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Posts posted by anon022

  1. I beg to differ here guys for Mai Sai

    I was on a run myself (I have a visa) and they were not letting ANYONE cross the border unless they have a valid visa NO 30 DAY STAMPS

    One guy just wanted to go over for 3 days because his flight home would put him on overstay they refused to let him go over and made it clear the ONLY WAY to get more time is an extension at immigration

    So if your expecting to get over the border at mai sai just be aware of this

    There are several reports of people getting a visa exempt entry at Mae Sai.

    But if you have one already and have not gotten an extension of it they will turn you back. They also do the same to those with an entry from a tourist visa that they have not extended.

    In the case of the OP it would not be a problem because it is his first one after having a visa.

    Strange, so you can't leave there on a double TV to visit for a day during the first entry validity unless you have used the maximum time allowed on the first entry, AND had had an extension on it?

  2. A few more inconsistencies that have not been mentioned since and formed no part of the stage managed reenactment.

    "Witheridge, meanwhile, was dragged away from the first attack spot, said the same police officer. The officer said Witheridge did manage to run for some distance but was hit repeatedly in the face with a hoe which suggested whoever attacked her could have held a personal grudge against her."

    "Traces of Miss Witheridge's DNA and that of one other person were found on a cigarette butt some 50 yards from where her body was found, suggesting the 23-year-old shared it with her attackers and even had a conversation with them before being killed"

    But don't let that get in the way of a perfect investigation

    Obviously many of you are so determined to see the culprits acquitted, that you keep on ignoring things that have long been debunked. One of the things you keep on saying is that it was stated that it was a "perfect" case. However, and this was explained by one of the members here who understands Thai, the article was, as is quite understandable for someone with a brain, written in, and therefore translated from THAI, and the word "somboon" was incorrectly interpreted as "perfect", while it should have been "complete" instead.

    Now, is there any need to have to keep on going on about this? Just snap out of it and behave a little more reasonable. And as I requested before, I'll do it again here,

    Thai Visa!! Respect the parents wishes and grand them the privacy and the victims their dignity requested as such in their official published statement, by banning any topic related to the murders!

    It's insensible and plain inappropriate of the moderators to let this go on, period. Shame on you TV!

  3. Koh Tao suspects seek Suu Kyis help


    BANGKOK: -- Two Myanmar suspects in the murder of two British tourists in Thailand have asked fellow Myanmar national Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to help their case, reasoning they are innocent.

    According to Sein Htay, director of Bangkok-based Migrant Workers Network, the two suspects wanted Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to help them for their justice as she is an international icon and also an influential person in Thailand.

    He said they were seeking help from all sectors as they said they did nothing wrong in the case.

    Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo, both 21, were arrested in October and confessed to the crimes, but later retracted their confessions saying they were tortured and forced to confess.

    David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found dead on September 15 on Sairee beach on Koh Tao, 350 kilometres south of Bangkok. Ms Witheridge was also found to be raped and slain.

    British and Myanmar envoys have raised concerns about the Thai investigation, with Britain sending a police team as observers.

    The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has also expressed concern about the alleged forced confessions.

    But Thai police have denied the accusations of torture or misconduct.

    The victims families said last week the evidence against the Myanmar suspects is convincing, after British detectives sent to Thailand reviewed the police findings.

    Last week, the Samui prosecutor filed five charges against Zaw Lin the murder of Miller, the rape and murder of Witheridge, illegal entry into Thailand and staying in the country without permission.

    Wai Phyo faces the same charges and an additional charge of stealing a mobile phone and sunglasses from Miller.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/koh-tao-suspects-seek-suu-kyis-help


    -- Thai PBS 2014-12-12

    This is NOT an update, it's an OLD news article with No News! Trying to up your clicks for more revenue?

    So a news article dated today is OLD news?

    A news article that has nothing new to convey is not a news article. Everything in it I read in the Bangkok Post I believe it was, yesterday, and to my understanding, yesterday was the day before today.

    • Like 1
  4. Koh Tao suspects seek Suu Kyis help


    BANGKOK: -- Two Myanmar suspects in the murder of two British tourists in Thailand have asked fellow Myanmar national Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to help their case, reasoning they are innocent.

    According to Sein Htay, director of Bangkok-based Migrant Workers Network, the two suspects wanted Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to help them for their justice as she is an international icon and also an influential person in Thailand.

    He said they were seeking help from all sectors as they said they did nothing wrong in the case.

    Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo, both 21, were arrested in October and confessed to the crimes, but later retracted their confessions saying they were tortured and forced to confess.

    David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found dead on September 15 on Sairee beach on Koh Tao, 350 kilometres south of Bangkok. Ms Witheridge was also found to be raped and slain.

    British and Myanmar envoys have raised concerns about the Thai investigation, with Britain sending a police team as observers.

    The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has also expressed concern about the alleged forced confessions.

    But Thai police have denied the accusations of torture or misconduct.

    The victims families said last week the evidence against the Myanmar suspects is convincing, after British detectives sent to Thailand reviewed the police findings.

    Last week, the Samui prosecutor filed five charges against Zaw Lin the murder of Miller, the rape and murder of Witheridge, illegal entry into Thailand and staying in the country without permission.

    Wai Phyo faces the same charges and an additional charge of stealing a mobile phone and sunglasses from Miller.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/koh-tao-suspects-seek-suu-kyis-help


    -- Thai PBS 2014-12-12

    This is NOT an update, it's an OLD news article with No News! Trying to up your clicks for more revenue?

    • Like 1
  5. About time - let's hope, that they keep the system up to par.

    But it will take a lot of reader stations, the RFID chips are only readable within a couple of meters, with LF and up to MAX 100m with active LR devices. To be honest i think a GPS/GLONASS based solution is cheaper?

    *Edit* Btw - its quite easy to clone the RFID chips, so if they put the chip in the number-plates, I think I have a "Thainess" based business idea rolleyes.gif

    It says passengers are encouraged to report cases themselves, any time of the day or night, so it's up to all of us to monitor this abhorrent behavior and report it in the first place, and don't sit idle by.

  6. Is it tourists, or is it those who live here also? I've never experienced an incident because I speak Thai.

    If you live here, learn the lingo. If you don't.... not much will change in ATTACKING tourists, I'm afraid.

    Tourists do not generally speak Thai, and they are the ones supposedly being targeted in greater numbers than ever. May I remind you that a senior police officer has stated that you have the right to refuse.
    Did he also state you have the right to refuse being planted?

    I have yet to see the first case, but beware, it happens a lot in Cambodia, and it is done in Vientiane as well. So Thailand might still be the best option!

  7. DM07 you know too much! Seriously, my sense of humour is all I have to keep me sain. I have posted for months on these murders and really I want closure, I want it erased from my mind. Those graphic photos haunt me. R.I.P Hannah. R.I.P David you are angels in heaven now. I'm still going back to Koh Tao the murder or murderers want stop me. I love the island too. Heal Koh Tao. Heal people of Koh Tao. Amen

    Heal the people of KT you say ... Rather put them "away" - <deleted> stinking Island-people. How many on stinky KT know the real truth about these horrific crimes and keep their cowardmouth shut ?

    As other people suggest: Sink this hellhole of an Island in Ocean - hope you can get a drink with some murderers there and support their criminal economy, have an awful trip and dont get yourself killed ...

    You seem to be ignoring the fact that there is a high probability that the 2 Burmese men in custody are the murderers.

    Now you're talking, spot on!

  8. It's amazing that they don't level the building as it's almost 20 yrs.

    Rip to this chap.

    Who is 'they' ?

    Demolishing a building of that size takes serious money and zero profit or it would have been done a long time ago

    Ok, I'll elaborate. I'm just assuming here as it could be many different outfits, such as:

    Trustee that took over the bankrupt co/property, as they may have got it for pennies on the dollar if that. Sold the property to another co that would have some sort of deal in place to share demo costs then possibly rebuild whatever they like. City take it over and sell it to the highest bidder (local/foreign). Any would be possible imho.

    I thought the son of the original owner still had ownership and was trying to sell it on.

    With no luck.

    Is that not correct then?

    You probably know more about this actual story than I do, as my assumption was just a generalization.

    Your generalization was just speculation rather, right?

  9. This is amazing journalism, what an expose. I also heard heart disease is the leading cause of death in men aged 55-70.

    There's quite a few dangerous things tourists do in Thailand, but riding a mocy is probably the most dangerous activity by far, especially when tipsy or drunk.

    A close second might be getting really drunk at a girlie bar in Pattaya, or jumping of a balcony. Takes years of your life!

    • Like 1
  10. Is it tourists, or is it those who live here also? I've never experienced an incident because I speak Thai.

    If you live here, learn the lingo. If you don't.... not much will change in ATTACKING tourists, I'm afraid.

    Tourists do not generally speak Thai, and they are the ones supposedly being targeted in greater numbers than ever. May I remind you that a senior police officer has stated that you have the right to refuse.

  11. As pointed out earlier, the subtle hint might not have come across with Thai youth as such, iow, the overall majority might miss the point just as most of the rest of the world. Perhaps even more so in a movie theatre.

    Isn't there a possibility that Hitler was chosen because the message really is to obey your superiors and follow orders just like the sheeple of Nazi Germany who unconditionally adapted the fuehrer's ideology? Aren't these 12 directives and its concept of forced implementation eerily similar to Hitler's?

    Do you mean, the Thai director was bright enough to use a 3 second clip to control children with an effective subliminal advertising message? You gotta be kidding me.biggrin.png

    Try reading again.

    You wrote, "Isn't there a possibility that Hitler was chosen because the message really is to obey your superiors and follow orders just like the sheeple of Nazi Germany who unconditionally adapted the fuehrer's ideology?"

    Do you mean, the Thai director was bright enough to use a 3 second clip to control children with an effective subliminal advertising message? You gotta be kidding me.biggrin.png

    It seems that you don't even bother to think about the points made. Explains why your responses remain shallow. It takes a bit of cognitive effort, as well as a bit of knowledge of the workings of government propaganda, to understand what could be at play here. Maybe you should also read the report again, which exclusively implies that the general's 12 commandments are being pumped into the brains of schoolchildren systematically, and on a daily basis. RING A BELL??

    On a side-note, anybody who is still teaching at a school and has some dignity left should quit.

  12. As pointed out earlier, the subtle hint might not have come across with Thai youth as such, iow, the overall majority might miss the point just as most of the rest of the world. Perhaps even more so in a movie theatre.

    Isn't there a possibility that Hitler was chosen because the message really is to obey your superiors and follow orders just like the sheeple of Nazi Germany who unconditionally adapted the fuehrer's ideology? Aren't these 12 directives and its concept of forced implementation eerily similar to Hitler's?

    Do you mean, the Thai director was bright enough to use a 3 second clip to control children with an effective subliminal advertising message? You gotta be kidding me.biggrin.png

    Try reading again. It seems that you don't even bother reading the posts and the points made. Or the points made just don't register.
  13. As pointed out earlier, the subtle hint might not have come across with Thai youth as such, iow, the overall majority might miss the point just as most of the rest of the world. Perhaps even more so in a movie theatre.

    Isn't there a possibility that Hitler was chosen because the message really is to obey your superiors and follow orders just like the sheeple of Nazi Germany who unconditionally adapted the fuehrer's ideology? Aren't these 12 directives and its concept of forced implementation eerily similar to Hitler's?

    Do you mean, the Thai director was bright enough to use a 3 second clip to control children with an effective subliminal advertising message? You gotta be kidding me.biggrin.png

    Try reading again.

  14. Of course not. You also missed the point of Nazi chic. It is an Asian fashion statement that the film was opposed to. Try google. You may not like the fashion statement but it is what it is and not what you want it to be. You are talking about the Holocaust and some Asian people are talking about T-shirts and fried chicken.


    Because you don't "get it" does not mean it does not exist.

    I wish it were that innocent, but I know from experience, that Hitler and Nazi regime adoration is alive and kicking among Thai youth, and they know p e r f e c t l y well what they are talking about. They watch his speeches on Youtube, and read about it online. They know about the massacres, but they seem to have adopted the hatred towards the minorities that were targeted. They showed me pictures of piled up bodies in concentration camps, and they seemed to get a kick out of it, I do not kid you. I have tried to talk sense in some of them, but these kids whom studied English with me, remained adamant in their convictions. A year after I had left the school, their home room teacher told me one of them had drowned after he had been pushed in the nearby drinking water reservoir - bor nam prapah - during an argument. He couldn't swim, but none of the others apparently bothered to save him.

    I agree with you and that is what the director was aiming at when he included the 3 second clip it was a morality play about not adopting those ideals. I think you are missing the central idea that the film clip was showing Thai children what not to do. Not what to do. And there in lies the whole mess of the situation. The media and most of the posters in this thread think the 3 sec film clip was telling kids to paint Hitler but it was telling kids not to paint Hitler.

    As pointed out earlier, the subtle hint might not have come across with Thai youth as such, iow, the overall majority might miss the point just as most of the rest of the world. Perhaps even more so in a movie theatre.

    Isn't there a possibility that Hitler was chosen because the message really is to obey your superiors and follow orders just like the sheeple of Nazi Germany who unconditionally adapted the fuehrer's ideology? Aren't these 12 directives and its concept of forced implementation eerily similar to Hitler's?

  15. Exactly right.

    Despite what some may feel, this film is not making any meaningful attempt at condemnation of the horrors of nazi rule, but rather trivializes what the swastika represents to get across a point on youth culture and the director was seriously misguided in his attempt to do so.

    Of course not. You also missed the point of Nazi chic. It is an Asian fashion statement that the film was opposed to. Try google. You may not like the fashion statement but it is what it is and not what you want it to be. You are talking about the Holocaust and some Asian people are talking about T-shirts and fried chicken.


    Because you don't "get it" does not mean it does not exist.

    I wish it were that innocent, but I know from experience, that Hitler and Nazi regime adoration is alive and kicking among Thai youth, and they know p e r f e c t l y well what they are talking about. They watch his speeches on Youtube, and read about it online. They know about the massacres, but they seem to have adopted the hatred towards the minorities that were targeted. They showed me pictures of piled up bodies in concentration camps, and they seemed to get a kick out of it, I do not kid you. I have tried to talk sense in some of them, but these kids whom studied English with me, remained adamant in their convictions.

    These kids aged 16 to 17 had very radical ideas about what the future of Thailand should look like, and needless to say, had little respect for those who cannot be named. A year after I had left the school, their home room teacher told me one of them had drowned after he had been pushed in the nearby drinking water reservoir - bor nam prapah - during an argument. He couldn't swim, but none of the others apparently bothered to save him.

  16. Thailands Bizarre Hitler Worship: Propaganda Video Issued By Prime Minister Glorifies Nazi Leader


    Thailand: Prime minister's Hitler video aimed at young children condemned

    A propaganda film commissioned by Thailand's ruling junta that features a schoolboy painting a likeness of Adolf Hitler has prompted outrage on social media and drew strong condemnation from Israel's ambassador to the country.


    Hitler imagery in Thai junta propaganda film sparks outrage

    An officially sanctioned propaganda film commissioned by Thailands junta has caused outrage and bafflement after viewers noticed it used imagery of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.


    Never a dull day under a military regime!

  17. I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

    That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

    Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.

    The film is not encouraging "kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler", it does the exact opposite, did you actually saw the film?

    It's "see", not "saw".

    Well pardon me for the lapse, did you actually see the film?

    My dear fellow, it suffices to see the kid completing his painting of Hitler with a broad smile on his face, while his friend enthusiastically applauds his efforts. I am generally very positive about the general's intentions and certainly his actions of late, but we seem to slowly, or perhaps faster than you would expect, going down the Mugabe path, if you get what I'm implying. You however are thinking this little "scene" to be a hint towards the public, that it is silly or unwise to see Hitler as a hero, or role model. I do not believe for a split second that the general public would "get" the hint, and would rather see it as an encouragement, as is my experience as I already pointed out earlier, but you seem to have missed that, or simply ignored it.

  18. Just came back from 4 days in Phuket with my wife.

    We could not find ANY lounge chairs, but in some places you could rent the pad they put on top of the chair and lay on that on the sand. Definitely a QUALITY TOURISM EXPERIENCE.

    This whole thing is just stupid. Don't these numbskulls realize that tourists WANT to be able to rent a chair?

    " there is nothing stopping the vendors providing you with loungers etc from somewhere near the beach"

    Well, actually no....

    We talked to the people renting the pads on two beaches we visited and we were told that the police/army (not sure which) would not allow their chairs on the beach... even when the tourist was actively using it... the guy at Laem Sing beach had them all stacked up as far from the water as possible. He told us that if the "authorities" found them on the beach they would be destroyed or confiscated.

    Good riddance, tourists don't come to look at endless rows of plastic furniture when they book a ticket to paradise. If permanent beach chairs and other rubbish are your cup of tea, the please stay away and opt for Spain, 'cause that would make you a lot happier wouldn't it?

  19. They should get this sorted out. If I go to that resort, or any beach resort for that matter, I want a sun bed on the sand with an umbrella. Figure it out and manage it properly. It's a win/win for all.

    Tough luck then buddy, the beach is not your, or anyone else's property, and if I want to play ball with my son, and you happen to have illegally occupied that stretch of the beach, you're going to have to move your a##

    • Like 1
  20. I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

    That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

    Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.

    The film is not encouraging "kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler", it does the exact opposite, did you actually saw the film?

    It's "see", not "saw".

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