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Everything posted by SiSePuede419

  1. "Spicy" in White bread Iceland probably means the whale meat sushi is thawed out and not frozen. ????
  2. White People's Problems© all sound so petty and entitled. ????
  3. Back in the 80s I stayed in a hotel in Guatemala for $1 per night then I found out why... They kept a rooster in the courtyard just outside my door. ????
  4. He's like the bank robber in some small town whose Cousin Leroy is the mayor who will shut down the city government because that means he won't get prosecuted and can hightail it on down to T.J.
  5. There is no gambling in Casablanca (the house always wins). ????
  6. But of course ze are French Farangs. ???????? https://media.tenor.com/SgK-2pYa_bEAAAAC/casablanca-shocked.gif
  7. Rotten cabbage, cheap wodka and four plain concrete walls is paradise, comrade ????
  8. Remember to use the right amount of fish sauce, not the White amount. ????
  9. Recession? Why I made 10,000B from the Longan harvest this year. How will I be able to spend so much money ????
  10. Supposedly it's against the law to use an amplified microphone in any language except Thai, so I hope this was a Thai language song. ????
  11. I live on a dirt road in America. I actually *need* a 4WD vehicle. You guys who go out and tear up roads "for fun" don't seem too bright to me. Trying to get stuck in the mud and need to be winched out sounds like the height of stupidity. Doesn't get any more useless activity on this earth than that. I'd suggest getting a hobby that helps people instead of thrill seeking by destroying dirt roads. ????
  12. I ordered my Apple Watch online from....Apple. They sent it to me. Didn't have to stand around in a mall waiting for a salesperson. ✅
  13. Taxes are a sign you are successful. If you're poor, you don't pay much income tax. Let's say the tax will 10%. If I "import" $2500 USD every month then that's $250/month tax or $3000/year. Since America makes their tax code so convoluted and <deleted> up, the IRS assumes you made mistakes if you don't have an accountant prepare your taxes, so I'm forced to pay $500 for a CPA to do my Federal and state forms. They will just deduct that $3000 off my American taxes and it will just be lumped on my (overpayment) tax refund at the end of the year. IOW, I will get 100% of the Thai income taxes back if they file an additional form. Shouldn't cost any more. Don't see why that's going to cause swarms of Farangs to leave. Except for the ones laundering money GOOD RIDDANCE
  14. My wife bought a piece of land near her parents house in her Moo Baan for B300K and the Thai officials at the office where she tried to change the owners name wouldn't let her put it in her name because they noticed she was married to a Farang and there might be "money laundering" involved. But the actual people who are stealing money from the Russian people and laundering the money into overpriced "pool villas" can carry on? Riiiiiiight. ????
  15. Forwarding firm? What the hell is that? Don't sound very "reputable" if they lost it. Who told you to do that? You never sent anything using registered mail at the Thai Post Office? Seems like your problem is that you ignore very very basic knowledge (local post offices are very reliable in Thailand) and listen to people who give you bad advice. There's the reason you have no passport now.
  16. ???????????????????????????????????? Seriously aside from your seriously stupid dream, I ate breakfast in Siem Reap everyday at a different restaurant. Which were all dedicated to bringing their employees up out of poverty, support schools,etc. One of these restaurants had a little factoid on the wall that only 3% of Cambodian kids achieve a minimum education standard. How high are the walls on your pool villa going to be? ????
  17. "condominium eletricity" What's that? Do you live in Bangkok or Pattaya where all the sophisticated people live? ????
  18. Anything that makes you happy will only last 6 months. Then your happiness level goes back down to what it was before. Chase a new reward. ????
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