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Everything posted by SiSePuede419

  1. Why can't the great "Doctor" Rogan find a cure for baldness already? ????
  2. My wife signed up months ago because her rice farmer parents wanted American vaccines, same as their son in law. They're just getting the 2nd shot today. Of course, the same hospital is providing free AZ and Pfizer shots now, but I told my wife Moderna is #1 and worth the wait. ????
  3. That's what they told me. Had to stay at least past midnight. Hey, why not stay overnight and eat the buffet in the morning? You already paid for the room.
  4. You should know by now that Thai people aren't satisfied with a hospital visit unless they're taking home 4-5 different drugs. ????????????????
  5. Kinda like someone stealing some of your French fries when you're not looking. ????????????‍⚕️????
  6. At least 20% of my flight was Thai nationality, so this virus is equal opportunity.
  7. Good news! My wife called the government hospital in Chiang Rai and even though they're not on the QR code list, they have a special clinic near the downtown (old) bus station to take the test. She made an appointment for me on day 5, 9am (but was told not need appointment). Your mileage might vary, but it's GTK that the original list isn't the only places to test. Hopefully, every COVID testing site in Thailand reports data to the government, no difference for Thai or Farang. We all have tears of joy when they stick that swab up our noses a little too far. ???? Good, good Thailand. ???????????????????????? Well done. Yim, yim. ????
  8. Yes. They didn't mention much (other than checking all the documents needed for arrival, hotel, vaccines, negative PCR test, address where I was staying, etc) at the airport, but it is printed on the pink Test and Go receipt that you need to take a test on day 5 or 6. Here's the QR code that your family passed by at the first checkpoint prior to immigration... My SHA hotel didn't mention that app, but they did ask me where I was going and when I said Chiang Rai, they looked at the list that QR code points you to and told me that the nearest testing site to CR is... Chiang Mai.
  9. You can get a PCR test at many locations. But that's not the point of this post. At the BKK airport there was a QR code of approved 2nd test sites for day 5 or 6. Now it did mention "free". Does this mean that if you pay for a 2nd test from any location that will be accepted? The bottom line: Will immigration let you leave if you have a 2nd PCR test done at a facility that's not on the very short QR code list? That was my original question and no one here has answered it. Logic says they should but as we all know logic for Thai government agencies can be a little "different" than Western countries. Three possible outcomes: 1) They let you exit the country with any PCR test. 2) They send you back to take a test in Bangkok at an approved facility. You miss your flight. 3) They take legal action against you and arrest you for not following instructions. That's why I commented "Are you feeling lucky" because personally I don't want to take a chance. That being said, I'm going to call the number posted on Facebook in Chiang Rai to see if I can get tested locally, although I will enjoy a quick one day trip to CM to do a test at the approved site on the QR code list (Lanna Hospital).
  10. That's a list of accredited labs, not the designated 2nd PCR test sites. The approved list is linked to a QR code people were asked to scan on arrival and seems to be this; https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1AnIVPwYeGs3l-rO25X1Wi9LLAbSbrSD0?sort=13&direction=a
  11. How long do you want to live? I want to live to age 100. No <deleted> like suet if you want to join the Century club. That's the pregnant with twins club, die early 50s club.
  12. Lanna Hospital in Chiang Mai told me they only do this test 8am -4pm, no appointment required, FYI.
  13. Here in America, we feed suet to the birds, not people.
  14. Riiiiiiight. ???? Throwing away a hard drive with half a billion in crypto? "Perfectly sane" / https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/12/13/half-a-billion-in-bitcoin-lost-in-the-dump&ved=2ahUKEwjWnZCEtYP1AhXZUGwGHWpFC_EQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3aVr-aZPXK_KL9jblclq61 Funny, but I never had a bank throw the money in my account in a dump. ????
  15. It's more like what you call a pasty. And no one eats curry in a pie in America. I wish we had that. It's a British-Indian fusion food. My father used to like mincemeat pie when I was a child (store bought), but they're not popular anymore in America. Cheesecake is more popular now. Or Apple pie. BTW, what fruit is "minced"?
  16. We have a version of that in America. Not very healthy. But nice on a cold winter's day, when you want to use the oven to warm up the place. Which day is that in Thailand? ????
  17. Hope and 200thb will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. ✅ Worse case scenario, you get thrown in jail for refusing to follow orders you agreed to by Test and Go. Feeling lucky? ????
  18. Call the nearest hospital to your location. Hey, no one said travel during this pandemic would be easy. ????
  19. I'm driving 3 hours to Chiang Mai on day 5. Taking my 2 year old to the Zoo in afternoon. Make lemonade and naam jai ???? ????
  20. Just asked this question at Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Rai. They're not on the list. They told me I need to go to Chiang Mai (6 hour r/t). OMG. Welcome to Thailand. ????
  21. Probably depends on the hospital. You should call first. Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Rai only does walk-in testing from 8-10am. I have to get a test the day before I go back for America, according to USA CDC.
  22. Let's see, yesterday I ate Somtum, chicken wings and sticky rice for under 100B. Where can you eat for that in the West? Besides a homeless shelter ????
  23. Possible. You're going to need a hammock with a built in mosquito net. Also, an island with undeveloped jungle next to the beach You would also have to modify your diet and not buy anything or go anywhere you can't walk.
  24. If you have to ask the price at Tops, you can't afford to shop there. The local farmers market is the best place. Of course, you have to eat local, not international. That being said, my bag was searched in America because I brought some Beluga caviar lentils. Won't find those at Tops.
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