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Posts posted by pepsi666

  1. If you show them a laminated copy, would that suffice until you can get someone to go to the hotel/Condo/home to get your original if you are blatantly a tourist ? (ie white, sunburnt,knotted hankie, grey socks with sandles :o )

    I've never carried my passport or a copy in Pattaya/BKK before, but then again never spent time in the pokey either (I dont like places where the sun comes through in stripes)

    So do I carry the original (and risk losing it ) or a copy of the front pages ?

  2. Bangkok Airways offers one flight a day from U-Tapao (sp?) in Pattaya to Phuket for approximately B4000 plus taxes and surcharge...its a fairly convienient way to get there and saves a ton of time so that you don't have to take the run to Bangkok. Bangkok Air has a website that you can book from, I just checked it and it was B3,920 for the hop.

    Thanks for your reply, MUCH appreciated :o

    is there any tax to be added to that ?

  3. Is it possible to get to Phukett from Pattaya, either by flying or ferry ?(dont really want to go all the way back to Bangkok and then fly out, just to return back to Pattaya, helluva round trip :D )

    Any idea of costs if a flight is possible ? (and where is there an airport near Pattaya ?)

    Do ferries got to phukett from Pattaya ? :o

  4. When I come to Thailand I know I am a guest, I abide by their laws and cultureral differences, I dont 'flash the wedge' I treat all people with the same respect they give me, the same as I give peple who come to the UK

    BUT I dont expect to be threatened with violence, I will critisize the mess on a beach, I dont care who left it there, I will give any critisim if it is deserved, but I try not to give offence.

    I know some of the laws are weird and strange (but look at some of the laws in the UK and the US) but no matter how strnge they are I try anfd adhere to them

    I'm not bothered what others do or think, I got my own priciples and try and stand by them (so dont class everyone by the mindlesss few (or is it the majority?)

  5. As much as I enjoy the Thai festivals, I'm glad I wont be around for this, its not just the Thais, its just the so called tourists that tend to get carried away

    I was in Samui last year and some fool turned a hose into a resturant, owner wasnt best pleased with the damage caused :o

    How long will it take for someone to start with the battery acid (AGAIN) :D

  6. Switzerland has a Military ?

    They also have a Navy AND an Air Force and they MUST be very good, because even the Germans never invaded them, even Steve McQueen couldnt get in there :D

    I wonder what they are doing while their Colonel is flogging condo rentals though :o

  7. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this thread (I hope a Mod will direct it to the right place though, if not)

    I'm not married to a Thai, but I am married, I am hoping to retire to LOS in a year or so, I'm over there in a month or so,

    If possible is there any chance I could meet up with anyone who is living over there (LOS) who isnt married to a Thai, but has retired over there (I know it really helps if you are married to a Thai, but the wife wont let me)

    I'd just like to find out if its possible, and have a chat of the advantages and pitfalls. :D

    I have an idea of some of the pitfalls (visa, renting, banking) I'd just like to ask how they are doing it and getting on

    If anyone can either post here or PM, it really would be appreciated, :o

    I did have a few other people in here who I was in contact with but they have fallen off the map for a time

    I have been posting here for a time now, about this subject (and others) but the time is getting nearer, so I think it time to actually start doing something about it

  8. I am not a Thai, I am not married to a Thai, BUT I would like to retire to Thailand

    I will have a yearly income of £10,500.00, roughly (I do have a fair amount od savings as well)

    My bank is the HSBC (which does have branches in Thailand)

    Would I be able to qaulify for a retirement visa ?

    I know SOME of the rules about owning (or NOT) a property in Thailand, ideally I'd like a house rather than a condo (any suggestions ?

    Would I need to have an amount in a Thai bank or would the HSBC be sufficient ?

    any advice appreciated PM, posting, or email :o

  9. OH YES Mr. Simon....like they are with ppl from England, Sweden and Netherlands TOO. I am german and I feel offended by speaches like these.... :o


    the ugly german

    ...wich NEVER say EVERY English is a hooligan or EVERY Swedish an Alcoholic. :D

    ( bye the way, I am just 45, so I have absolutely nothing to do with the war more than 60 years ago...I hope u can say the same about yourself...and the wars going on in this moment worldwide.

    I have fought along side Germans, Swedes, Poles,Thais, Scots, Americans

    I dont have any problem with any race, creed or colour AND in Thailand they are probably the same as me,(the Germans, Swedes, Poles, Yanks, Canadians) they want a holiday in the sun, with or without wives, married or single, some go for the sex, some go for the hospitality offered by the locals (but as I have said, it dont happen in Phuket)

    Phuket was actually visited by back packers WELL before the sex tourists, and they were happy with what they called the REAL Thailand, I doubt if those first backpackers would even recognise this NEW Thailand, the locals (on Phuket) have become, mean, grasping, miserable faced wretches

    The majority of back packers are of the 'save the planet and tree hugger' type and as the majority of tourists are there for a month tops, they dont leave building rubble and all the debris that is lying about, maybe the

    Thai's want to accept some of the blame themselves rather than blame the people who they regard as cash cows for the rubbish around

    I look at it this way, when I invite someone to my home, I make sure it is clean, tidy and pleasant to visit, I expect Thailand to be the same, clean , tidy and pleasant to vist and that is what I get when I visited Thailand BUT certainly not in Phuket, so this is one tourist who wont be going back there (but I am streching it a bit when I say clean and tidy, but I can accept broken pavements, dirt tracks, the mangy dogs, the beggers, the tuk tuk and taxi mafia, )

    AND whenever I get good service, I ALWAYS tip, no matter WHAT country I visit, so dont class me as a tight arse

    AND on a closing note, I vist Germany about 4-5 times a year and EVEN though I am English I have never had any problems or been regard as a thug or hooligan, and the whole place is REALLY clean and the buses and trains run on time, only time I have any problem is from the 'gast arbiter' AND I was never in the war (well not the last big one they had and the people now are not guilty for their fathers or grandfathers sins )

    I'll be back in Thailand in March, and I'll be bringing the wife and I'll be on the beach and I'll be using the beach sellers and the Thai resturants in the evening and the Thai bars as well, I'll be putting money into the Thai economy, now invest it in tidying the place up at least

  10. You know - you sound so bitter - what happenned to you there ? Leave your heart?

    Phuket is nice once you get off the Patong strip - plenty to do and see and nice beaches - also the small out of the way ones.

    That being said, I have never been there at rush-hour - I may change my mind next !

    Dr. Dweeb

    Nope, I went with my wife, who isnt a Thai, and not bitter, just really didnt like the place or people, maybe the Thais have just seen the tourist as a cash cow

    Only went down the Patong strip once, wasant much difference between that and Patpong in BKK, both about the same cleanlyness, and amount of rubbish everywhere, but it cant all be blamed on the tourists, we bring a lot of money to LOS, its upto the Thais how they spend that wealth if they want ANY tourists to come back, there is a big world out there and if the tourists get fed up with visiting a cess pit or rubbish dump (high end tourists or even a back packers) they will go somewhere else

  11. Thanks to everyone who posted here, Hotel all sorted, just need some recommedations for getting to Pattaya from BKK now, anyone got any ?

    We ended up using the airport Limo service last time, but the driver was a bit on the surly quiet side, and didnt really like the stop I asked for (I think he was on a schedule or something)only wanted a pee and a coffee :o

    Dont really want to use a bus or the mini bus that cruise around the airport (I swear the driver was p***ed a year ago) or a taxi

    So any recommendations out there ?

  12. Before they get 'high end' toursists, it would be a good idea to clean the place up, last (and only ) time I was there it was a tip, dirty, smelly, bins overflowing (when there was a bin) old wrecks down side streets, dilapidated buildings, hotel in need of a touch of paint, and refurbishment

    We were pounced on by cab drivers everywhere, even when we just got out of one

    I consider my self one of these high end tourists they are speaking about, I usually spend about 7-800 quid on accomadation, not sure about how much I spend on tips, taxis, tuk tuks, normally spend about a £1000 while there on bits and bobs, might have a few Tbts left at the endof it

    All in all I reckon I spent about £2500, that includes, airfare to and from BKK and to and from Phuket, and money while in Phuket, I suppose to some it may not be enough, but I thought it was more than enough in a place that I thought was dirty, in dire need of a clean up, the locals should have a more of a smile (while ripping me off)hotel staff that are surly, 2nd rate resturrants

    I wont return there until its cleaned up a lot (which I cant see happening)

    I have friends who run 2 bars there and I cant understand the attrction for them (there are JUST too many bars and the competition is hard)

    There are a lot nicer places in the LOS that I prefer, so this is one tourist they wont have to worry about visiting there

    and before any one decides to flame me, I have been to Chang Mai, Chang Rai, Hua Hin, Mae Hon Son, Koh Samui,Phukett, Koh Larn, Pattaya, Bangkok (another cesspit) and I was with the Royal Thai army when I was with the UK forces, and I find my self returning to some of these places even more, but Phukett, never again

  13. Hi Locky, Welcome to the mad house, it will be a intresting ride to say the least :D

    Most of the posters here are pretty friendly and are willing to help out with advice (sometimes not what you really need)

    I'm in blighty until March, are you in Pattaya ?

    I'm hoping to meet some of the posters in here, so I can put a few faces to names (I reckon half of em would look better on wanted posters :o )

    Have fun posting here

  14. I reckon their faces are the last thing they would have looked at, they really should change the ID books (have the bits that the 'tourists' look at.....scarey thought, really) :o

  15. Sunbeam/Sunshine are quite alright too. :D

    However I'm rather fond of Welcome Plaza and the staff!!! :D

    I wish I received a finders fee though. :D

    I'll buy you a pint then when I get there, lets know where you will be then :D

    I'm hoipng to meet Mobi and medic (Steve) when I get out there as well, I'd like to put a few faces to names from here :o

    Any of you go to the expats meetings ?

  16. Can anyone recommend a decent, inexpensive hotel, with a decent breakfast (but not Jomtiem beach area) in March/April

    Clean tidy rooms would be nice, swimming pool, (I did swim in the sea not a great expeirience) and I know what comes out of that pumping station at the begining of 'walking street' :D and I know the outlet isnt far enough

    appreciated for replies :o

    (anyone know what the Tim hotel is like ?)

  17. If you are serious in your support these unfortunate children I strongly suggest that you and your wife adopt one or more of them! Lots of fun and merit in the future. Good luck!


    I really can't understand you, Viking, you seem to pop up in some strange postings and come up with some mindless remark, are your pockets as empty as your head ?

    I know I'm not in Pattaya at the moment but I still chip in to help the kids, have done since Mobi asked for help, I cant do anything else to help out,

    Have you ever looked at the difficulties in adopting any Asian child, and the Thai's arent exactly accomadating, they would rather brush the problem away, these kids havent got a lot to look forward to, and most people who read this posting try to do a little to help, no matter where they are

    Any chance you could think about what you type BEFORE you post in future :o

  18. Okay, I admit that bars are some times good to meet members of the opposite sex (sometimes the same sex), but either way, both parties should have their thinking heads on :o

    I know that NOT all girls in the bars/clubs are working, but are on the look out for a suitor, BUT why someone who is old enough to be their Dad

    If the blokes were in their own country, would they look in a bar/club/strip joint for a suitable wife ? if the answer is no, then why do it in Thailand ? If the answer is YES, then they are very lucky as long as they remember that many have used the same chat up line that they have just used, again and again, and what made them so special ????

    Some of the chat up lines are ridiculous and pathetic, surely the blokes realise it, and as for marriage after a week, month and sometimes with someone who just doesnt even speak your (or you their's) language is plain stupid and doomed to failure

    Its very nice to have a pretty 18 year old on your arm going down walking street, but it looks ridiculous and may not bring loud remarks about sugar daddy, baby snatcher, but thats what is said, like it or not :D

    What could a 18 year old have in common with a 50-60 year old bloke ? cant see the conversation lasting long and their is a limit on how much time you can spend in bed due to the lack of stamina, But after all that, it wont change blokes attitude or the girls after a suitor/father figure/boy friend and most blokes will be stupid as soon as a pretty girl smiles at them and their brains shrink to the size of their gonads

    Hey, its Thailand LOS, rock on

  19. Good luck to em, if a bloke cant get his brain above his waist line, he deserves it, there have been enough warnings, up to them if they take heed

    there are many books, in many languages telling about the pitfalls of falling in 'love' and marrying a Thai 'lady'

    I'm not critising or condemning anyone, but any relationship should be entered into with your eyes open, even more so when Thai isnt your native tongue or you know very little of it

    The girls in the bars are there to earn a living, no one can blame them if a bloke wants to be their meal ticket, if you dont know the rules, dont play the game,

    WHY go to a bar to meet girls, they are working, not hanging about waiting for 'Mr Right' to wander in, they are just waiting to seperate you from your wallet in the nicest way they know how :o

    There are other places to meet girls, and not working girls

    Sorry I have no sympathy for anyone who plays the 'game' and wont learn the rules and I know the flak will come my way over this posting, but its not meant to upset anyone, just pointing out that some blokes (fools) and their money are soon parted

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