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Posts posted by Altalake

  1. In Canada there is Government "Agency" that you can report such scam to - thsey do not reply (they say on their website they won't) and they do the square root of nothing. I'd guess most countries are the same.

    I find it amazing that there are plenty of people who still fall for these scams, and the crooks make money out of them. They say there is one (fool) born every minute - maybe every tenth of a millisecond?

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  2. A gal from Pretoria I met in Hong Kong a long time ago (25 years) said before she and her husband moved to HK they had thought of going to Cape Town as it was "more peaceful"" ---- "but" she said, "it'd be like moving to the other side of the Titanic".

    South Africa still plods on it seems, but I'd certainly not wish to live there now. I was at school there a while back..........Phuket is a pretty good place, tho' it sure is changing....

  3. UbonJoe knows all re: Visas, but we (Canadian) get a 2 + 2 + 2 visa. Costs us Can$120 each.

    60 days initially, then renew for 30 days (1,900 baht) in Phuket Town, must go out of Thailand at 90 days, come back in - same procedure. Viz 60 days, then 30 day renewal. So you can get pretty well 6 months - which suits us (and maybe you too) fine. You could extend it in fact to 9 months by going out again after 180 days.

  4. Our Developer (a Brit) was charging us double till tks to the people who do our CAM we had another meter put in to check the usage - and he was "exposed"!

    He said he was "sorry" and it was "not his fault" - yet his staff ran around like chickens with their heads cut off when they learnt of the "checking meter"!!

    Ho ho - Developers - crooks mostly. Not only in Thailand...

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