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Posts posted by anon022

  1. The writer is being one of the worse I have see in a while. And yes, since it is coming from the English news source I can be critisising the standerd of English used.

    It's 'standard', not "standerd" Sherlock. And it's 'is one of the worst', not "is being one of the worse", and 'seen' instead of "see". Then there's another two grammar errors. I'm shure your taching us four a rite!

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  2. Credit to (https://twitter.com/Atomicalandy)


    Both families call for a 'fair and transparent' trial for the accused and justice to be done in the case. It's an important beneficial statement that also supports the work the defense team are doing here in Thailand. Our aim is to ensure a fair trial and justice in the case.

    Here are the statements from both Familys .... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10152642326445677&id=675065676&ref=bookmark

    "It's an important beneficial statement that also supports the work the defense team are doing here in Thailand. Our aim is to ensure a fair trial and justice in the case." Quote

    To all the posters here having a go at the "conspiracy theorists" on this thread, try to read the above slowly!!

    If the parents really had faith in the RTP, I doubt very much, they would be supportive of the defense team!!

    They are simply being polite!!

    By supporting the defense, they are really saying, that they don't believe in the evidence presented by the RTP!!

    Do you have no shame? All of us can read the entire statement, taking it out context to perpetuate what they are specifically asking not be done is just downright shameful.

    Edit: And like much of the conspiracy theorist and theories like the above -- it is just dishonest based on the entirety of their statements. You are actually trying to say their statement says " they don't believe in the evidence presented by the RTP!"

    Again I say, shameful.

    Where do they state they are confident that the RTP have the right culprits and why was the statement issued on their behalf and mot by them directly?

    I'm willing to bite the sour apple, if we hear this directly from the British investigators or parents.

    If they do have the right culprits then I'm happy for the families but I doubt anyone here would ever trust Thai authorities where face matters more than transparency and justice.

    It's only natural to express doubt to a rotten and archiac system.

    You're insinuations are outright ludicrous and highly inappropriate, but this could be because you never have been a very good student, possibly dyslectic or otherwise impaired, or simply never bothered to pay much attention in class. Nevertheless, here's part of Hannah's family's statement once more:

    "UK detectives travelled to Thailand last month to observe and review the murder case of our precious Daughter Hannah, and also that of David Miller. We would like to thank the officers who travelled to Thailand to review the case and the Royal Thai Police for facilitating their visit.

    Since their return we have been able to meet with these officers together with our family liaison officers to learn about the investigation. There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us. We respect the need for such detail not to be shared publically before Royal Thai Police start their trial process.

    We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family.

    We ask as a family, as we have throughout, that we are afforded privacy and that Hannah and David are afforded their dignity during this time of immense pain and difficulty.

    Our thoughts, as always, are with the Miller family. Together we stand united and focused on seeing a fair and transparent trial process to bring about justice for our beautiful children.


    The family of David Miller say they are united in their grief with the Witheridge family and also back the police investigation"

    May I suggest that the administrators heed the family's request to respect their privacy ",and that Hannah and David are afforded their dignity during this time of immense pain and difficulty" and therefore filter out the hideous comments on this thread, or better even, call an end to it altogether.

  3. of little interest to the ignorant fools that have gone native and live in the booonies of nakon nowhere ...BUT lets not forget that many Genuine tourists transit thro bkk for a few days and they fear this kind of abuse by any law enforcement as this is the natorious far east and being forced to sign any bull that is made up on that day of a little pill slipped into your shirt pocket can DESTROY your life/////..but hey thailand is perfect isnt it fools

    He was asked to sign, not forced, but yes, it was still a force of intimidation. Bottom line is, you just refuse, and you're off with a hundred baht fine. Case closed.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    i was knocked off my motor bike by a driver of a pick up truck who just came out of a side lane in open view, i suffered a dislocated shoulder, dislocated fingers,cuts and bruises and the bike was a right off,when interviewed at the police station he said i saw him but i thought he was farther away, it cost me over 25,000 bht hospital bills i lost 3 weeks money from school, and he was laughing and joking with the BIB at the police station. Lucky i have krungthai bank hospital insurance, but nothing awarded for loss of earnings or compensation for pain and suffering. They don't care don't give a shit about the highway code and road rules, They are the most stupid and dangerous peoole who i have ever had the displeasure to be on the road with. Red lights mean nothing one way streets mean nothing pedestrian crossings mean nothing railway level crossings mean nothing IN FACT LIFE MEANS NOTHING TO THESE ROAD MANIACS

    Very well expressed.

    You are 100% correct.

    Avoid using mcs as much as possible. Thailand is a close second to the Dominican Republic on the traffic list of most dangerous countries, and mcy drivers account for over 70 percent of the death toll!

  5. Tony Blair and the art of a good Christmas card photo

    "Menacingly odd", "fabulously awkward", "terrifying" and plain "creepy" - just some of the reactions to the Christmas card sent this year by Tony and Cherie Blair, notes Ben Milne.


    I'd agree with the creepy and terrifying, as well as menacing, all justifiable labels to stick to Blair's lapel.

  6. I went to the fund page to possibly find the email address, but there's actually very little information there, and hasn't been updated in 24 days. So I'll wait 'till you've got a mailing address, thank you.

    Mate siriraj hospital has wifi.

    I suggest you go and learn how to use google. That's g-o-o-g-l-e.

    I ain't your lackey unless you don't have fingers but then you seem to type into thaivisa ok and no doubt siriraj could help you on that anyway with their world class care and facilities.

    After 7 years I must admit I have never heard of suriraj but no doubt it's of excellent standard. I will take your word on that.

    Says a lot about your engagement with Thai society. Siriraj hospital is where the King of Thailand is under observation as we speak. I asked you for a simple email address as you seemed to be intimately involved in the matter, but apparently, when push comes to shove, you drop your mates like flies. Note: I might be too harsh on you now. You said you were somehow connected, so put your money where your mouth is, I'm not your or anyone's lackey either thank you very much no. 3

  7. This is not a tourist, but a kid that has lived here since he was 5. I am sure his parents made sure he has adequate medical insurance coverage! No need for extra funding. There's most probably more than enough liquidity, and otherwise real estate, and investments that could cover for reconstructive surgery a hundred times over and some.

    Scholarship kid mate and son of a single parent.

    Be informed my friend. Not all expats are plonkers taking it in.

    Be thankful that you are and respectful that others are not. Assumptions and stereotypes won't get you far.

    Son of a single parent in Thailand, what else is new? Scholarship from where please? Hasn't he been going to school in Thailand since he was five? At least I would think so if he has been living here... since he was five. I'm sure the family has adequate funds to send him to Siriraj Hospital for reconstructive surgery, for the price of a holiday to Australia.
    Scholarship from the school that AD s site has posted. If you were informed.

    Mate you know so much you should email kathy afraivongs and let her know stat that she is barking up the wrong tree mate. Seems she might need a shake-up call. Let her know about these trips to oz too as she may not be aware. Nothing like having the wool pulled over your eyes so I'm sure she would be grateful for your input by the sounds of it my friend.

    Bottom line is that he doesn't need to stay in a five star private hospital to get excellent treatment. Siriraj will do the job for a fraction of the price.
  8. This is not a tourist, but a kid that has lived here since he was 5. I am sure his parents made sure he has adequate medical insurance coverage! No need for extra funding. There's most probably more than enough liquidity, and otherwise real estate, and investments that could cover for reconstructive surgery a hundred times over and some.

    Scholarship kid mate and son of a single parent.

    Be informed my friend. Not all expats are plonkers taking it in.

    Be thankful that you are and respectful that others are not. Assumptions and stereotypes won't get you far.

    Son of a single parent in Thailand, what else is new? Scholarship from where please? Hasn't he been going to school in Thailand since he was five? At least I would think so if he has been living here... since he was five. I'm sure the family has adequate funds to send him to Siriraj Hospital for reconstructive surgery, for the price of a holiday to Australia.

  9. He looks young. Where are his parents? Been in Thailand for 15 years, he must have grown up here then. Something is missing here.

    His mother is a single parent Australian mom struggling to make ends meet and raise her kids in Bangkok. Don't what happened to the father.

    I would tell the mother to send him to Siriraj Hospital, instead of wasting money in a private one, before asking others for funds.

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  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The accused were Chinese-Americans.... Aren't the able to chase them in USA.. And what about travel insurance, has that not covered much..

    "Jack is n Australian man who has lived in Thailand for the last 15 years"

    Do you really think travel insurance is valid for 15 years?

    Try to read the story before you comment coffee1.gif

    I have year round travel insurance from my country, and yes, it is valid as long as you have medical insurance in your country. Even if that is not the case, the accident insurance is still valid, no matter what.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The accused were Chinese-Americans.... Aren't the able to chase them in USA.. And what about travel insurance, has that not covered much..

    "Jack is n Australian man who has lived in Thailand for the last 15 years"

    Do you really think travel insurance is valid for 15 years?

    Try to read the story before you comment coffee1.gif

    I have year round travel insurance from my country, and yes, it is valid as long as you have medical insurance in your country. Even if that is not the case, the accident insurance is still valid, no matter what.

  12. When will they hire some officers that can actually speak - at least - English to deal with tourists on this tourist beach? Moreover, if such an incident occurs, it would not be too much trouble around there to find a English speaking Thai person to help out, would it? I guess things heated up, before anyone involved or watching thought of this?

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