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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. Yes I understand.History is written all over the present moment.

    I can only say that for me my responsibility is to first untangle the war within, only then will I know what is possible in the world. Although at this stage I feel some sense of relief, that I may relax with what others are choosing to do with their lives. I honestly feel it's all magnetic. I have my own good share of wounds which I may come to understand eventually. Fight or flight, neither do they appeal to me. So my answer would be "for me to be the change I would like to see in the world"...

    A brave old man was killed by a punk kid for beer money. If I saw it happening and knew both participants I'd hit the kid over the head with a baseball bat to stop him from hurting the old man and perhaps kill the punk kid. What would you do? I can't tell from your answer.

    Place myself between the old man and the boy non threateningly, take appropiate action from there although it may not be violent, depends on which way I am advanced upon.

    Sir, you are pathetic and typical of today's liberals.

    All I can say to you is get off your 'fluffy little clouds' wake up and join the real world

    And you sir no doubt will continue to live in a violent world owing to the clear cold truth that you are unwilling to resolve violence with any other means other than violence. Your "real" unresolved violent world.
  2. Yes I understand.History is written all over the present moment.

    I can only say that for me my responsibility is to first untangle the war within, only then will I know what is possible in the world. Although at this stage I feel some sense of relief, that I may relax with what others are choosing to do with their lives. I honestly feel it's all magnetic. I have my own good share of wounds which I may come to understand eventually. Fight or flight, neither do they appeal to me. So my answer would be "for me to be the change I would like to see in the world"...

    A brave old man was killed by a punk kid for beer money. If I saw it happening and knew both participants I'd hit the kid over the head with a baseball bat to stop him from hurting the old man and perhaps kill the punk kid. What would you do? I can't tell from your answer.

    Place myself between the old man and the boy non threateningly, take appropiate action from there although it may not be violent, depends on which way I am advanced upon.

  3. I have no illusions about the flag I was born under, and just because I was born there doesn't mean I"ll be buying any political angle that that country cares to produce.

    Since you are criticizing me and telling me history is not important; if your country is wrong why don't you do something about it? Go to war. Start a revolution. My ancestors did. They were angry at the British treatment of the Indians and went to war to stop those fellows.
    Because I dont beleive that war is the answer. Real education from a wholistic understanding of all the events both overt and covert may just be alot more influential. War has ravaged this world for many thousands of years, can you see a positive result? Now possibly the world may launch into something catastrophic.

    You may not just see one person die but possibly a major portion of the population. The main problem with war is that every party thinks they are right. Competition is programed into the dna, it appears to override the very sanity of humanity.

    So do you think it is important to study history? And if real education is the answer where do you get this real education? How much do you have? And what do you do if the country next to yours starts to shoot and burn alive the population of your town like happened in Nigeria yesterday? Do you tell Boko Harem to stop shooting and get some education? Do you think they will do this?

    I'm not making anything up. Boko Harem attacked and killed a couple of thousand people yesterday and apparently the Army was educated like you because they ran away.

    I'm not trying to start an argument only to understand what you are trying to say.

    Yes I understand.

    History is written all over the present moment.

    I can only say that for me my responsibility is to first untangle the war within, only then will I know what is possible in the world. Although at this stage I feel some sense of relief, that I may relax with what others are choosing to do with their lives. I honestly feel it's all magnetic. I have my own good share of wounds which I may come to understand eventually. Fight or flight, neither do they appeal to me. So my answer would be "for me to be the change I would like to see in the world"...

  4. Reading up on what history would have one believe about war doesnt interest me in the slightest. You appear to have no idea about the financial circumstances behind such events, just caught up in battle scenes as if there is some sort of glory to be had. If indeed you are western, then 9 times out of 10 your government is pulling nasty strings behind closed doors. This is what you need study up on if anything...

    What government is your government? I don't think you have the intellectual honesty to tell us. See, you can say my Western government and that gives you a point of reference but you are afraid to mention your government because it is 10 times worse than my Western government.

    So you can mock my government but don't have the guts to tell us the name of your government. I get it. Do as I say and not as I do. Ya, heard that before.

    I have no illusions about the flag I was born under, and just because I was born there doesn't mean I"ll be buying any political angle that that country cares to produce.

    Since you are criticizing me and telling me history is not important; if your country is wrong why don't you do something about it? Go to war. Start a revolution. My ancestors did. They were angry at the British treatment of the Indians and went to war to stop those fellows.

    Because I dont beleive that war is the answer. Real education from a wholistic understanding of all the events both overt and covert may just be alot more influential. War has ravaged this world for many thousands of years, can you see a positive result? Now possibly the world may launch into something catastrophic.

    You may not just see one person die but possibly a major portion of the population. The main problem with war is that every party thinks they are right. Competition is programed into the dna, it appears to override the very sanity of humanity.

  5. Reading up on what history would have one believe about war doesnt interest me in the slightest. You appear to have no idea about the financial circumstances behind such events, just caught up in battle scenes as if there is some sort of glory to be had. If indeed you are western, then 9 times out of 10 your government is pulling nasty strings behind closed doors. This is what you need study up on if anything...

    What government is your government? I don't think you have the intellectual honesty to tell us. See, you can say my Western government and that gives you a point of reference but you are afraid to mention your government because it is 10 times worse than my Western government.

    So you can mock my government but don't have the guts to tell us the name of your government. I get it. Do as I say and not as I do. Ya, heard that before.

    I have no illusions about the flag I was born under, and just because I was born there doesn't mean I"ll be buying any political angle that that country cares to produce.

  6. I also find it difficult to understand why the elderly gentleman was quoted as being veteran as if this makes it an even more important case

    Maybe to show the irony that the victim survived the hellish war in the Pacific and those crazy Japanese only to fall victim to a couple of wannabee gangbangers.

    Kind of like Haing S. Ngor. Manages to survive the horror of the Cambodian Killing Fields, then becomes the first Asian male to win an Oscar (playing Dith Pran in the movie), only to be killed by a Vietnamese street gang in LA in a botched robbery.

    I doubt you even know who starts wars, you appear to me to be just a pawn in large financial instituition. Clearly have no understanding of economics and how governments really work worldwide and thru the back doors. You probably think that your dear government loves you...

    What exactly does the knights templer have to do with you?

    I thought about it for a good long while, who I really feel sorry for, and it is the ignorant who remain here and those that have to live with them...

    Wait a minute Mr. Fluffy, you are telling us you "feel sorry for the ignorant who remain here and those who have to live with them." Who on earth are you talking about?

    Most people, after reading a story about two teenagers beating an 88 year old, WWII veteran to death would feel emphatic for the victim of this senseless crime, and disgust for the two teenagers.

    You might take the time to read this story again, and look in the mirror to reflect on your posts in regard to this tragic incident. I believe calling posters on this site ignorant, may be projection on your part.

    An 88yr old yes, any 88yr old, or anybody else for that matter, but clearly your superior intelligence can't or won't understand that being a veteran has made the event out to be more tragic.

  7. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.

    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

    Hold on there Mr. Fluffy. The avatars Thai Visa posters choose, have nothing to do with the despicable teenager you feel sorry for. What method would you use to rehabilitate this guy that killed an 88 year old, WWII veteran for fun?

    The reason this kid is going to prison, is because he is a real threat to the public, and apparently has little to no redeemable qualities. What say you, Mr. Fluffy?

    What's more I dont recall announcing that I felt sorry for the boy.

    Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather than punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

    Don't know, but this comes pretty close to feeling sorry for the perpetrator rather than the victim in my book.

    Why assume I dont feel for all, the main point of my posting was to counter racial discrimination if there was any or any other discrimination...simple.

    So Fluffy, the reason you made the post about the teenager that beat an 88 year old, WWII veteran to death, is because you were concerned there may be racial discrimination kicking off. Is that a fair assumption? Isn't it true, you never gave any thought to the WWII veteran? That's what I thought.

    Well Fluffy, as usual there is no racial discrimination in this case. This kid is going to be able to hang out with other criminals, who like him, have no regard for others or laws. Nothing more to see folks............please keep moving. That includes you Fluffy.

    I also find it difficult to understand why the elderly gentleman was quoted as being veteran as if this makes it an even more important case, he was a human being and owed the same respect all humans can be afforded, without elevation or denegradtion, the case has been sensationalised thru the word veteran to inflame public opinion and therefore create a rift between cultures...., also is it not the first thing you see? black or white?, or do you really just see two people.... Can you honestly answer this question without being intellectualy defensive??? Do you also see veteran and non veteran? Media is subtly geared to sway readers minds in favour discrimination....please note never once do I condone the murder of any body. And this elderly gentleman deserves the respect that all other living beings deserve. No matter how many people they have killed, and lets face it the military, which albeit are serving nations, have done their fare share of the killing and they too require to be forgiven, right?...

    I doubt if anyone cares you "find it difficult understanding why the elder gentleman was quoted as being a veteran of WWII." Maybe the reason is because WWII veterans are dwindling by the day because of old age or in this case being beaten to death by a teenager. It may have even been because the WWII veteran fought on Okinawa, in the last amphibious assault of WWII.

    When you have time, go to youtube to view some of the film footage and history of this epic battle. This may bring a little clarity to your delimia. Your continued comments about this incident borders on disturbing and even a little immature. Maybe reading up a little about WWII, would be something you should consider.

    Reading up on what history would have one believe about war doesnt interest me in the slightest. You appear to have no idea about the financial circumstances behind such events, just caught up in battle scenes as if there is some sort of glory to be had. If indeed you are western, then 9 times out of 10 your government is pulling nasty strings behind closed doors. This is what you need study up on if anything...

  8. I also find it difficult to understand why the elderly gentleman was quoted as being veteran as if this makes it an even more important case

    Maybe to show the irony that the victim survived the hellish war in the Pacific and those crazy Japanese only to fall victim to a couple of wannabee gangbangers.

    Kind of like Haing S. Ngor. Manages to survive the horror of the Cambodian Killing Fields, then becomes the first Asian male to win an Oscar (playing Dith Pran in the movie), only to be killed by a Vietnamese street gang in LA in a botched robbery.

    I doubt you even know who starts wars, you appear to me to be just a pawn in large financial instituition. Clearly have no understanding of economics and how governments really work worldwide and thru the back doors. You probably think that your dear government loves you...

    What exactly does the knights templer have to do with you?

    I thought about it for a good long while, who I really feel sorry for, and it is the ignorant who remain here and those that have to live with them...

  9. lil fluffy clouds

    Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather than punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

    Don't know, but this comes pretty close to feeling sorry for the perpetrator rather than the victim in my book.

    Why assume I dont feel for all, the main point of my posting was to counter racial discrimination if there was any or any other discrimination...simple.

    Because "the elderly gentleman is gone" was the depth of your sorrow for the victim, but the monster who killed him gets a gushy "backed into a corner and has lost his way", poor little lamb. The fact that the killer is black is irrelevant, if he was white I would still want him punished to the full extent of the law. American jails are full of blacks and whites who "have lost their way", do you suggest we appoint a personal counsellor/psychiatrist for each and every one and release them into the general population? Or perhaps with your magnanimous disposition you might volunteer for a couple of mass murderers or child molesters to bunk up with you? The softly, softly approach doesn't work, you only have to look at the school system to realise that.

    I don't know if you are a genuine bleeding heart, or just here to stir the pot, either way, wake up and smell the coffee.

    Still waiting for your response Mr Fluffy.

    I dont drink coffee.
    And if you must know, I will never use the word victom, it's way too lame and irresponsible.
    I feel by engaging in victom consciousness we relinquish the great lessons that we could learn and evolve from.
    If you truley believe you have been dealt unfairly, then you have missed the basic law of physics concerning cause and effect.
    Only the cause often has a different apearance to the effect. Like a bullet being fired at an angle into the sky, then falling by the effect of gravity and hitting someone on the head from above, if they did not perish they may look straight up bewildered that the bullet should come from such a place. My point here is that no one is "yet" innocent. That we may become innocent by first recognising that why events are happening to us and then forgiving ouselselves and others for this process.
    Failing this proceedure what your going to witness is more crime, more war, more hunger, more greed, more of what you have witnessed in your own life and that of perceived history. If this is what you want then so be it, only better not to complain about the effect...

    Please do not put words in my mouth, I did not call the boy "poor". Was only suggesting how history major or minor effects outcomes.

    I dont believe in giving any race any preferential treatment, and if my posts here truely are irrelevant and "none" of the posters on this article were comming from a racialy charged place, then I am truely sorry for any irrational posting. Or any posting at all for that matter...
  10. Why assume I dont feel for all, the main point of my posting was to counter racial discrimination if there was any or any other discrimination...simple.

    So let me get this right.

    2 black guys beat an 88-year old white WWII veteran to death and you write a post saying you want to "counter racial discrimination if there was any or any other discrimination"?

    You're not all there. are you?

    The posts were in to reply to other posters percieved discrimination and possibly tainted emotional reactions, not the articles claim on discrimation...

    Are you there enough to understand what I am talking about??...

  11. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.
    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

    Hold on there Mr. Fluffy. The avatars Thai Visa posters choose, have nothing to do with the despicable teenager you feel sorry for. What method would you use to rehabilitate this guy that killed an 88 year old, WWII veteran for fun?

    The reason this kid is going to prison, is because he is a real threat to the public, and apparently has little to no redeemable qualities. What say you, Mr. Fluffy?

    What's more I dont recall announcing that I felt sorry for the boy.

    Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather than punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

    Don't know, but this comes pretty close to feeling sorry for the perpetrator rather than the victim in my book.

    Why assume I dont feel for all, the main point of my posting was to counter racial discrimination if there was any or any other discrimination...simple.

    So Fluffy, the reason you made the post about the teenager that beat an 88 year old, WWII veteran to death, is because you were concerned there may be racial discrimination kicking off. Is that a fair assumption? Isn't it true, you never gave any thought to the WWII veteran? That's what I thought.

    Well Fluffy, as usual there is no racial discrimination in this case. This kid is going to be able to hang out with other criminals, who like him, have no regard for others or laws. Nothing more to see folks............please keep moving. That includes you Fluffy.

    I also find it difficult to understand why the elderly gentleman was quoted as being veteran as if this makes it an even more important case, he was a human being and owed the same respect all humans can be afforded, without elevation or denegradtion, the case has been sensationalised thru the word veteran to inflame public opinion and therefore create a rift between cultures...., also is it not the first thing you see? black or white?, or do you really just see two people.... Can you honestly answer this question without being intellectualy defensive??? Do you also see veteran and non veteran? Media is subtly geared to sway readers minds in favour discrimination....please note never once do I condone the murder of any body. And this elderly gentleman deserves the respect that all other living beings deserve. No matter how many people they have killed, and lets face it the military, which albeit are serving nations, have done their fare share of the killing and they too require to be forgiven, right?...

  12. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.
    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

    Hold on there Mr. Fluffy. The avatars Thai Visa posters choose, have nothing to do with the despicable teenager you feel sorry for. What method would you use to rehabilitate this guy that killed an 88 year old, WWII veteran for fun?

    The reason this kid is going to prison, is because he is a real threat to the public, and apparently has little to no redeemable qualities. What say you, Mr. Fluffy?

    What's more I dont recall announcing that I felt sorry for the boy.

    Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather than punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

    Don't know, but this comes pretty close to feeling sorry for the perpetrator rather than the victim in my book.

    Why assume I dont feel for all, the main point of my posting was to counter racial discrimination if there was any or any other discrimination...simple.
  13. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.

    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

    Hold on there Mr. Fluffy. The avatars Thai Visa posters choose, have nothing to do with the despicable teenager you feel sorry for. What method would you use to rehabilitate this guy that killed an 88 year old, WWII veteran for fun?

    The reason this kid is going to prison, is because he is a real threat to the public, and apparently has little to no redeemable qualities. What say you, Mr. Fluffy?

    What's more I dont recall announcing that I felt sorry for the boy.

  14. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.

    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

    Hold on there Mr. Fluffy. The avatars Thai Visa posters choose, have nothing to do with the despicable teenager you feel sorry for. What method would you use to rehabilitate this guy that killed an 88 year old, WWII veteran for fun?

    The reason this kid is going to prison, is because he is a real threat to the public, and apparently has little to no redeemable qualities. What say you, Mr. Fluffy?

    The Buddha apparently preached compassion for all, not my avatar cause I'm not there yet.

  15. Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather than punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

    I've go to say, this is one of the most despicable posts I've read on here for quite a while. And that's saying something!

    Agreed. An old war veteran is deprived of the last few years of his life in a most brutal barbaric way and this poster thinks we should concentrate on "repairing" rather than punishing the despicable attackers.

    Unbelievable. What next - let's all join together and "repair" the lives of those misunderstood ISIS boys. They must've been backed into a corner to start all that beheading.

    Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

  16. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.

    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

    I wonder if your warm and fuzzy feelings towards these animals would be the same if it was one of your loved ones that had been killed?

    I dont recall saying I had warm fuzzy feelings.

  17. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.

    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

    I wonder if your warm and fuzzy feelings towards these animals would be the same if it was one of your loved ones that had been killed?

    They have.

  18. lil fluffy clouds I'd like to see you share a cell with these creeps and try and rehabilitate them yourself, perhaps with some group hugs. They will come out bigger monsters than when they went in, how is that even possible? You need to get down off that fluffy cloud and join the real world.

    How ironic, is that Buddha in your avatar?

  19. But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

    Gee fluffy, I think you should have given a little thought before writing something so senseless and callous. Didn't you ever have a grandfather? Wow, talk about a hater.

    Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

    What?? Oh, you mean the police should have just told the kid, it really isn't appropriate to beat a person to death that is old enough to be your great grandfather. If you promise not to do it again we will let you go free?

    Don't be so naive. Blacks have more opportunities today than anyone. In fact, I would go so far as to say, if a black person can't make it in America, he is either sick, lame, or lazy.

    There is no justification for beating elderly people just because you think it is fun. It is nothing short of disgusting and despicable. It's too bad the victim wasn't armed.

    A normal person would feel sorry for the pain and suffering the victim went through, not the jerk-off that took his life.

    Who is justifying? Read my posts and respond accordingly. I dont recall saying the police should take that sort of light action. But there are places in the world where people are successfully rehabilitated without this ridiculus penal system which ends up turning out bigger monsters, what's the point in making it worse?

  20. But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

    Gee fluffy, I think you should have given a little thought before writing something so senseless and callous. Didn't you ever have a grandfather? Wow, talk about a hater.

    Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather than punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

  21. surprise surprise - he is a darkie, whats going on in the US with all these darkies getting in trouble?
    I guess black slavery in history didn't give them a very good start...
    Give me a break. Are you really blaming what happened to someone's great, great grandfather for the way they behave today?

    I don't condone violence and I believe everybody is accountable for there actions, but I do believe there are generational follow on effects thru the dna..

    Oh, so all the descendants of prisoners that were sent out to Australia on convict ships are still sufferering the effects of their distant relatives harsh treatment? What a crock!

    Whether they are suffering or not is up to them. Haven't noticed that children take on emotional traits of their parents?
  22. surprise surprise - he is a darkie, whats going on in the US with all these darkies getting in trouble?

    I guess black slavery in history didn't give them a very good start...

    Give me a break. Are you really blaming what happened to someone's great, great grandfather for the way they behave today?

    I don't condone violence and I believe everybody is accountable for there actions, but I do believe there are generational follow on effects thru the dna..

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