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Posts posted by anon022

  1. My Mrs has 2 cousins and a niece who teach , her dad & uncle were headmasters and another cousin a serving head. I've asked about how it came to pass wherein Thailand joined the "Axis of Evil "?

    I get blank, no ideas, nothing. All I can find out is that the universities seem to ignore the 1930's & 40's; so students learn zip. I asked if it is anything to do with the change to a constitutional system of government back then & I'm told the topic cannot be discussed. I said it's your history, don't you have a right to know? All agreed that it was best to stay silent.

    This was before the coup!

    It got me wondering how many other countries suppress their past? I know Japan & Korea rewrote their WWII history and Japan even goes as far as exulting the memory of some of it's war criminals, but to exclude a whole era!

    With that mindset, even if the film is anti Hitler. I can't see how your average Thai would understand the message!!

    Spot on. If we have to go by the way most propaganda government programs work, I'd say it's a clear case of conditioning, targeted at the most susceptible of society, the youngest generations.

  2. The latest screw up in the quest for more tourists.

    Yes, we love to be confronted by ignorant Thais who greet you with a firm Heil Hitler every time they see you. Some teachers even find it funny to teach their students to do the same, and I'm drawing from experience. Trying to talk sense into them, explaining it is a very upsetting thing to do - wadduyuknow - doesn't help no consideration even after having explained clearly, and in Thai that this is a very offensive thing to say to your farang colleague. Of course it is again only the bad apples that continue to ignore the foreigners pleas, but it spoils the school environment and it's enough to make one want to leave, the school where one is employed or even, in this case, the country!

    Yes, we love tourists. Welcome to Thailand.. HAI HITLEHR!

    I really think the director was trying to make a point about; it is bad for Thais to like "Nazi chic" but he failed to comprehend that the average Westerner sees Hitler and red and a swastika and every word after or before that is lost in hate or frustration and is accompanied by a desire to shoot or strike someone. This ranks right up there with the lady and the ID bracelets for tourists and the don't wear bikinis thing.

    I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

    That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

    Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.

  3. Fantastic! The sooner we're relieved from the TV amateur head-in-the-sand detectives who keep on going against the wishes of the victims' parents to respect their privacy and dignity with their ludicrous denials that there is no evidence and that these "poor boys" are tortured scapegoats, and their sick habit to regurgitate in detail what happened to the victims, the better!

  4. The latest screw up in the quest for more tourists.

    Yes, we love to be confronted by ignorant Thais who greet you with a firm Heil Hitler every time they see you. Some teachers even find it funny to teach their students to do the same, and I'm drawing from experience. Trying to talk sense into them, explaining it is a very upsetting thing to do - wadduyuknow - doesn't help no consideration even after having explained clearly, and in Thai that this is a very offensive thing to say to your farang colleague. Of course it is again only the bad apples that continue to ignore the foreigners pleas, but it spoils the school environment and it's enough to make one want to leave, the school where one is employed or even, in this case, the country!

    Yes, we love tourists. Welcome to Thailand.. HAI HITLEHR!

    • Like 1
  5. Hello everyone, I am quite new here and started out as a "newbie", but that has been changed to "senior member". Could anyone enlighten me with the classification system's working. Some seem to have been able to change their own status into whatever they wish, like "Gone fishing". So how does this game work?

    Thank you,


  6. Many of you would be all too happy to see these two murdering rapists released, just to prevent a personal existential crisis. Anything, including letting the culprits free would be preferable to eating humble pie! So much for justice in TV blablaland!

    Really ?

    I personally would like to see them punished IF there is viable evidence that they indeed did it. So far I have not seen that evidence, and before you call them murdering rapists, maybe wait until that evidence does surface as so far they have precious little in the way of evidence that we have all been made aware off.

    They might have more evidence which they haven't disclosed yet, but until that evidence is revealed, I would certainly say calling them murdering rapists is a wee bit premature.

    Sjaak, Sjaak, doesn't your post perfectly represent what was stated in mine? Even official statements released by one of the slain victim's parents wherein they themselves utter that the evidence that was shared with them is convincing doesn't seem to get through to you?
    Ah so it's a done deal then, just because the parents of the victims say there is convincing evidence, we should all forget about a fair trial for the accused and carry out the punishment.

    Apart from the fact that these remarks could actually influence the fairness of the trial, I personally would like to see a fair trail commence in which this convincing evidence is brought forward.

    Until such time, calling the accused murdering rapist remains premature.

    It's however less premature than to announce to the world that these "poor boys" are absolutely innocent, a popular past-time on TV, and going against the parents request to grant them their right to privacy. I personally am appalled that TV has unfortunately not had the decency to respect their wishes, and ban the subject from the forum. Is it because it sells? Has TV turned into just another senseless paparazzi style publisher?

    This thread goes against all decency by allowing these insensible comments to appear inspite of the victims' parents' plea! Shame on you TV!

  7. Many of you would be all too happy to see these two murdering rapists released, just to prevent a personal existential crisis. Anything, including letting the culprits free would be preferable to eating humble pie! So much for justice in TV blablaland!

    Really ?

    I personally would like to see them punished IF there is viable evidence that they indeed did it. So far I have not seen that evidence, and before you call them murdering rapists, maybe wait until that evidence does surface as so far they have precious little in the way of evidence that we have all been made aware off.

    They might have more evidence which they haven't disclosed yet, but until that evidence is revealed, I would certainly say calling them murdering rapists is a wee bit premature.

    Sjaak, Sjaak, doesn't your post perfectly represent what was stated in mine? Even official statements released by one of the slain victim's parents wherein they themselves utter that the evidence that was shared with them is convincing doesn't seem to get through to you?

  8. "Police believed the fire might have been caused by a short circuit or possibly an unextinguished cigarette butt left in the room."

    Hate to be critical but my guess is the former ...

    That's only what we expect from you, unfounded speculation.

    Denigrating remarks towards members of the forum is not allowed, and will be removed! However, Thai and Russian bashing and expressing kindness towards non-Thai rapist - murderers is still allowed.
  9. That move is equivalent to signing their death warrants. The evidence against them is overwhelming. Their lawyers play with their lives.

    That's right they were in the general area and are Burmese who passed the first DNA test, clearly 'overwhelming'.Unless somebody has taken up the cops offer of 13k again to lie as a witness the evidence is circumstantial at best.

    It must be harder than I thought to eat humble pie, Jack. Good luck with that, and to all the other TV crime detectives too. Luckily, you can share the pie!

  10. I know this is bit off topic but I was going to invest a substantial amount in LOS next year, but I'm sad to say I'm now as a business man looking at taking it elsewhere.... very sad indeed but " it is what it is"

    I know a few lads from Mubuntu, a tax haven, who would gladly relieve you of your distress, and invest it for you, on your behalf. If you are interested, then please transfer the monies to my account, then I'll take it from there. I'll send you the details in a PM. Glad to be of help.

  11. Wasn't it because the beast terrified the heck out of many a foreign female tourist rather than the photograph pitch, that prompted some of them to complain? My and perhaps others' complaints about the aggressive tailor vendors on Kao Sarn with the local TAT seems to have had some effect, but none of them have ever been taken into custody as far as it seems although the Chanasongkram police station is just a stone throw away. They're still out in full force, but at least they're not jumping in front of you any longer with their catalogues pushed in your face every ten meters.

  12. How about taking on the army of aggressive South Asian suit dealers you encounter at every tourist destination?

    Even though they're not an endangered species, you're not allowed to take Indian tailors out of their natural habitat.

    Well, hopefully they sent them back then where they came from, or at least half of them.

  13. Saddened by this tragic event.

    But still, police couldn't be contacted ? They was too busy ? Had to use the internet ? What if it was you who phoned the police, and there was no answer ?

    And the building itself. A victim of the Asian economic crisis ? What, the one that hit Thailand back in 1996/97 ? The building has been in this state since then ? Nearly two decades ?

    And, on the Skytrain, between Nana station and Asoke station, and maybe a bit beyond as well, are the partly-built buildings still there ? I take it those were also buildings were construction stopped during the building process, due to lack of money for wages and materials.

    The abandoned one near Nana BTS on Sukhumvit (Post Office side) was pulled down a few years ago. It's a big open space now.

    Further up is the Times Square U-shaped complex which was built decades ago and left unfinished for many years. It was finally finished some years back and seems to be doing well.

    The big one at the corner of Sukhumvit and Asoke (going to the Convention Center) was also finally done for occupancy after years being left unfinished.

    As for the sky-high monster where the unfortunate farang was found hanged I've looked at it over the years every time I've been to Saphan Taksin BTS and wondered why such an attractive-looking high-rise in such a prime BKK location could have been left so close (apparently) to termination. An insurance-unacceptable flawed safety design in the fire-escape stairwells ?

    It's not good for such buildings to be left open to the weather for so many years. Rain waster will eventually get in the concrete and the re-bars will rust and crack the concrete. I was surprised to see the long-abandoned Times Square building being resuscitated !!

    You're right. Look at this one, zoomed in from space.


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