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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. Yep. It’s still cute how the MAGAbillies try so hard to convince themselves and others that they represent some sort of American majority, though. ????
  2. Even after he called them all a bunch of dumb sister diddlers. ????
  3. Liberation from the illusion of separateness from everything else.
  4. Well, even after all of the matter has emptied out of the expanding universe in the far, far future, quantum fluctuations will still occur in empty space. And, given enough time, and as long as the universe continues to expand for eternity, anyone or anything could conceivably arise again out of those quantum fluctuations.
  5. Yep. This "let's commit crimes, and, when we get caught, cry 'political persecution'" shtick by Republicans is getting really old. Also, LOL @ Fox News. ????
  6. Funny - after having my photo taken and after having the facial recognition thing setup at Bangkok Bank, I went home and made an inter-bank transfer for 59K, and the transfer went through without any facial recognition step.
  7. Don't forget those Chinese tourists who whiz or take a dump right on the floor in public toilets, in the middle of the street, etc.
  8. Risk of bee stings == risk of contracting a virus which produced a global pandemic and which has caused nearly seven million deaths worldwide (so far?) Thanks for that knee slapper. ????
  9. Exactly. This has been the stance taken by the COVID deniers, vaccine refuseniks, anti-maskers and conspiracy moonbats since day one - not just since "these weak strains of COVID" became dominant. These are people, mind you, whose life philosophy basically boils down to "only my individual rights matter - screw the common good."
  10. The dynamic here isn't really all that different than that of Thai/Westerner relationships in which large age differences are a factor, i.e., she's mainly interested in the number of zeros in his account balance, and he's willing to pay the price for some young tail. A story as old as time.
  11. Exactly. That's what all the "how disrespectful of you to bring this stuff up in a Memorial Day thread!" pearl clutching is really about. Too transparent.
  12. Thanks for the official position of the Putin propaganda apparatus. Meanwhile, here in reality, it was Putin who started the war in Europe.
  13. It's more than mere partisan politics when one of the major political parties is trying to return a man who incited an insurrection against the United States to power. A man who has indicated that, if elected, he would pardon his co-conspirators and those supporters of his who have been tried and convicted for seditious conspiracy. Sorry, but to ignore this reality is to fail to recognize everything the men and women we honor on Memorial Day fought and died for.
  14. LOL. "Proof" of that which the whole world watched in real time on live TV on 1/6/2021? Or perhaps you haven't read the findings of the Congressional Committee which investigated the 1/6 attacks?
  15. Funny you should mention Iraq... The Trump disciples who are now posturing as an "anti-war" movement are the same people who called me a traitor and a rotten patriot when I opposed Dubya's illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.
  16. Translation: "How dare you presume to hold Dear Leader accountable for his words and deeds?"
  17. Not when my "political opinion" is that people who commit insurrection against the United States and who engage in seditious conspiracy ought not to be running for the highest office in the land. Not when I took an oath to defend the United States against such domestic enemies (sort of the whole point behind the holiday, in case you weren't aware.) Sorry if this is politically inconvenient for you.
  18. Yes, because tRump was already giving his handler in the Kremlin everything Vlad wanted. No need to go to war when you have an American president who is doing your bidding in your pocket.
  19. Yep. Trump's fan bois are simply miffed because tRump is being taken to task for his contemptible, inappropriate and disrespectful Memorial Day "message." Their "how dare you engage in partisan mud slinging on Memorial Day?" pearl clutching is just a smoke screen. Transparent indeed.
  20. In normal times, I would agree. However, these are far from normal times inasmuch as a former president who led a multi-pronged effort to overthrow a lawful democratic election and who, failing said effort, incited an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in a last ditch effort to prevent his successor from taking office is trying to return to power now as we speak. As an American and a veteran, I would submit that the best way to observe the Memorial Day holiday would be to remember the oath I swore to defend the Constitution of the United States and to remember those who laid down their lives in doing the same, viz., those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the democratic ideals which tRump and his supporters so clearly disdain.
  21. No, considering tRump wants to be reelected as POTUS and is currently his party's front runner for 2024, I don't believe we should ignore anything he has to say - particularly anything that provides insight into his views on Americans who serve in the armed forces.
  22. Maybe we should take our cues from the 2024 GOP front runner for POTUS? No one has shown more respect for military men and women than he.
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