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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    I really wish some of you Trumpers would get a modicum of facts before you jump to the defense of your beloved leader. 

    The immigration process is NOT legal as Trump administration decided to charge everyone crossing the border with illegal entry rather than as asylum seekers (which the vast majority are). Human rights organizations, including the United Nations, have argued that this violates international law as this allows his administration to charge them in criminal court rather than waiting to see if they qualify for asylum. Even with all this, however there is still no law that requires immigrant families to be separated, however because migrants who’ve been referred for criminal prosecution get sent to a federal jail and brought before a federal judge, that’s where the separation happens — because you can’t be kept with your children in federal jail. 

    The ACLU won an early victory in its case in June when the federal government asked the judge to throw out the case about families being separated from their parents. The judge refused and in his ruling, he made it clear he believed that if the allegations against the administration were true, they might very well be unconstitutional — violating family integrity, which some courts have found is implicitly part of the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of “liberty” without due process of law.

    So no. It's nowhere near being '100% legal'.

    and if you are confused about why this is all coming about and why you think they are all illegal immigrants, please refer to my post of earlier.

  2. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    I do believe IMO , in my opinion , what I think is that Kim and NK have moved on from the hostilities from when Kims Father was in power .Kims Father may have had a bad track record of not complying with agreements(fact)  , but I believe IMO, in my opinion (just to make it clear that I am stating my opinion?) that Kim is different to the previous NK regimes and he doesnt have a track record of backing out of agreements (fact) .

      What I believe , IMO , Kim should be given the chance to comply with the agreements , I believe IMO , that Kim is sincere about ridding NK of nukes .

       NK were a rogue nation in the past (fact) , but IMO (my opinion) they would like to move on to a new era of peace and security and prosperity (my opinion based on the facts written in the agreement)

    IMO (in my opinion) - Delusional

    • Haha 2
  3. 43 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You are claiming that I am "delusional" on things that you made up .

    I have never made the claim that Kim will be a "model leader , do a complete U-turn and to start treating his people well " .

       You made something up, attributed it to me...............and then claimed that I am delusional !!!!!!!!


    I was of course exaggerating to make a point. 

    This whole back and forth started with your statement 'Would you like to see this peace agreement fail , just to see Donald fail ? Would you rather have hostilities, confrontation and possibly a war , just to get a victory about a Trump failure?'

    My point has always been that with a track history of making and breaking agreements over some 30 odd years, why anyone in their right mind would believe anything that NK  says. I have backed this up with facts and figures that have shown numerous commitments from NK in the past that have been agreed and then promptly reversed when they have got what they wanted. Trump has gone bowling in there with great aplomb to get a very vague agreement that does not commit NK to anything yet he proclaims it that NK is no longer a nuclear threat and insists 'everybody can now feel much safer'. That is just pure and utter fiction and is typical of how Trump goes about everything he does. He claims victory and a  complete u-turn from NK without a single thing actually being done by them other than releasing a few prisoners and shutting down a nuclear test site that was falling down anyway.

    Rather than you agreeing to be sceptical, your stance has always been that despite decades of taking the p*ss, NK is now going to do the right thing and hand over the only thing that keeps everyone scared of them. I don't believe this to be true believing the past is a good indicator of the future. You on the other hand think it's all hunky dory now because your beloved Trump says so.  

    That sir is delusional.  

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  4. 48 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    How do you know this though ?

    How do you know what Kims future intentions are ?

    How does Trump know what Kim will do in the future ?


    My crystal ball is at the repair shop just now so obviously none of us can really know anything but I'm as confident in my prediction as you seem to be that KJU is going to do a complete u-turn, become a model leader, start treating his people well and give up all his nukes. I think my skepticism is healthy and your musings are just delusional.

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  5. I think the fact that this agreement is just 'to work towards the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula' and contains no actual commitments from NK nor any details on how denuclearization can be achieved tells you more about what this was all about than anything Trump wants to spin. Trump is so desperate for an international win after basically snubbing all his traditional key allies at the G7 conference and doing his best to start a trade war, with literally everyone that anything before the November midterms that looks remotely like a win is jumped on, exaggerated and spun to maximum benefit. 

    I've said it before and I'll say it again; this is a PR exercise for both Trump and KJU with little to no chance of actually achieving anything. KJU will wax lyrical for a while, look like he's doing something to appease his frustrated benefactor China and then go straight back to being the horrific dictator he is. There's no way this guy is going to give up his nukes. He knows that, Trump knows that and any sane individual with half an understanding of world politics knows this.      

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  6. 4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You are completely wrong .

    The USA backed out of the 2012 agreement .

    After that 2012 agreement , North Korea launched a weather satellite and the USA said that that satellite launch violated the terms of the agreement and the USA suspended the food delivery and the agreement was off

    My apologies. I should have said "After being promised some 240,000 metric tonnes of food and other aid estimated at some $400 million, NK then buggered everyone around by testing some 'satellites' prompting the US to see some sense and withdraw it's offer.'.

    Anyway. I think I've stated my case and of course only time will tell who got it right. My point though is don't start slapping Trumps back just yet as I reckon it's all just a smokescreen until NK finds another excuse to get back on the nuclear trail. I hope it doesn't but healthy cynicism is a must when dealing with the likes of KJU. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Do you know what the word "moratorium" means ?

    Look it up .

    Wait, it will do it for you 

     moratorium : "a temporary prohibition of an activity."

    It was just a temporary agreement , temporary agreements cannot be broken, as they are only temporary agreements and not long term binding



    Really? Are you actually Kim Jong Un himself as I have never seen so much silly nitpicking in my life. He agreed to stop his nuclear programme in exchange for food. He got the food and then promptly started his programme up again. I can't get any clearer than this. The site uses the word moratorium which is obviuosly the wrong word as it wasn't supposed to be temporary. It just so happened to turn out temporary because he's a lying, thieving, deal breaking dictator who continues to play the US like a fiddle.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    NK has a history of making agreements and failing to adhere to them- Kim has only been in power since 2011 and there have been no significant agreements between America and NK until now.



    I'm sorry but that is just not the case. In 2012 Kim Jong Un pledged to halt his nuclear programme in exchange for food and aid. After receiving some 240,000 metric tonnes of food and other aid estimated at some $400 million from the US, in 2013 North Korea announced it's intention to conduct another nucleur test and continue rocket launches.


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  9. I think you are talking about a 'status' watch so forget the Seiko and casio recommendations and go for Longines, Patek Philippe or Breitling. I personally like Tag Heuer as I too have slim wrists and they aren't too bulky. I often get complimented by Thai's who definitely recognise the brand and know it's expensive (although it wasn't too expensive at about 80k THB)

  10. 1 minute ago, Rarebear said:

    There is a reason why no other American President has ever met with a NK leader.  They could not figure out how to do it and maintain support of the people they needed to. 


    Feel free to prove me wrong and link what other Presidents have said about NK.  How many had deals with NK?  Do you know?

    Here's a good run down of timelines and the agreements made and broken


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  11. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    That was a deal between NK & SK to diffuse tensions on their border, when gunfire was exchanged , and NK stuck to that deal .

      That wasnt a deal between the USA & NK 

    I never said anything about it just being the USA (there are after all other countries in the world) but I noticed that you conveniently just sidestep the 2012 agreement which was with the US and which was promptly broke one year later once he got what he needed in the form of US aid.

    Promising and then breaking promises is a well trodden path for NK so why on earth do you think this will be any different? There is a reason why no other american president has ever met with a NK leader as they all realised that you simply can't trust a single word that comes out of any of their mouths and if you do you are being naive at best, downright stupid at worst.  

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    Here we go again

    Make a statement , cannot back it up, tell the other person to google it and after that person keeps asking for a link, say.............Ive already posted it a few pages back .

       I have played that game too often, either you post a link or what you said isnt true

    Jezus you are a baby.

    Here https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/01/world/asia/us-says-north-korea-agrees-to-curb-nuclear-work.html

    and again in 2015 - https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/29/world/asia/kim-jong-un-says-norths-military-muscle-made-korean-deal-possible.html

    2016 - https://thediplomat.com/2016/07/north-korea-said-its-willing-to-talk-denuclearization-but-no-one-notice.

    There was one done in 2011 but it was started by his dad and dropped by KJU when he assumed power so i suppose you could argue that it wasn't his agreement. I think you get the point though.

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  13. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    I wasnt Kim who made and broke those previous agreements .

    I believe that Kim is sincere about the new agreements .

    Oh really.

    Kim Jong Un came to power in 2011; 4 of the 20 'agreements' were made when he was in charge and he has backed out of every single one of them. But hey obviously it's all different now since he is now negotiating with the great deal maker Trump himself. You my friend are deluding yourself and are grasping at any straw that gives Trump a semblance of a win. The only thing Trump has managed to do is hand KJU a massive PR victory and a golden opportunity to appease his ever frustrated benefactor China who is the real power behind this stunt.

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  14. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    Would you like to see this peace agreement fail , just to see Donald fail ?

    Would you rather have hostilities, confrontation and possibly a war , just to get a victory about a Trump failure ?

    And are you so desperate to defend Trump that you can’t see that he is obviously being played by NK? 

    As per one of my previous posts, this “agreement” from NK is no less then it’s 20th 'agreement' to halt it's nuclear ambitions. With such an awful track history of broken promises, why then would anyone in their right mind ever believe a word that comes out of this dictators mouth? He is obviously playing a president desperate for a PR victory to get an easing of sanctions and to feed his people (who might rise up if the only other option was starvation). Little Rocket Man will wax lyrical about peace and getting rid of his nukes just long enough to get what he wants and then it's straight back to business as normal. He will never give up his nukes as he knows it's the only thing keeping him in the game. Anyone with half a modicum of sense would understand this and just not play him at his game. However, we all know that Trump swapped out his common sense for more ego a long time ago.  

    • Like 1
  15. 'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day' was started as a 1944 marketing campaign launched by General Foods, the manufacturer of Grape Nuts, to sell more cereal. There is little scientific evidence that it is and there are quite a few studies to say it is in fact quite harmful (https://health.spectator.co.uk/why-eating-breakfast-is-bad-for-your-health). The general consensus though is this is really just for adults and skipping breakfast can make kids feel tired, restless, or irritable. In the morning, their bodies need to refuel for the day ahead after going without food for 8 to 12 hours during sleep. Their mood and energy can drop by mid-morning if they don't eat at least a small morning meal but they need to concentrate on the following food groups:


    • carbohydrates: whole-grain cereals, brown rice, whole-grain breads and muffins, fruits, vegetables
    • protein: low-fat or nonfat dairy products, lean meats, eggs, nuts (including nut butters), seeds, and cooked dried beans
    • fiber: whole-grain breads, waffles, and cereals; brown rice, bran, and other grains; fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts

    It's not essential for kids to have breakfast but they may be thinking you are talking about breakfast in the traditional sense so maybe they better question would be 'have you eaten anything so far today' and if that's still a no then maybe you or the school can help by providing some fruit and cereal which can be done relatively cheaply.   

    • Like 1
  16. Single parents today - UK

    • There are around two million single parents – they make up nearly a quarter of families with dependent children (i
    • Less than two per cent of single parents are teenagers 
    • 68 per cent of single parents are in work 
    • The majority of single parents don’t receive child maintenance payments 
    • 47 per cent of children in single parent families live in relative poverty, around twice the risk of relative poverty faced by children in couple families (24 per cent).
    • https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/policy-campaigns/publications-index/statistics/

    But please don't let facts or figures get in the way of your bias.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Very, very well said.  I too have a problem understanding the brain of a Trump supporter.  Above all else, Trump is a pathological liar....and a massively corrupt one at that.  So what ever Trump supporters are supporting, it's a lie.  Maybe their lives are all one big lie. 

    It is truly perplexing when it is so obvious what he is doing. It's like the magicians slight of hand trick of getting you to look over there whilst the really important stuff is happening over here.  He is great at creating scare stories about illegals, Muslims and generally people who don't look like your average Joe American whilst quietly fattening his and his mate's pockets through the real actions of massive tax cuts and deregulation. 

    The problems you see in America are not the fault of immigrants and minorities but rather the elite pitting the working class against each other to the sole benefit of themselves (and doing a very good job at it as well). Billionaires are not looking after the interest of the average working man but instead keeping them occupied with drivel and petty in-fighting whilst they quietly and methodically go about making even more billions. 

    And just in case anyone thinks this is coming from some disgruntled working class guy who blames everyone else other than himself for his problems then think again as although originally from humble beginnings, I am now very comfortably off so in essence should love someone like Trump as he and his ilk are much better for me personally than Democrats (or in my case Labour). I however have a conscience, a sense of fairness and have a rather old fashion view that those in political power should be held to the highest of moral, ethical and professional standards; something that is clearly not being demonstrated by this conman but for whatever reason, seems to now not matter for so many.        

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