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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 40 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    I would think that the Trump supporters on TV must be struggling at the moment.  As soon as they rush to defend the buffoon and his ranting, he takes a breath and totally contradicts what he has just said.  So do they then contradict their own defence of him or do they wait to see if he does another U-turn?


    Trump now holds Putin personally responsible for election interference.  Pathetic!

    My heart bleeds for them.

    Which is just as well considering they don't have one themselves.

  2. 3 hours ago, DM07 said:

    I wonder, if he really thinks, all 'Muricans are so stupid, to eat up all his dumb@$$ lies!



    on the BBC today 'A Reauters poll this week found that despite a firestorm of media criticism, Mr Trump's Finland summit had no real impact on his overall approval ratings. In the survey, 42% of all registered voters approved of his job performance, which is consistent with averages thus far.  Some 71% of Republicans polled approved of his response to Russia..................'


    I mean seriously, what does this guy have to do or say that is going to change the mind of any of his base?  I'm now actually believing him when he said he could stand on New York’s Fifth Avenue “and shoot somebody” and still not lose voters.


    • Like 2
  3. Just now, UKJASE said:

    200 baht a drink or summat?


    more ladies than men?


    all walks of the soi go there, or "relaxing and dancing with Thailand’s most beautiful people" as is stated above? 


    I can't quite remember the drinks prices as it was a few years ago but you can probably find out from the promoter in advance. 

    There was plenty of VERY pretty ladies there when I went. I'm not sure about 'most beautiful' but the need to look good in a swimsuit probably filters out quite a few.

    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, stud858 said:

    I think when the next President comes along,  a precedent has been set.  To badger the heck out of them. Good luck to the next one.  You won't stand a chance and you'll need a super thick skin whichever side you are on. 

    Why are you lumping them all in together? This is only happening because the current POTUS consistently lies on a DAILY basis. The media are just doing what they should when faced with the extraordinary situations this buffoon is getting himself in to.

    And you don't need 'super thick skin'. Just an actual ability to do the job.

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  5. 56 minutes ago, Paul Catton said:

    There was nothing untoward with the statements made by th President Trump, it's rather a shame that the Left Wing Mainstream Media are continuously  beating down when beaten.

    Really? He slates his own intelligence agencies in favour of Russia and you think there's 'nothing untoward' about that? My god man, even Fox news (which hopefully you agree is definitely not the 'left wing mainstream media) had a go at him for this one. You are either seriously deluded or as heybruce noted above, a troll

    • Like 1
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  6. 36 minutes ago, Becker said:

    Judging by your incessant defense of the traitor in the WH that's not all you've let slide.

    I think you might be getting me mixed up here with someone else (seems to be happening a lot today). If you look back at any of my comments my “incessant defense” is actually incessant attack. I think the man is a complete and utter joke and I’m very happy to point that out to all the deluded Trumpers. 

    • Like 2
  7. 22 minutes ago, maximillian said:


    Should be impeached for treason ???

    Gets crazier every day, indeed it does.


    Trump is ruled a Traitor for speaking with another nation's leader?  What does that make the UN after seeing the silly and deluded Nikki Halley perform as a trained poodle, where no one joined her insane ideas?

    Let's see. 2 men speak in a neutral land, they speak to the press and yet the press is horrified? It's as if poor Trump was put into a corner by a werewolf or was Putin being deluded by the boy who called wolf ?
    I don't get it, but I do know that no matter what was said, didn't we all know beforehand that America's war lords want to take on Russia ?

    I wouldn't worry, Russia, as there is a large glimmer of truth shining out as an example, miles from Earth, American and Russian astronauts work together beautifully.  It can be done, major media, war lobbyists and sold out politicians. Maybe you should try it, it's called COMMUNICATION!


    And maybe you should stop trying to defend the indefensible. 

    The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, just threw his own intelligence services under a bus in favour of a known dictator, murderer, gangster and general genocidal maniac. 

    I'm sorry that you 'don't get it'. Fortunately all us sane people do.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, yougivemebaby said:

    All this supposed meddling occurred during the Obama administration. Trump is trying to create peace instead of igniting a Cold War and the liberals are losing their minds. Without difinitive facts, why risk diplomacy? 

    Apart from this 'difinitive' loon, this thread has been suspiciously free of the usual Trumpers. Could it be that even they can't deflect this with their usual 'but Hillary.......but, but emails...... but, but he tells it how it is'?

    It's taken a looooooong time, but we may have actually found the indefensible.


  9. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    These shit countries have backed your ass in wars, and have contributed to your wealth  and rise since 1. WW


    we have bought your weapons, your products, and your franchising, and admired Usa for most of it. We have sent our soldiers, weapons, and made safe borders against russia. We have let your soldiers come and trained on our soil, to better strenghten our and your peace.


    So it is time to think twice about where the deleted it went wrong for your country! It is not as black and white as you think! 


    I have not forgot what Usa have sacrified in Europe, but we have paid our price to, and also paid back deleted more than you guys have contributed with in total.


    To admin an empire, it takes human resources and money to maintain just to give you a heads up, you can read some history, where other empires failed, and why they failed! 

    Who are you talking/ranting to?


  10. 4 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    the appeal to authority?  i'll play!

    who to trust in this matter?  i'll take stable genii for $200, alex!


    the president of the united states

    the leader of the free world

    the lover of beautiful chocolate cake

    the architect of the lowest unemployment rate in

    history for blacks and hispanics

    the chief executive of 17, count 'em, 17 intelligence agencies

    the man whom's normal-sized hands may hold the 'football'

    and enter the magical codes to vanquish all life on earth

    the man whom's collected 140-character pearls of wisdom

    are destined to be passed down through the ages as the 'I Tweet'


    you on the other hand have chosen to side with the clinton

    crime family dead enders and the failed bureaucrat flunkies

    responsible for the slam-dunk wmd debacle, the arming of

    moderate headchoppers, the destruction of libya and the

    opening of the refugee floodgates to europa.


    Got to be one of the craziest posts I've ever seen on here and that my friend takes some doing.

    "normal sized hands' - '140 character pearls of wisdom' 'stable genii' (which by the way is plural so unless you are talking about Trump's split personality, doesn't really work) and my personal favourite 'the lover of beautiful chocolate cake".

    Take a seat sir. You have gone above and beyond what was expected of you. 

    • Like 2
  11. 7 hours ago, heybuz said:

    these shit countries helped make america great,they helped make the atomic bomb ,,they gave you penicillin they gave you the jet aircraft the gave you and the russians the where with all to put man into space they gave you computers and the internet all this after being devestated by two word wars.your statement was a bit harsh i would suggest.

    I'm not entirely sure how you managed to do this but it wasn't me that said that. It was sukhumvitneon;

     21 hours ago, sukhumvitneon said:

    EU's view is that the US is a cash cow and is cannon fodder for any war with Russia.  US then asserts sovereignty and calls the EU on its bullshit.  These shit countries can't even be bothered to meet 2% defense spending.

  12. 14 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

    EU's view is that the US is a cash cow and is cannon fodder for any war with Russia.  US then asserts sovereignty and calls the EU on its bullshit.  These shit countries can't even be bothered to meet 2% defense spending.


    Then we get labeled: "You're a Nazi/fascist/racist"  Pick any three.  Sit and spin, EU.

    Not necessarily just 'nazi/fascist/racist' as there are predominately only two types of Trump supporters; billionaires and idiots.

    Check your bank account to see which one you are.

    • Haha 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. He has given them the lowest unemployment in a long while and a booming economy, plus extra money in their pocket, but many still hate him, even before Russia summit.

    Typical Trumper deflection; I cannot argue the actual point that everyone is discussing because it actually came out of Trumps mouth so I'm going to deflect to another topic and talk about unemployment and the economy.

    I know it's difficult for you guys to do but please try and stick to the topic.  

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