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Posts posted by pepsi666

  1. SHOT 9 times,!!!!!

    dunno bout taking him to hospital, a scrap yard would have paid a lot better :o

    talk about bite the hand that feeds you, what would have happened if he had been really insulting-like slate Liverpool, Man U ???

    Must have been one tough dude :D

  2. :D-->

    QUOTE(Basil B @ 2006-12-23 13:20:32) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Last few days we have had freezing fog here in the UK, I have had to defrost the car and scrape the ice off the windows before I can go anywhere.

    I really do not think you guys have much to moan about…


    We have had planes all over the airfield here (Heathrow) cant even use the tugs when the visibility is less than 100 yards

    Flights cancelled, and this is from a PREMIER airport :D

    They been spraying the aircraft on the stands with de-icer (pig piss :D ) to stop em freezing up

    Tents outside all the terminals, managers giving out hot drinks and blankets to passengers, dunno what will happen will when the bad weather arrives :D

    I cant wait to get back to Pattaya :o

  3. Hi Mobi,

    Well I had been looking for any new updates on the MM, and I didnt expect this title, but yes, very neat

    I normally look for your name as the thread starter :-)

    Been sending a few bob every so often, how they spend it is up to them, they know where its needed :D

    Just wish people who dont want to give anything dont post anything here, dont really help matters, does it, AND as for religeon, dont matter what religeon it is, I have fought in too many countries to see that it is a crutch for the few and mindless, and has caused more deaths than anything else, probably apart from malaria (Justt have a look and see how its affecting the world now :o , just look at it this way, life is the best way to keep meat fresh and you wont go wrong

    This is the only way I can give the kids a chance, so like it or lump it, I'll give a few bob

    Well everyone have a good Christmas and a New Year,

  4. Don't kow the full schedule but i do know that the Blues Machine will be on tonight from 10pm till 11pm and Lam Morrison will be on friday night. :D

    Ah, thats tonight Dave, I'm talking about MARCH 2007 (or what ebver the Thai equivilent is :o )

  5. Does anyone know if there will be the music festival in Pattaya again next year ?

    If so what are the dates ? (I think it was 18 March or there abouts this year :D

    It was held over 3 days, if I remember correctly :D

    :o hope not rims and chatters,we need more of the three Rs reading writing and arithmetic.

    Why not ? it was held over a weekend, shouldnt interfere with any schooling

  6. Does anyone know if there will be the music festival in Pattaya again next year ?

    If so what are the dates ? (I think it was 18 March or there abouts this year :o

    It was held over 3 days, if I remember correctly :D

  7. I like your quote.... the last part... Pepsi666. I'm in the middle right now, i hope, moving towards the first part of it. :D

    I'm in the second part (foolish, but have managed to grown out of the first part, young :o )

    My missus says I will never attain the rest...........old and wise :D

  8. Try Goat curry, I know its mainly a west Indian/Jamaican dish, but its great with a few beers,and doesnt comeback and repeat after a few hours, make it as hot and spicy as you like, but too hot and you dont taste anything, just HOT :o used to have it in a few places in the 70's

    goes well with rice or a few plantains or any root veg, if you dont fancy rice :D

  9. How is the venison compare with that in western climates? I'm used to venison from the northeast US, yum yum! Never even thought about venison in LOS, but now :D

    A lot smaller portions :o

  10. There's a German resturant in Pattaya that serves 'exotic' meats, crocodile, Ostrich, kangerroo, venison, wild pig

    Its very nice, but the portions are so small and its not cheap (even the rice portions are small, but the staff are VERY attentive and very quick with the beer (seems to be genuine German lager)

    Been to it a few times now to try each dish, I can recommend the Ostrich and venison steaks :D

    Why you are making us hungry and not telling the name of this place :o


    Dont know the name of it, but its down a side road in North Pattya

  11. There's a German resturant in Pattaya that serves 'exotic' meats, crocodile, Ostrich, kangerroo, venison, wild pig

    Its very nice, but the portions are so small and its not cheap (even the rice portions are small, but the staff are VERY attentive and very quick with the beer (seems to be genuine German lager)

    Been to it a few times now to try each dish, I can recommend the Ostrich and venison steaks :o

  12. An illiquid market with huge bid-offer spreads. Only those desperate to buy or sell get hosed -- and a "motivated" Thai seller is as rare as a left-handed pair of scissors.

    I actually own a pair of left-handed scissors.....asking price 1.5 million and they're yours?? :o

    I have a left handed mug, any chance of a part exchange ? :D

  13. How is this going to affect all the bar owners/lease holders in Phuket ?

    Will you be getting a work visa and paying taxes ? :D

    Wing it, just in case nothing happens ? :D

    Business as usual ? :D

    Move to Loas or Malaysia and open a bar ? :D

    Call it a day and come back to you overtaxed, underpaid, cold countries or origin :o

  14. I'm 56, and have been mulling the idea over for a few years, was kinda hoping to buy something with a garden rather than a condo, just so the kids could bring their kids over and give em somewhere to play

    Sounds like a nice dream. Best is to rent at this time till the dust settles down.

    You should have no problem with a pension of getting a retirement visa. Our company will be happy to help you.

    Best of luck with the dream for the kids.


    The idea was to rent for 6 months or so, just to get our foot in the door, so to speak, but this all blew up and kind of confused things

    The kids have got their own homes in the UK and jobs, so they would only visit, twice a year

    nearer the =time I get the okay from my company that I'm too old for them, I'll take up your offer getting my retirement visa :o

  15. A Just wants to retire in Thailand, with the occasional trip home to see the kids ?

    If you are over 50 years old, no problem on the extension of stay based on retirement.

    Otherwise it may mean

    1. The Thai Elite card.

    2. Multiple Entry Visa

    3. Extension of stay based on Education ( Go to school)

    4. Extension of stay based on business (Have a business that you do exporting) You can own 100% as a foreigner and get a work permit. Must be a real company doing business.

    B Just wants to buy/rent a property in retirement ?

    You can buy as long as its a condo. You can buy the building as a freehold and rent land as a leasehold ( or servitude with right of habitation, usufruct and superficies)

    C wants to live there legaly and have the corect visa ?

    see above

    has a pension from the UK in a UK bank (HSBC)

    Helps if you are over 50 years old.

    E has no intension of working or getting a Thai bride and is married to a British wife (NOT Thai)

    Still all applied. Extension of stay based on business ( You can get a work permit and still just sign checks without working as long as you have a good mgr) This option of course has risks. Not all businesses make money!


    THANK YOU very much for your help, VERY much appreciated

    I'm 56, and have been mulling the idea over for a few years, was kinda hoping to buy something with a garden rather than a condo, just so the kids could bring their kids over and give em somewhere to play

    AND as I'm a plumber here in the UK, wont be much chance of doing a bit of private work in the condo :o

  16. How will this affesct anyone who.....

    A Just wants to retire in Thailand, with the occasional trip home to see the kids ?

    B Just wants to buy/rent a property in retirement ?

    C wants to live there legaly and have the corect visa ?

    D has a pension from the UK in a UK bank (HSBC)

    E has no intension of working or getting a Thai bride and is married to a British wife (NOT Thai)

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