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Everything posted by SiSePuede419

  1. I wore my Thai amulet last Friday the 13th just to make sure. Bad luck or good luck is better than no luck at all (deceased). ????
  2. That's very specific. No, but someone in the Austin Infernal Revenue Office "lost" my wife's passport and never answered my letter when I asked where it was after 6 months,. ????
  3. I support Digital Wallets if you can buy Cannabis. Weed will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no weed. ????
  4. 5555. Yeah, that's what every DUI says. How many drinks have you had, sir? Oh, a couple. Probably more like eight. ????
  5. This is not your usual Russian rot gut Wodka buzz, comrades. ????
  6. That's almost 10 years. Kumar's delicious journey to White Castle has been filled with crazy obstacles. ????
  7. Who the hell does this Swedish “businessman" think he is? American? Understandable. Roids cause "shrinkage". ????
  8. But but but Saudis are supposed to be rich. Must have cash flow issues. ????
  9. Don't worry about me. My wife informed me yesterday she likes me. As always, subject to change. ????
  10. This is looking bad for the people who claim paying by the hour is cheaper than a wife. ????
  11. Shouldn't a 9 year old girl be wearing a top? Looks like she's topless in that picture. Do flat chested girls not need tops. ????
  12. I think I see the problem. This is not what a normal tourist does... It should only take one or two visits to realize there's lots of places in Thailand better than Phuket to spend your holiday. ???? Something is henky here, folks. ????‍♂️
  13. I'm buying a lottery ticket for this date! ????
  14. He was traveling too fast for the road conditions. Why is it Thai people crawl around a U-turn like they are turtles, but drive too fast in the rain? ????
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