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Posts posted by anon022

  1. ' while pleasuring himself with his free hand '

    what do they mean ? ..................... whistling.gif

    Who pays for a prostitute, and then "pleasures himself"?

    You must have missed the part where it says he robbed her of 9,000 baht etc.? Bill wasn't settled before he took off with her valuables, and apparently he had a good upbringing having the courtesy not to abuse the lady without compensation!

  2. You do the math, same company that sponsored Vietnam and gave us napalm, now gives us orange agent, GMO, all biocides, nothing good comes from those companies please dont ever listen to the lies they tell you, I hope Thailand never get GMO.

    Okay those of you who just can't get away from thinking that Monsanto is the devil incarnate need to take a deep breath for a moment and separate the corporation from the technology. Imagine, just for a moment, a world where Monsanto doesn't exist but GMO technology does. Is the technology still inherently bad?

    While Monsantos business practices may be ethically questionable, they are not the only company involved in GMO research. Many non-profit organizations and academic institutions are involved in this field. You can disagree with Monsanto all you like but that should not muddy a strictly technical or scientific discussion of GMOs. If you have a problem with Monsanto, have a problem with Monsanto. Don't extend that grudge to every application of GMOs.

    Don't believe the myth that GMOs are being developed to use LESS pesticide. The opposite is true. Monsanto has already developed their "Roundup Ready" GMO seeds that enable the plants to take much higher levels of pesticides. This is a fact.

    You're a bit late with your facts. Glyphosate-resistant soybeans have been approved since 1994. Anyway, so what? What exactly is the problem with this? You've made the statement as if it's supposed to just be axiomatically accepted as a bad thing without explaining why it's a bad thing.

    This exactly what we would expect to happen. The whole point of herbicide-resistant crops is to be able to spray the field with glyphosate and kill the weeds while leaving the crop unharmed. Prior to glyphosphate, farmers used a class of herbicides called sulfonyl ureas, but they could only be used in extremely low concentrations because of toxicity fears and the fact that they are non-selective (they damage weeds and crops equally). I would think that all the anti-toxin folks should be applauding the debut of glyphosphate (one of the least toxic herbicides there is), which targets weeds while leaving the resistant crops unharmed. Somebody will need to explain to me why that's a bad thing.

    Secondly, the term "pesticide" is often used in a misleading way. It is used to refer to both insecticides and herbicides. Anti-GMO activists gloss over this complexity by lumping insecticides and herbicides under the confusing label of pesticides, and then complaining that "pesticide use" has increased.

    How much herbicide is used, anyway? According to the product datasheet, farmers are advised to use 22-44 ounces of product per acre. The 44 ounce rate means that each liquid ounce is spread over an area of about 90 square meters. The active ingredient is applied at less than .1 grams per square meter.

    Round-up kills everything, except the crops that have been genetically modified. That means that in the field there is NOTHING left alive except for this Frankenfood, that has been proven to have very little nutritional value compared to the non-GMO equivalent. INDEPENDENT research has also shown it is carcinogenic. Mice develop huge tumors if fed GMO's exceeding three months. Monsanto knows this and this is why their "research" never exceeds 3 months trials.

  3. ......

    But usually it seem to be made from the same stuff every time, serves with some bpai tey water (or padan leaf or whatever they are called in english) and some mango on the side


    Ya Dong is made of the same Ruang Khao distilled from molasses as the one sold at Tesco Lotus for 85 Baht per 0.64 liter bottle with alcohol by volume 40%.

    Snake Ya Dong mostly comes from Laos and China I believe...

    It's amazing that someone would dare to drink this cocktail! drunk.gif

    attachicon.gifSnake Wine 1.jpg

    This proves again that Tesco sells anything to make a buck, even stuff like this, and horse meat from Romania, that haven't been FDA approved. Then there's the cheating with the content they were busted for a couple of years ago together with Big C, in a shady deal with Unilever.

    • Like 1
  4. Bangkok bank offers this inovation.......only drawback is that you can only use bangkok bank atms,

    Better than getting skimmed though....

    Whilst traditional cards with a magnetic stripe can only store data, the Be1st Smart card uses a highly-secure and innovative EMV microchip containing both data and security software to make your card nearly impossible to copy and keep your money safe.

    When I use it, the atm takes about 30 seconds to check that it is a genuine card...........much safer IMO

    I use my Be1st at any ATM, no problem, and the first 3 times are free of charge - within the same province. So now there is a Be2nd card?
  5. They didnt let me in. I asked 100 times to fly anywhere else than my country and it was refused. They said the only country i can go back is France. Immigration officer told me every ed visa will be checked.

    The whole thing sounds like complete BS to me. It's up to you where you want to go, and if you are refused entry to Thailand on a valid VISA by ONE particular immigration officer, then make him understand you can fly wherever you want to, because your passport is valid for all countries, and the refusal stamp for Thailand does not render it void.

    • Like 2
  6. Whatever turns you on. It reminds us of Japanese vending machines, offering worn ladies underwear. Many Japanese men on their way to or from work are found of sniffing these non-traditional goods, offered in a traditional way. In most countries, if not all, these characters have no other choice than to slip into one's garden or residence, to satisfy their need. Perhaps we're looking at a business opportunity here, haha.

    Try this link, http://jezebel.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-selling-your-panties-1566708653

  7. That's right, but my point is here, that once you got a red stamp, it doesn't matter which other consulate you go next.

    Happens all the time. People just go to another embassy and get one.
    Have you ever got another TV in your PP with a red stamp? Please post the images as proof. Rumors are not enough. We need reliable information, not guessing work.

    I have, no problem. No pics but my red stamp pic is somewhere in this forum


    I read your list. If these were all issued using the SAME PP, then the warning issued in the red stamp - although this is not made clear at the time of purchase - only applies, as Udon Joe rightfully said, when you return to the same place of issue. So the question remains, Were all your visa acquired using the same PP?

    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  8. That's right, but my point is here, that once you got a red stamp, it doesn't matter which other consulate you go next.

    Happens all the time. People just go to another embassy and get one.
    Have you ever got another TV in your PP with a red stamp? Please post the images as proof. Rumors are not enough. We need reliable information, not guessing work.
    Never had a red stamp but then in 15 years I have never applied for a visa in the region. This red stamp 'issue' pops up very frequently on the forum and I can't say as I recall any of them to do with being refused a visa at an embassy due to a red stamp from some other embassy. The red stamp means you cannot apply for another visa at the embassy which gave you the red stamp. Members have reported that they were told to use another embassy next time by immigration themselves.
    Thank you. Please note that immigration has no say in what consulates decide, or vice versa. Once you get a TV, immigration can still decide to refuse entry, as has been reported here on TV has happened to a few over the last half a year. Likewise, at an immigration office, they can advise you what to, but that's about it. The consulate rules.
  9. That's right, but my point is here, that once you got a red stamp, it doesn't matter which other consulate you go next.

    Happens all the time. People just go to another embassy and get one.
    Have you ever got another TV in your PP with a red stamp? Please post the images as proof. Rumors are not enough. We need reliable information, not guessing work.
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