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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. I have often witnessed Russian (men mainly) being very arrogant, loud and intimidating towards Thai people when negotiating..I see it as very disrespectful..just my opinion....I guess ..other nationalities are also guilty of this behaviour, but generally it is Russians who I have seen doing it with monotonous regularityannoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0bWXwkG

    Naturaly they will clash, both have been conditioned in entirely different ways, the perfect relationship. One is direct and abbrassive, the other evasive and polite....

  2. The North Koreans have become the center of the world...dictating to the US the movies they are allowed to watch...hacking into US computer systems and exposing emails...threats to others if they do not give-in to the great Pork-sausage leader and do his bidding...they are feeling so full of themselves at the moment...all that money put into missiles and rockets...as the population is living at near starvation...has begun to pay dividends...they should be so proud...

    Agree that north korea is the nightmare state, but who isnt wasting a sh*t load of money on military? And how do you know they hacked sony, because the US told you?

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  3. So, was the 4yo dropped on the side of the road? or put in the care of an adult? or a responsible person?

    In my job (taxi driver for disabled people) we have a duty of care to ensure the passenger is left in the care of a responsible person. To this end I had to sit with a customer for 20 minutes outside the basketball on Saturday as her carer was late arriving.

    Society's getting a bit padded isn't it? What happen to the days of being chased by lions and tigers? This put real blood in our veins, gave us character and improved our dna strands....

  4. And yet, there are many thousands of morons whom adore and love those barbarians and

    wilfully and willingly joined them and give their life for them.. go figure what a warped , crazy

    world we live in...

    And there are other morons who supply them with arms to fight the Syrian government.

    Exactly, and who might they be?

  5. The PM has at least show the Thai population one thing. You don't have to be very smart to be a Thai PM.

    If he realised how much of a fool he looks in the eyes of the unadjusted, rest of the world, he may be embarrassed with himself. Then again, maybe not!

    Still more brains than the one who preceded him- she took the cake as the most airheaded 'leader' ever! Couldn't even give a speech in her native nor second language, didn't show for meetings, read from scripts.... didn't make any decisions. One like her makes anybody after her look better! He's an army guy so you can't expect more than standard army mindset. At least he realized its more than an arrogant pony show of dress up and fake smiles.

    Well naturaly she wont square up to the job, she was only there to deliver her brothers speeches, like most other polies, only this one closer to home....

  6. It's all the same in end, every country has it's own style of oppression, and they all have a way of impressing to themselves that they are free. Besides countries don't really exist anymore, borders are only maintained to give people some pseudo sense of identity, but they are only distractions from the deeper issues concerning large corporations. Who really knows who is rigging what judging by what they are told in media? It may only be a way of steering market trends....

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