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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

    Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

    Some Religions, I am a Southern Baptist, and I have not seen any of them Rioting, Killing, Raping, maybe I missed something. Are the Buddhist in the South killing, burning Muslims ?

    This is not the same World I was born into 79 years ago !!

    What your saying is you were born in a bubble and probably remained there for some time, didn't do history at school or pay any attention to international media. Not a bad way to live but barely worth posting on this topic...

  2. This man is amazing.

    He is concerned about everything that has to do with Thais well being.

    And that is why the majority of Thais love him.

    Carry on the good work General and don't listen to the farangs that will be quoting my post.......I will not.

    At least maybe better than the garbage that came before him...

    Start counting and see hat you come up with.

    Immediate past.

  3. Where can you pick up those covers to keep the dirt off your tags?

    I find that the cameras on the Motorway only seem to work if you are going between 130 to 160Kph.

    If you go 180 or higher I think the timing is off and they are too slow to get a clear shot.

    I have had half a dozen in the last 18 months from the same spot, but always says around 140-155Kph on the


    Never got one yet when passing it at much higher speed.

    Yeh thanks no brainer, I'm going to feel really safe riding my motorbike with you around...

  4. Still looking for an escape plan...

    Could be using their time and rescources more effectively by discovering life on earth...

    We do not have enough time to formulate an escape plan. Its a close race as to whether we will kill each other off or run out of resources or fall victim of climate change. Then on the other hand the 85 carpetbaggers that control most of the wealth on this planet could no doubt build a rocket ship (Branson's Virgin) to get them as far as Mars. They could then plant their "Open For Business" flag on the surface and wait for aliens from further afield to show up. They could maybe then trade them a few trinkets for their propulsion systems to hop to the next habitable planet. With this leap frog effect they could in time find another planet to enslave.

    We've 240,000 to 370,000 years.


    Perceiving cosmology through the tinted lense of time and space...

  5. No sympathy for no travel insurance, if u cant afford the cost then u cant afford the trip, I always take travel insurance, and take copies, one in my room, one in my bike..any body who doesent take out travel insurance needs their head read..... coffee1.gif

    Correct me if I'm wrong... but, I thought this post was about Craig Lindley & his plight & what can be done to assist him..... NOT, what a smart little princess you might happen to be.

    Just sayin..... Mal.

    After reading 39 post yours was the first about that man. All you righteous people talking about that he should have had insurance <deleted> unbelievable. You better hope things don't happen to you which are beyond your control. Shame on you.

    Sent from my S4 LTE

    My post talked of prevention, surely prevention thru a healthy lifestyle is the key to not only saving money but a better quality of life. "Shame on you" for not giving helpful advise to others who might be heading in that direction...

  6. Well if they did their &lt;deleted&gt;*n job right and their reputation was at least 50 times better than what is then maybe we wouldnt need all this speculation going about. Because if the local bib are tainted or just plain lazy and incompetant posters will need to pickup on the slack, and that means exploring every possible angle. If this investigation is compromised in any way the situation will only get worse and one day it could be you....

    • Like 2
  7. It's a clear cut case of national narcissism, and the wounded national child afraid to reach into the international consciousness on an emotional level. No problems reaching into the international mindframe on a materialistic level. The thing is they come hand in hand.

    I dont advocate any dogmatic approach commonly refered to religion in any country.

    Its clearly just a seperation tool designed to feel safe within a smaller group.

    We are all here together and everybody has a valuable contribution to make to the whole.

    It's time to evolve and intergrate every valuable portion the world has to offer...

  8. Another example of an overreaction by a Thai.

    Not at all. I rather suspect the tourists wouldn't act the same way in a church, mosque or synagogue in their home country. Why should they even think it's remotely acceptable in a Buddhist temple?

    They are also both dressed inappropriately to visit a temple. They have obviously spent no time learning about local ways and are completely devoid of any cultural sensitivity.

    So based on your opinion of culture, would carrying a mobile phone, wearing modern day clothing, driving a car to the venue, taking a photo etc etc etc constitute a breach of culture?

    • Like 1
  9. Before we start to develop our own conclusions based on how much drink we had or how much we like or dislike Thai government agencies I would suggest to read a book edited by Michael Tsokos MD who is I quote Professor Michael Tsokos is the Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, in Berlin, Germany.

    He is also the Director of the Governmental Institute of Forensic and Social Medicine in Berlin, Germany. He is the primary or senior author of more than 200 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals and the author as well as editor of a number of books dealing with topics of forensic pathology.

    I wonder what he would have to say about it when reading the comments made by the armchair police officers here on this forum or the hobby pathologists.

    Michael Tsokos was here after the Tsunami hit Thailand working side by side with international teams and Thai pathologists to identify the victims. No criticism from his end but only praise for their abilities.

    The book contains contributions from pathologists from around the world and even Asia, which might shock the TV commentators. Reading these publications one might find that stranger things have happened as someone tying his hands and placing his head through noose to commit suicide. But that wouldnt go down to well on this forum, would it?

    Instead of that one prefers to insult the RTP and declare Thai pathologists incompetent. I find that pathetic.

    I (and probably all of the TV posters) am not doubting the qualifications of Dr Tsokos, or his assessment of the work carried out by the Thai pathologists after the Tsunami. However, there was probably not much doubt as to the cause of death in the majority of the Tsunami victims, suicide certainly not being one of them. In this particular case, most people doubt that it was suicide because of the victim's hands tied behind his back, and also the cuts present on the body. Most posters would probably agree that It would be POSSIBLE for the victim to have inflicted the cuts on himself, tied his hands behind his back, put his head through a noose and hung himself, but is it PROBABLE? Especially bearing in mind that he had been drinking for more than 12 hours previously, and the possibility of a drunk man being capable of the "step through" technique described in previous posts seems unlikely. Add to that, the botched up RTP investigations into the murders of the 2 English backpackers, the contamination of the crime scene, the contradictory statements put out by very high ranking police officers, dubious DNA findings/results, and numerous substantiated reports of corruption in the highest ranks of the RTP, is it any wonder that people are a bit cynical about any findings?

    It doesn't matter if pobably all of the TV posters and you not doubting the qualifications of the German pathologist. What matters is that Thai pathologists not only are capable of handling the identifications of victims of the Tsunami as you imply but that the job of a pathologists is to determine the circumstances of any person that has come to die under circumstances that are suspect. That is exactly what happened in this case and now it seems that the people without qualifications in pathology seem to be better qualified to do the job.

    You seem to be deficent in the area of life experience. Pathology may be precise in it's own right, only what's in question here is the integrity of the system if a particular result is desired. Do you have a learning disability?

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