women :D





  7. If you think the massage is worth 250-300, then you arent being ripped off, You pays your money and takes your choice, you dont have to use them

    If you pay 250-300 and dont get a massage, you are being ripped off

    Do you think the massage is a quality massage ?

    If you dig about I'm sure you could get it cheaper, but what would the quality be like ?

  8. True but they get buried way in the back pages I think. if you ask the corect question you will get shorter replies, just typing in hotmail is just too much

    I am in California.

    I live in London, mine is fine (I use hotmail.Com as well :D

    Run a anti virus and a spyware scan, check your connections, give it a reboot, (are you using a wireless router or any other connection ? it will happen if your connection is weak or very slow to connect to the servers

    Try connecting in a cafe, if that works, it may well be your PC, connection speed or even have a bug on it :o

  9. What are you testing for ?

    Chlorine content ?

    Salmanella ?

    Water borne viruses ?

    Faeces contamination ?

    Rust ?

    The only way you will get 'pure' water is if you distill it and keep it in a sealed, airtight container

    as an experiment, get a bottle of tap water and put it in the sun, get another bottle of water (Evian is good enough) and put that in the sun

    The tap water will turn green, the Evian wont, but it is supposed to be fresh water with nothing added or taken away, and why has it got a 'best by' date on it ?

  10. Another anti-religious bigotry thread. :o:D

    I didnt post this as a anti religeous thread, read the first posting, BEFORE replying,

    I asked where they had got to, nothing more

  11. I didnt start this thread to start a bust up, OR to allow Brother bloody Tony to preach in here, you have your religeon, Bother or is it Mother, now keep it to yourself, YOU wont find many converts in here (we are all beyond saving, unless its saving to go to the pub)

    This book you keep qouting from, WHO wrote it and when was it written ?

    Ask the Aztecs and Incas if they have a fondness for Catholics,

    Ask the Muslims if they have any love for Christians, Jews, in fact anyone who isnt a Muslim

    The only religeon that dont go on about it is the heathans or Devil worshippers, they just get on with virgins and sacrifice, and they have some great parties, shame its only limited to 13

    Just what are you ? mormons, Jehova Witnesses, some secret sect, or just plain old pain in the bums

    If this dam God you keep spouting on about was any good, he wouldnt allow the suffering in this world, nope all you keep on about is fire and brimstone and how we are alll condemned to hel_l, if thats so, there isnt much point in shooting off to church for a bit of salvation is there, I mean if my place is booked by the fire, why waste my time in a church, nah, I reckon I'll take up a bit of devil worship, just need a virgin and a chicken (1 is plentiful, the other VERY hard to find in Pattaya, you work it out), I mean if God aint going to be my best mate, I may as well make the other guy me best mate (he does seem to have a better time of it and he dont have anyone going on about him)

    Just give me an ounce of proof that your god is still knocking about, and dont give me the old b**locks about he is everywhere and he has no need to prove his presence, I mean there is a lost soul here that needs saving

    Give us a rest from your preaching, just start putting your point across with the dam book all the time, or are you lost without it ?

  12. As it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), we are still around preaching the gospel all over Thailand and other parts of the world. It has been a few months since we have preached on Walking Street in Pattaya, but we will be back down there again soon by the grace and will of God. And no, it is not a lost cause on Walking Street to preach the gospel as all of those who hear us preaching the gospel of the kingdom are witnessed to as saith the scriptures. And no, it is not against Thai law to preach the gospel in publick. Thank you for asking about us, and we are sorry for not preaching down in Pattaya for the past few months. By the grace and will of God, we will see you there soon.

    I really hope not, I dont follow an religeon, show me a religeon and I'll show you trouble and probably a war or 2, there is not a religeon in the world that HASNT caused a war, or been fought over, Every religeous book was written many years after the event and it is only zealots and preachers who interpret them any way,

    If I wanted ANY religeon, there are plenty of Mosques, Temples, Churches, and other places I can visit, I really dont need it shoving down my throat and I dont really know what religeon you preach or practice

    I am not going to slate ANY religeon, but I dont follow any religeon, others may need the crutch or feel the need to beleive in something, but sorry, I dont need anything like a religeon in my life

    The only reason I asked was, it was just unusual to see preachers in walking street, but I think you blended in quite well with the rest of the fruit loops who go there

    But dont slate the devil, when your on your death bed, its no time to start making enemies', :D old people tend to go to church, temples, and mosques and other places of worship,rather than younger people, as they are usually cramming for their finals :o

    Now if you REALLY want to preach to the masses, may I suggest you trot along to Iraq or Afghanisstan and try and convert those to whatever religeon you support, you could even ask them to build you a church next to the local mosque, I'm sure they will be very accomodating :D:D

  13. Has anyone any idea what ever happened to the bible thumpers that were down walking street ?

    Did they ever manage to convert anyone ? or did it have the opposite effect :o

    I remember seeing them and then they just sorta disappeared, did they move to a better, more fertile location (where is it ?)

    Did they give up on walking street as a lost cause ?

  14. This has got to be a fake, no one in Essex acts like this, I reckon someone is on a wind up

    Essex lads and lasses always have the obligatory can of foster/harps close to hand, and they have got his wife's name wrong, they are all called Sharon

    Naw, this is definately a wind up :o

  15. take your pick of countries, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam...........

    Love is good, BUT money No 1

    I guess you could include 5/5ths of the world there though :D

    If it isnt, try getting along without it :o

  16. WHY is this restricted to JUST Thai wives and GF's ?

    I got a English wife and she gets on me nerves, but after 30 odd years, who wants to break in a new one :D

    I'll wait till she pops her clogs and then get myself a deaf and dumb one, who never went to school and doesnt know what money is, straight from the hills,

    Oh, well the dream is still there :D

    I did get offered a camel and an old martini henry rifle when I was in Oman for her, but turned it down, I mean what am I going to do with a camel ? :o

  17. , it does seem to me that the majority have read a book or seen a video and trhen they all become massuers, .

    I don't think many have even bothered to do that. When they come in for the job the mamasan just gives them a 10 minute demo on how to massage and they practice on their first customers.

    Most customers are probably happy just to get a rub anyway and for the cheap price wouldn't bother to complain.

    mmm, probably right there :o and I suppose its fairly easy money for any female who is unskilled and has a family to support

  18. Before this thread deteriorates any further, I would like to remind members of the following excerpt from the Forum Rules:

    You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

    Please keep discussion of "happy endings" out of this thread.

    There are other forums available to discuss this type of activity.

    ThaiVisa is not one of them.

    Yep, got to agree with that, as other posters have said, I'd like to find a good sports massage, or even a decent oil massage, it does seem to me that the majority have read a book or seen a video and trhen they all become massuers, good massuers are few and far between.

    Keep em coming with any decent recommendations :o

  19. I've tried quite a few of the usual massage, reflexology places, great if you fancy a skin rub, but definately not if you want a good sports massage, some of the girls are small but they do have incredibly stong hands and wrists, its a shame they arent proper massuers though

    The majority do give a decent fooot massage though

    I never found a decent massage in any of the 'overpriced' spa's either, just a lot of flannel and smellly candles (hot stones, I mean what the heck is that all about and the tea thing after :o

    The missus werent struck on the skin toning or after sun thing either

    I'd like to know where to get a decent sports massage as well, and no extras

    The sports massuers over here cost 30 quid a half hour, but by JC, you have had a massage :D

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