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Posts posted by pepsi666

  1. Hi Everyone

    I am seriously thinking of retiring to Thailand (LOS)


    I have tried various links and websites for advice and so far all I have got is estate agents and various people trying to flog me something (this ThaiLongStay program)

    I have subscribed to various magazines which are sent over sort of regular (but they are full of ad's)

    Would anyone be prepared to help out with WHAT I actually need and require for retiring in Thailand ?

    Do I actually need this longstay program or can it be done without it ?

    Type of visa and would it have to be done BEFORE leaving the UK, and where do I get it from ?

    Any advice about the 30+30+30 lease program ? who, what and where ?

    I like the Pattaya/Mapbruchan area, but am open to suggestions

    Is it worth renting for a while (just to see how things go) and any recommendations, please

    I'd prefer recommendations rather than being pointed at a estate/lawyer/solicitor, people who YOU have worked with and not ripped off

    I am over 50 :o so I know I qaulify for the reirement visa and have savings (but havent won the lottery)

    A rough idea of living costs would be nice to know as well (gas/power/internet/shopping/etc)

    Dont have a Thai wife or GF (my scouse wife wont let me) so actually owning a property is out of the question, hence the 30+30+30 thing or renting

    Actually farangs are no more welcome in Thailand.

    And for sure Thailand does not deserve your financial support.

    I suggest you to retire in Philippines or Malaysia

    Thank you for your reply, if you didnt have anything to say, BUT I do support the mecy Certre in Pattaya, WHICH not many Thais seem to want to do, I am not coming over to sponge off thailand, in fact I will be putting money into the Thai economy, can you say the same ?

    I will not make any hard and fast moves, as you say, Thailand is moving away from foreign investment and foreigners not as welcome any more, but I think that is a minority, we have them in the UK, but they have their own part, its called the BNP

  2. On the way out, I remarked to the gf that it was often the custom in Europe, that if an item was wrongly priced, then the store would normally give you the item at the cheaper price as a sign of goodwill, before adjusting the shelf price. However, I'm quite aware that this rarely, if ever, happens in Thailand.

    Back in the UK, where the great Tesco comes from, and accepting the words on post No 13 about offers and contracts, Tesco had the policy to not only refund the money, they also give you the item for FREE as well.

    This happened to me in the Oxford Cowley branch. I was buying something at the CORRECT PRICE and told the Cashier that there were still "last weeks offer" signs on the shelf. She called the supervisor (I told her it did not matter to me as I had paid the correct price) who checked the shelf, took off the outdated signs and insisited I had my money back as it was their store policy, and get the product to take home at no cost.

    Same thing happened to me today, but on the Hayes bypass Tesco's, pointed out they still had the BOGOF sign up, from LAST Sunday

    I also picked up a packed lunch, it was out of date (by 1 day) they wouldnt let me buy it, BUT gave me a fresh one FREE :o

    It does seem strange that the parent company in the UK doesnt keep more of an eye on the TescoLotus, but hey ho, TIT :D

  3. hold on, hang about, I wouldnt be bringing anything major like a TV with me, might consider bringing my Yank style fridge/freezer

    It would be my furniture, beds (its a water bed) and odds and ends, it would probably be a lot cheaper to get major items from Thailand, rather than importing them

    UK TV I can get via the internet (thats why I asked about internet connections) in fact I can get most US and UK TV via the internet, even more so if TV streaming goes ahead (Thai TV is appalling, even the English speaking channels (BUT hey Ho thats Thailand)

  4. I went to 'Crazy Daves, after seeing the TV ad, the grub was okay, not the cheapest and far from the best,

    I thought Dave was okay, if a bit of a prat ( I mean who in their right mind is pished as a fruit fly at 8 in the morning)

    Only went the once though, (I can eat an English breakfast anytime at home)

    If the bloke has been serving breakfast for 20 years, he has got to be doing something right, I think

    I thought the 'seaside' was better and Greggs, but hey Ho, they are all the same..............bacon, eggs (any style) beans, tomatoes, sausage, toast, jam or marmalde, not many serve real coffee or 'top ups, or even a decent size cup :D and all serve 'fortnight tea' :o

  5. Apologies if my post did not make sense, English has never beeen my strongest subject.

    The consumer protection act (UK) guarantees that the store will give you the item at the cheaper price ie if the shelf price is 100 baht but when scanned in a the checkout it rings up 1000 baht the store has to sell you the goods at 100 baht,


    I think that you will find that if the store has made a genuine mistake when pricing an item then they will not be prosecuted under the consumer protection act in the UK.

    All of us make mistakes at some time even the high street stores.

    Many of the super markets in the UK (Tesco, Sainsburys, M&S) honor the shelf price, as they insist 'they dont make mistakes' and its not the consumers fault that things are incorrectly priced, happened to the missus a couple of times, they honored the shelf price, and its normally a glitch inthe checkout price as they dont change the shelf price, unless its outrageously wrong

    I dont think TescoLotus is the same as the UK Tesco (regarding consumer law)

    Has anyone contacted the HO about empty shelves and wrong pricing ?

    Complain all youi like here, but if the HO dont know, they cant do anything about it (not all HQ's are aware of the problems)

  6. Thanks for the replies, VERY much appreciated

    I thought the 30+30+30 was Thai inspired, it featured quite a bit in the forums

    Would that import duty be for ANYTHING I bought in from the UK (ie funiture, fridge/freezer/car, <its a Jeep>))

    I would be keeping my house in the UK, but renting it out, (and just in case things dont work out)

    I have a HSBC bank account, would that suffice or would it have to be a Thai bank (Krung, military, National)

    If I got the 'O' Visa, would I be doing these border runs ?

  7. Hi Everyone

    I am seriously thinking of retiring to Thailand (LOS)


    I have tried various links and websites for advice and so far all I have got is estate agents and various people trying to flog me something (this ThaiLongStay program)

    I have subscribed to various magazines which are sent over sort of regular (but they are full of ad's)

    Would anyone be prepared to help out with WHAT I actually need and require for retiring in Thailand ?

    Do I actually need this longstay program or can it be done without it ?

    Type of visa and would it have to be done BEFORE leaving the UK, and where do I get it from ?

    Any advice about the 30+30+30 lease program ? who, what and where ?

    I like the Pattaya/Mapbruchan area, but am open to suggestions

    Is it worth renting for a while (just to see how things go) and any recommendations, please

    I'd prefer recommendations rather than being pointed at a estate/lawyer/solicitor, people who YOU have worked with and not ripped off

    I am over 50 :o so I know I qaulify for the reirement visa and have savings (but havent won the lottery)

    A rough idea of living costs would be nice to know as well (gas/power/internet/shopping/etc)

    Dont have a Thai wife or GF (my scouse wife wont let me) so actually owning a property is out of the question, hence the 30+30+30 thing or renting

  8. Was vaguely pondering going out but can't be bothered if I'm going to get wet. I wonder how much money the bars in Pattaya are losing due to this mayhem.

    Same as Bars in the west lose when they close for Christmas :o

    Quite a few pubs are open all over Christmas, now the law is relaxed, some are even open at 9am and shut at modnight, always seem pretty busy

  9. I can, I got a 3CCD Sony digital camera, Proffesional editing suite from the BBC, another from FOX, have done mainly 'action' type filming, I have my own dedicated PC for editing and writing to DVD (+ or -)

    DVD's can be viewed, I have plenty of copies of my work (but I am NOT a proffesional cameraman or editor)


    Only problem is I wont be availible until October 2010 :o

  10. Pepsi, next time you're over, send me a PM and I'd be only too happy to show you around Pong and my area of Mabprachan.

    You could do a lot worse - it's really nice out here, and Pattaya is just down the road.

    I will, could have done with your advice and help while I was there :o but will make it a date for next time

    never knew you lived out that way :D

    had a look at a few places while we were there, but cant do anything until things are sorted out over there, as you know, its a bit up in the air with regards to us 'johnny foreigners' over here,

    I cant be the only bloke who would like to live there, not having a Thai wife, we seem to let everyone own and live where they like here (UK) and if they cant afford a house, we'll give em one, and help out with any money shortfall :D

  11. I have been through the whole Thai Longstay website, and to me it looks to be a very expensive "assistance" package...

    They offer nothing you couldn't get yourself!

    They boast 1 year visa's etc, but on closer look you need to be retired (over 50 years old) and have either 65,000 Baht pension or 800,000 Baht in the bank.

    This visa is the easiest of all to get here in Thailand, anybody can do that for the princely sum of 1900 Baht, plus an additional 3800 Baht if you want to have a multiple re-entry stamp with it....

    And in now way I would entrust my property to be registered in a company like that. Lord knows what'll happen when they go broke...

    As for the houses at the Lake area, 3 bedroom anywhere between 3 and 15 million :o

    I've browsed the forums about this longstay thing, it seems a lot of money to shell out with very little benifits, yeah, they offer other add ons, but there are some parts I can get my head around, Can anyone recommend a decent solicitor or legal advisor ?

    Are Sunbelt any good ?

    Anyone had dealings with them ?

  12. I have been through the whole Thai Longstay website, and to me it looks to be a very expensive "assistance" package...

    They offer nothing you couldn't get yourself!

    They boast 1 year visa's etc, but on closer look you need to be retired (over 50 years old) and have either 65,000 Baht pension or 800,000 Baht in the bank.

    This visa is the easiest of all to get here in Thailand, anybody can do that for the princely sum of 1900 Baht, plus an additional 3800 Baht if you want to have a multiple re-entry stamp with it....

    And in now way I would entrust my property to be registered in a company like that. Lord knows what'll happen when they go broke...

    As for the houses at the Lake area, 3 bedroom anywhere between 3 and 15 million :D

    Thanks Monty,

    I've been swapping emals with Marc Holt in BKK,(he wrote an article in the property trader about it) been qouted half a mil baht to join this long stay program, seems a lot to me, and I'm not exactly sure what I would be getting, anyway, I reckon I qaulify for the retirement visa thing, I'm well past 50, and I dont have a problem with the money side of things (depends on the wife tho :D )

    Any chance you could PM with more details and anyone you could recommend to handle things ? would really be appreciated

    Be very careful. The Long Stay Program was discussed in the Real Estate Forum and the consensus was it's misleading and worthless. Remember as a foreigner you can not buy land/house in your own name. The housing market is dead ever since legality of Foreign/Thai companies with Thai nominees is being scrutinized. You best consider a condo until the real estate mess is all sorted out.

    Thanks Bob,

    wont be for a while, I got 3 years before I move out there permanently, its just I'd like to 'get my feet under the table' before I do, we would probably rent for a short time, just to make sure we fit in with the Thai lifestyle, before we made the full move, having a months holiday isnt exactly the same as going there full time :o and it'll give me a bit more time to 'suss' things out, anyway :D

  13. I have been through the whole Thai Longstay website, and to me it looks to be a very expensive "assistance" package...

    They offer nothing you couldn't get yourself!

    They boast 1 year visa's etc, but on closer look you need to be retired (over 50 years old) and have either 65,000 Baht pension or 800,000 Baht in the bank.

    This visa is the easiest of all to get here in Thailand, anybody can do that for the princely sum of 1900 Baht, plus an additional 3800 Baht if you want to have a multiple re-entry stamp with it....

    And in now way I would entrust my property to be registered in a company like that. Lord knows what'll happen when they go broke...

    As for the houses at the Lake area, 3 bedroom anywhere between 3 and 15 million :D

    Thanks Monty,

    I've been swapping emals with Marc Holt in BKK,(he wrote an article in the property trader about it) been qouted half a mil baht to join this long stay program, seems a lot to me, and I'm not exactly sure what I would be getting, anyway, I reckon I qaulify for the retirement visa thing, I'm well past 50, and I dont have a problem with the money side of things (depends on the wife tho :o )

    Any chance you could PM with more details and anyone you could recommend to handle things ? would really be appreciated

  14. Well, they do want to stay in business, they have to make money on something or you wouldnt be enjoying their food for long, but just have the one drink, then go to a bar.

    But just remenber a qoute TANSTAFL, (theres no such thing as a free lunch) somewhere, someone has got to make up the short fall, or they wouldnt be trading

    The resturants in the UK mark up wine to ridiculous extent, and even charge you 'corkage' if you take your own, I guess they do the same in the LOS, dont know what they would do if you wandered in with a crate of Singa/water though :o

  15. Thanks for the replies :o they're appreciated, what is the average price in the lake area ? 3 bedroom house/bungalow ?

    Anyone know anything about the Thai Long stay program ?

    Does it cost anything to join it ?

    Any estate agents know about it ?

    Can anyone recommend anyone who could help/advise me about it ?

  16. What's the best location to live in Pattaya, taking in to regard proximity of shops, transport, night life (occasionally), security, areas prone to flooding in the wet season, access to motorway/roads, not too bothered about schools, my kids are all grown up now :o

    Do you want to live in a house, condo or rent an apartment?

    Pattaya has many options these days.

    preferably buying a house/bungalow, been looking at this long stay program (anyone know any more about it?)

  17. What's the best location to live in Pattaya, taking in to regard proximity of shops, transport, night life (occasionally), security, areas prone to flooding in the wet season, access to motorway/roads, not too bothered about schools, my kids are all grown up now :o

  18. Well, I just got back from 3 weeks in Patters, and the only people who wanted to see MY passport was the hotel reception, I left MINE in the hotel safe the whole time, cant understand what the fuss is about

    Spoke to others about it, they NEVER carried theirs either, or any copies

    Tried to speak to a cop about it and the tourist police, they didnt know anything either about carrying passprts 24/7

    Hi Pepsi,

    I've been coming to/living in Thailand for over 30 years and I've never been stopped by a cop and asked for my passport.

    That doesn't alter the fact the the law clearly states that aliens - i.e us foreigners are required to carry our passports with us at all times. This is very similar laws to other 3rd countries I have worked and lived in and is not at all unusual.

    I too, don't know what the fuss is all about. The law is the law and that is that. If you choose, as I do - for most of the time - to leave your passport at home, because you are worried about losing it or having stolen, or wearing the poor thing out. then that is your decision and the chances are very high that nothing will ever happen to you.

    But if you do happen to get caught up in a police raid and get hauled off to jail for not having a passport then you have no one to blame but yourself as you know the law and you have been warned.

    A copy passport will suffice in most circumstances, but is not 100% guaranteed.

    An awful lot of words written on a subject that has been done to death, IMHO :D

    Hi Mobi,

    I suppose its down to the places you got to, we went to plenty of bars, resturants, walking street, chatterd with the tourist police, tried to talk to the cops (but limited Thai) didnt get that drunk I was going to cause problems,

    We did see some bloke get a good hiding from the cops on beach road, a German decided to get invoveled, he ended up with the Thai in the paddy wagon (why get involved??) The Thi grabbed someones bag and got caught

    BUT I did have ID of a sort with me, but not sure if the Thai's would have acccepted it, still, it may have done until I got me passort :o

  19. Well, I just got back from 3 weeks in Patters, and the only people who wanted to see MY passport was the hotel reception, I left MINE in the hotel safe the whole time, cant understand what the fuss is about

    Spoke to others about it, they NEVER carried theirs either, or any copies

    Tried to speak to a cop about it and the tourist police, they didnt know anything either about carrying passprts 24/7

  20. I'm in the same 'hotel' cocks in the morning are the least of your problems,its the bugs at night which are more of a pest, big buggers too, but as they say TIT, and as I have hens at home, the cocks dont bother me, maybe favourite if they are that bad is get another hotel

    I'd like to see where these cock fights actually take place, and just have the winner served up :o

  21. why arent there any seagulls on any of the beaches here, ?

    seen the things on most beaches, but allthe time I've been comingg here, never seen one, anyone know why ?

  22. Thanks George and Buckwheat, it was a great evening, putting names to all those avtars, some of you guys didnt look anything like I expected (and IT was a pleasant surprise)

    The missus had a great time and this was our first invitatation to any of the TV pissups, much appreciated

    Thanks to KDF and his wife, made the evening memorable, have to meet up again, sometime

    To all the people who missed it, it was a great evening, the ribs were pretty good and the beer flowed freely, so a EVEN bigger THANKS to George for sponsoring it, long may TV reign

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