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Everything posted by SiSePuede419

  1. I like Purple Thai. It's in Flo and also Purple Kush. Of course, Golden Thai is great, too. Nothing like Thai stick. And don't forget about the Thai strain that smells like chewing gum. That's in Juicy Fruit. And I believe there's also Pineapple Thai. Suspect it's in Pineapple Express. Old School Sativa Thai strains are the best. ????
  2. Shrinkage? https://www.foxnews.com/health/man-claims-covid-19-made-his-penis-shrink
  3. Actually they emailed the day 1 PCR test to the hotel, not me. They called the next morning and said my test was negative and that I could come on down and eat breakfast and then they printed it out and gave it to me.
  4. Are you crazy? What makes you think that COVID is any less transmissible elsewhere? Start thinking with big head, not the little one.
  5. And stop the insurance requirement. Any Farang should be able to afford a government hospital. Just require private hospitals to ask Farangs for their insurance before they check-in. If no insurance, send them to a government hospital. Easy. ????
  6. Thanks for providing proof I was correct. ATK tests use lateral flow technology. Lateral flow technology can be used for many types of tests, not just COVID. ITS MEANINGLESS. ????
  7. You mean a positive PCR isn't sufficient "documentation"?
  8. But I thought jobless Digital Nomads with high school degrees trying to mine bitcoins was so played out, man?
  9. There did appear to be a "loophole" at BKK airport on Xmas day... Men with camouflage backpacks arriving from Istanbul and who knows where else were waived through the lines checking for vaccinations, Negative PCR test and SHA hotel booking. Thai army soldiers, I presume? ????
  10. Yeah, fire insurance only pays out if your house burns down. Who wants that? The point is that it will replace something that would be difficult for you to cough up the money to do so. Every Farang can afford hospitalization costs for COVID at government hospitals and many can afford private hospitals. So the insurance was unnecessary. I'd advise you to maintain fire insurance. Everything in Thailand is cheap including the insulation on the wiring in your attic.
  11. So basically a agent is a short term Loan shark a doo doo doo Doo ????
  12. I was impressed that the street food stand where I like to get 35-50b stir fries have grab delivery and the chef was scrolling through her phone for orders. They were busier than prepandemic for pickup & delivery, with only a few in house diners. Which is OK by me, because I live nearby. We will survive.
  13. High levels of alcohol consumption can have an adverse effect on the body’s immune system, particularly the lungs. https://adf.org.au/insights/alcohol-immune-system-covid-19/
  14. Maybe that's why Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Rai used two swabs, one in the throat and one in the mouth. Still negative, just like the 2 other PCR tests I took and 4 antigen tests. In my experience, Delta was more dangerous, resulting in a breakthrough case undectable by a PCR test on day 3 of peak symptoms ( suspected false negative because of mutation in DNA sequence the PCR test was trying to match). ????
  15. Just read about someone in America left a bad review while they were staying there. The hotel owner called the police to evict them in the middle of the night. No reason needed. 100% legal, unfortunately. The difference is in America, you can edit your review and describe how you were thrown out in the street after leaving a bad review. If anyone else stays at that hotel, it's their own fault.
  16. Exactly. You need to teach your child from age 2-12 how to deal with the internet. Because age 13+ you have exactly zero control. They need to learn how to be a good online citizen. And how to avoid predators. Two essential skills for the 21st century. ✅
  17. Hey, Russian hackers have to eat, too. Their country is a failed state run by criminals.
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