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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. ^ Sort of a bandwagon appeal. ”Successful” or “popular” =/= good.
  2. Only online, and only for delivery of bulk items, e.g., cases of bottled water, toilet paper, etc.
  3. What, exactly, is her “talent?” I’m guessing that whatever it is, it’s not something anyone would be taking seriously if she were 40.
  4. That would be the common sense wisdom, but, unfortunately, we’re talking about people who are largely unteachable and to whom delayed gratification (e.g., waiting until the motorcycle or automobile is parked to reply to a text) is an unknown quantity.
  5. “…fines are "at the discretion of the officer" When have they ever not been?
  6. So now, when in reference to some beauty pageant contestant or other, someone notes “I’ve seen better looking girls at my local 7-11,” we’ll all know what they’re talking about. ????
  7. The difference is in degree of difficulty in pronunciation. ”Lotus’s” is unlike the other two examples you gave in that it requires two consecutive “s” sounds. Clearly, this isn’t the greatest branding decision from a marketing perspective. However, the real irony here is that you’re busting my chops re: my command of the language while I need to explain all of the above to you. ????
  8. Scott Henderson Michael Landau Carl Verheyen Frank Gambale Steve Lukather Mike Miller Allen Hinds Paul Jackson Jr Larry Carlton Lee Ritenour Mike Stern Lyle Workman Andy Wood
  9. Much more important than the “little head” has oft times led me to believe. After all, once the horizontal mambo is done, you’ll need to find other common interests - unless, of course, you’re the type who prefers to rent by the hour (not judging!)
  10. God is not a good theory. - Sean Carroll
  11. If you can’t see the difference between the examples you just gave and “Lotus’s” then perhaps it’s you who needs the remedial English. BTW, it’s “Tops” - not “Top’s.” ????
  12. That dirt bag deserved every bit of the beating he received, and then some.
  13. Submitted a report with only the required fields filled in. Rejected because I didn't include contact phone (not a required field.) Submitted a second report with phone number included. Rejected because I didn't include the name of my condo project (also not a required field.) Submitted a third report which included condo name. Approved. Third time's a charm, apparently, but what a farce! ????
  14. I miss having the option to make changes to orders after they’ve been placed. Also, whose bright idea was the name, i.e., “Lotus’s?” Obviously no one whose first language is English.
  15. Update: After eight straight days of inquiring with customer support, problem appears to have been resolved.
  16. For years, I’ve used the DTAC app (iOS) to pay my cell phone bill with a U.S. credit card. Until recently, the app has been reliable and rock solid for me; never a problem. However, for the past seven days, I’ve been unable to make a payment using the app. The following error message appears every time: Is anyone else having this problem? BTW, I’ve contacted customer support - both by phone and by Facebook messenger - and no one seems to have a clue. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and power cycling my phone to no avail.
  17. Yep. There’s always at least one of those “I couldn’t care less about a problem unless it affects me personally” types in every crowd.
  18. The chances of China invading Taiwan are slim to none. Here's why:
  19. Some U.S. banks will send OTP to your Skype phone number, others will not. For example, I can receive OTP via SMS to my Skype number from Capitol One Bank, but not from US Bank. Also, I have two credit cards from Chase Bank. Chase doesn’t play the OTP game, and the bank will allow you to use an international phone number as your main contact number.
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