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Posts posted by Altalake

  1. Kiwibatch and Minnehaha are right in their posts - Maca Root is very good - but it costs about 20% more in Thailand than it does in North America. I have used it for 20+ years, and it is better than the Crabtree and Evelyn product, as well Taylor's of Bond street  - both being a lot more costly than the Maca.


    If you use a brush rather than e.g. scoop out a dob of the Maca root and put it on your face, you will only get 4-5 months out of it.


    I use Fusion Gillette - silly price (a Gillette guy told me it is 'cos with beards being in fashion, they have had to up their prices thro' diminishing sales - tanx a laht Gillette)! A blade can last me 6 weeks - Gillette try get you to use one a week with their misleading "blue stripe" on it, that goes white when the blade is "kaput". But it is not! But I shall try


    Maca root does not smell at all, the Crabtree and Taylor's have a scent. I will try the Tesco blades etc. just for fun.

  2. Same problem. Docs in Phuket said do not worry. Laxatives a no-no. Had a colonoscopy - few diverticulae - but no real worries.


    I eat lots of fibre (oats and stuff) and so on. Feel fine. Exercise pretty well daily. Tried a thing called "Peg" here in Canada that did work. But I am 79 now, and I think  (hope??) it is a function of age. This getting old.... no fun.


    I'd not worry too much. Drink lots of water as other Posters have said.


    Hang in there Mate - all will be OK!! Mark my words.

  3. I met the boss of the CBI (Confederate of British Industry) once - he said the people they liked best were ex-Military. The discipline, the training in skills (be it a trade, or leadership). Just being punctual he said!! He said he'd take e.g. a Sandhurst-trained guy over a University grad any day. The RAF Apprentice  scheme was second to none. The British Army and the Royal Navy are tops too.


    Our foul politicians (Jezza!!) are doing their level best to screw the Services. The Tories are only marginally better!


    I was in the military (RAF pilot) for 17 years, I owe it a debt I can never repay. I look back on it and think how damn lucky I was.



  4. You will find it OK-ish - not much to do, as other Posters have said.


    Beach is fine, but to get into the "town" you'll need a tuk tuk.


    It is cheaper than Phuket of course, but has not got the vibes.


    It's a place to veg-out IMHO.

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