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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. Because the culture isn’t ethnocentric and xenophobic enough yet.
  2. Preferably from 30K feet or more. That way, the offenders have plenty of time to reflect on their bad behavior on the way down. ????
  3. Unlimited calls from Thailand to the U.S. for $6.99/mo here.
  4. I witnessed a similar disturbance on a Thai Airways flight to Taipei a few years ago - except this time, the individual causing the disruption was a Thai male. One of the stewards did a remarkable job of calming the man down in this instance. As it turned out, the poor bastard was freaking out over threats of bodily harm to his family members and himself from a Thai loan shark.
  5. Gee, it’s almost as if the PT platform was never really about democracy and “the will of the people” and simply about the ambitions and the advancement of the Shinawatra clan or something! ????
  6. ^ Way to make his case for him!
  7. Unelected puppets thwart the will of the people again. What a shocker. ????
  8. Yep. Social status is second only to the love of money in “Buddhist” Thailand.
  9. “Voted for by the people?” ???? Don’t you mean “voted for (and rigged) by the coup makers in order to ensure their hold on power in spite of the ‘will of the people?’”
  10. Man, imagine being so entitled that accountability and/or the absence of deferential treatment is perceived as “bullying.” This jackal is the poster boy for everything that’s wrong with this country.
  11. Yep. Unfortunately, you’re trying to reason with people who only give a <deleted> about those public health issues which affect them personally.
  12. Coming from a country where rules and laws are more like suggestions and where enforcement and accountability are highly selective, to put it mildly, the disqualification must have come as a real shock to her.
  13. Good. Don’t want to sully Thailand’s international reputation as a bastion of purity and chastity. ????
  14. Bingo. Money is the most important thing in the world to Thais, but “face” is a very close second.
  15. Farang English teacher in Thailand: “Hey, that’s my line!”
  16. No, but he was referenced in another post in this thread. I hesitate to be more specific on account of the goofy defamation laws.
  17. I've been searching for the same to no avail for years now. I do almost all of my own setup and repair work, with the exception of fret dresses and re-frets. As a trial, I took one of my least expensive guitars to a luthier in BKK who was highly recommended by numerous expats here on AN and on various FB groups, etc., for a re-fret, and this individual did a really crappy job, unfortunately. First of all, he used the wrong gauge fret wire. Second, the frets looked like he had basically just run a file over them and called it a day, i.e., no real effort went into crowning and polishing. Glue was slopped on the side of the fingerboard, and he didn't bother to remove it. Anyway, the search for a repair person who does pro-level work goes on...
  18. What if you haven't worked in ~10 years and have no tax documents to show? Also, am I correct in understanding a sufficient bank balance counts as an asset?
  19. “Feign” is the key word. In reality, they spend in inordinate amount of time sniveling and crying about how pronouns, LGBT people, minorities, immigrants, liberals and the “woke mob” are ruining their lives.
  20. Right? Regressive idiots like this guy give the rest of us a bad name.
  21. So does this mean USCIS has done away with in-person interviews with the spouse beneficiary for those of us who are residing in and applying from Thailand...or how does that work?
  22. I already applied via consular processing in BKK and was given a case number. I also received a processing time estimate and I'm getting regular case updates.
  23. Are we talking about just a balance in a savings account? BTW, has anyone in Thailand applied for a green card (consular processing) for their Thai spouse lately? If so, then what was your wait time?
  24. I remember his various lackeys and members of his "entourage" used to park in my parking spot all the time at the condo building where we were neighbors. Bunch of entitled d-bags.
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