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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 12 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


    Actually - it's the only criteria mentioned in the headline of the article. 


    This transgender person seems to think that his/her 'moral compass' is above that of the rest of the country. Sounds delusional to me.


    The article goes on to mention "trans equality".


    In fact, the article we are discussing talks about nothing other that transexual issues and gay marriage.


    So on what basis is this discussion about his/her policies?

    I really have no idea what you are going on about here. 

    My quote you are talking about was in response to another poster who said he wouldn’t vote for this candidate purely for the fact she is transgender. 

    I merely pointed out that if that’s his only criteria rather than the persons policies/abilities then the issue lies with him. 

    Petfectly reasonable summation of his bias. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    So the Steele Dossier is a go?


    Roger that.



    Actually, Cohen's lawyer has said that his client knows a lot about the conspiracy with the Russians, and is willing to cooperate with Mueller. Cohen's activity as trump's bag-man included international locales.


    Mueller's in-box is probably at capacity with urgent messages from everyone in the trump campaign looking for a deal. Even Eric has probably called.



    Don’t be silly.

    Eric doesn’t know how to use a phone. 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 8/18/2018 at 10:19 AM, spidermike007 said:

    "I think the whole Manafort trial is very sad, when you look at what's going on there. I think it's a very sad day for our country," Trump said.


    "He worked for me for a very short period of time. But you know what? He happens to be a very good person. And I think it's very sad what they've done to Paul Manafort."


    What is exceptionally sad, is that this corrupt, lying, thieving, bankrupting, five time draft dodging, urine loving, serial statutory rapist, is defending a man who might go to prison for the rest of his life, for crimes he committed, without a doubt. The Mango Mussolini does not even know how ridiculous he sounds when he makes such emotionally charged statements. It is all about deflecting his own guilt, of which he is no doubt. He is not only the least dignified man in the history of American politics, he is probably one of the lowest class individuals, and one of the most heinous men in the history of the nation. Tiny Trump is a permanent stain on the face of America. He is a cartoon. A caricature of a man. A half man, half child, with less control of his emotions than most 12 years old possess. His thin skin speaks volumes about the miniature size of his heart, and his nearly complete lack of self esteem. A man in his position with even a shred of propriety and dignity would have refused to answer the question, and simply said answering the question is inappropriate. But, he does not know the definition of that term. The good men and women who protect and defend our nation are bad people in his opinion, and Manafort is a good person. What can one even say about this infantile moron? 


    Tiny Don. Moving America backwards, every day of his presidency. 

    Always love your work. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

    How often do we see the argument: "Sure, only some Muslims are terrorists, but the failure of the masses to condemn these attrocities puts them all in the same basket"?  I would level that same accusation at Catholics, and any other organisation that does, and covers up the doing of, harm to the innocent.  Sure, only some Catholic priests are pedophiles, but the secret has been out for a long time now and, while the hierachy make soothing noises and express "shame and sorrow" at seeing some being caught red handed (though whether the shame and sorrow is directed towards their actions, or the fact that they were foolish enough to be caught, is open to interpretation), the rank and file members continue to trudge along to church, accepting the moral authority of the hierachy, and doing nothing at all of any real importance to put an end to this while punishing those who were complicit in the past.  Where are the catholic congregations protesting when yet another priest / cardinal / bishop is given a slap on the wrist and/or home detention?  1.2 billion Catholics in the world and only a few publically speak up or agitate for real change.  Shame on the rest of them.


    Going one step further; even when putting aside the physical abuse of children, the abuse of their minds by indoctrination from an early age, when they are unable to form and analyse opinions for themselves, is still a charge that may be levelled at all religions, though granted, some more than others.  Religion works by either altering ones mind, to the point that one really believes what they are saying, or, if you don't achieve that "higher" state, by making you unwilling to speak out due to fear of the consequences - if not in your current life then in whatever afterlife is offered by the religion / denomination you happened to be born into.  Planting these seeds into a young, impressionable, mind is key to a lot of the power that religion holds.  As such, it should be treated exactly like any legalised drug, with appropriate rules on age applied. Giving a mind altering drug to a child is illegal - no matter how legal it may be for an adult to take it.  The organised brain washing and indoctrination of that child, when s/he has no defences or logical prowess to analyse the informtion given, and decide for him/herself whether to accept or refuse it, should be treated with the same condemnation.

    They are all cults pure and simple but unlike most definitions of a cult, these ones are government backed.

  5. 2 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    After the first 2 lines which i agree with it then turned into verbal diorrehea, i like a good factual debate not a load of goobledygook & by the way when you personally insult somebody by calling them names you point to your own immaturity and lose the debate.

    You get called a “relic” and you’re all moral indignation and supercilious outrage; whilst begrudgingly admitting I have a point.

    If you agree it’s positive discrimination then the rest has to be agreed as well as it just explains why positive discrimination was introduced. My hurting your fragile sensibilities shouldn’t negate that. 

    And may I suggest you grow slightly thicker skin if you’re going to debate on this forum. You are certainly going to need it. 

  6. 1 hour ago, underlordcthulhu said:

    Oh now it's just about calling ANYONE a dog huh? 

    Such a typical response after pointing out Leftist hypocrisy.

    No, it's about the President of The United States calling people 'dogs'. 

    Was this sort of base language ever used by previous POTUS's? No it wasn't because they realised that the office they hold requires a certain amount of decorum and the ability to rise over petty squabbles. Then again they were never as thin skinned as this buffoon.

    If you can't understand that then there is little hope for you.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, underlordcthulhu said:

    Autists all over the world are screeching now but I don't remember them screeching when he called white people dogs as he has numerous times in the past ?

    The only way to explain the screeching is that they either think blacks are inferior or superior to whites because they certainly don't see them as equals based on the double standards.

    Do you not just think that The President of The United States shouldn't be calling ANYONE a dog?

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  8. 11 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    If you watch & listen carefully this movie quote potrays Dirty Harry as somebody more concerned with the applicants ability to do the job NOT about an issue with the applicants plumbing.

    The whole thing was a dig at positive discrimination which relics like yourself probably wouldn't understand but in a nutshell, how are you supposed to get the 'ability' to do a job if you are always told you don't have the experience? This was a common excuse in discriminating against women (and blacks) back in the good ol' days.

    Also, Dirt Harry was obviously wrong because she went on to be one of the best detectives in the world as Cagney.

    Or was it Lacey?

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