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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Ford's are way overpriced. Inventory is non-existent. When I was looking at them a year ago, I was quoted a year lead time for the vehicle I wanted. I went with chevy and glad I did.

    That was then, this is now. The only Ranger that had anything like a one year waiting list was the 3.2... and that wait list was from two or three years ago. Back then, I didn't wait or flounce to another brand so bought the 2.2 Ranger. It took a week only because Songkran got in the way.

    Two months ago, I changed up to the 3.2 and it was ready the next day from a choice of three on the premises. This was an up-country dealership too.

    PS. Glad you like your second choice.

    Well on the bright side - at least you didn't pony up 1.4 million to be one of the few the proud the machines that paid 300k over the selling price from someone who got one early and wanted to make a huge profit on some desperate 3.2 fan.

  2. Ive tried that lunch time, realy nice but Teana is better value.,still a Ranger, Fortuna , Almera, all new left to try in the drive.Song Holls bring all the relatives round to show off, never sat in a Ranger 3.2 that should be nice to try, and the Almera, the slob cart ill give a miss.So its boring Silver Civics for me.biggrin.png .

    I agree about the Almera - why bother - better to take a ride in some old vios taxi. We got a newish camry in the parking lot of our condo. The thing is so low a rat would have a hard time squeezing under. I give the trim about 2 weeks until it's sheered off by the road arounds here. Off topic, I saw a BT 50 pro - the high one like the ranger - but lowered...why spend all that money to do that to a High Rider?

    Anyways back to the New Tuna....

  3. Notice the truck in the photo is driving the wrong way in the parking lot.

    Clear indication that it was an outsider not familiar with how to enter the mall...or it was a regular person who uses the mall frequently and figured that the signs and directions are for ordinary people.

    Or someone that wants to stay off the CCTV cams facing him if he goes in the right way

    Possibly, especially if he is wearing sunglasses lol

  4. Nor realy Jim, but theres a new big engine Camrey in my drive,thats next.biggrin.png .Only thing its BRAINDEAD BLACK.thumbsup.gifsad.png

    What> you going to give up on your Honda obsession for the Camrey? You know the old saying Ace, once you go black you never go back. I guess in your case I thought you had Silver Civic 4 door At 1.5 or 1.8 litre ordered all ready? Not plain enough for ya? :)

  5. I did HIIT for quite a long time and I still play squash regularly which is similar to HIIT type exercise.

    I use to do weights as well for many years but stopped over a year ago.

    You really don't need to do any of this type of exercise to lose weight.

    A bit of walking and some yoga is really enough.

    It comes back to diet for most people although for older people especially over 50 there could a lot of other factors causing weight issues most especially thyroid issues and insulin issues.

    If you can cut out sugar altogether and all processed foods then you will really find it hard to put on weight.

    I was much fitter and stronger a few years back but since I really went on a very clean diet I am lighter and definitely much healthier.

    It is important to remember that big muscles and a strong heart do not mean that you are healthy necessarily there is a lot more to health that that.

    You are making a statement based on your body type.. for some it really is hard loosing weight. I have lost it and kept it off and eat a healthy diet. I do juicing, kefir, almost no sugar.. almost no processed stuff. I kept it all off (gained a bit but that was muscle as I am quite a bit more muscular as I was after i lost the 25 kg). Kept that off since 2012, so still a few years to go until I am a success.

    Just stating that weight loss is different for everyone some body types have a far harder time loosing it as others. I know I really had to go to extremes to loose it.

    I think HIIT is a good tool for health.. and maybe to loose weight. A healthy diet is the main important factor you cant out train a bad diet. I wanted to do some HIIT but been sore from exercising and think that recovery is important too. If I train too much (i am still sore the next day after weightlifting sessions) I am sure it will be counter productive to HIIT then. But as an addition to steady state cardio its great.

    I understand what you are saying but I wouldn't necessarily even focus on weight loss.

    Of course there are different body types and some people will naturally be bigger and might even have larger body fat but as long as they aren't too big and they are healthy then no m ore is really required.

    I would focus on ensuring I had very good liver function and very good digestive function first and foremost.

    You also need to look at the quality of food you are eating not just what you are eating. If you are not eating mainly organic produce then you are getting a barrage of chemicals in your daily food supply. Now some people handle this better than others but for those that don't the poor quality of the food itself can cause all sorts of issues especially as you get older.

    Emotional issues should not be ignored either as our thoughts have a direct bearing on our health. Stress negative emotions etc can do even more harm than a poor diet!

    Exercise is good but it is not a prerequisite nor is it a guarantee of weight loss or health. The body will find its own ideal weight provided you give it the nutrients it needs.

    good stuff in there - a few points to add if I may

    Focusing on weight - correct, muscle is heavier than fat.

    Since I gave up boozing and hit the weights a few years ago my weight has gone down a few KG only but my beer belly is gone, I am much more cut and stronger. Results are not overnight by any means - it will take time depending on your intensity. Make sure you get enough rest in between.

    The point about stress - yes we all know it has a negative effect on us and we all do all stress about things. The best stress release I know of (sans a good shag) is to hit the weights. I hear meditation is good but I am not the type to sit still too long.

    Organic foods are good if you can find them and afford them. A good trick if you can't - especially for the veggies is to soak them in water with baking soda for 15 -20 mins before using them - make sure to rinse them off. Not perfect but better than not doing it.

  6. Amazing that Thais died, and according to the officer foreign tourists suffered minor injuries. Convenient, or they were wearing crucifixes?

    The Thais were in a pick-up. The foreigners were in a large bus. Not "amazing" or "convenient" just physics.

    definitely not wearing seat belts...in that pickup.

    I think most of us agree, it was not the lack of crucifixes.

    looking at the state of that truck, not sure seatbelts would have helped.

  7. So much anger about a car!

    As in real life, isn't it always the road-raged 'tuna' that sits on the back bumper, flashing the headlights, swerving from lane to lane, not letting other traffic merge and cutting other drivers off?

    Meanwhile, the Ford drivers, comfortable in the knowledge they have bought something that really is 'new'....

    haha, a ranger driver would never do what you described in sentence 1 but I don't disagree with you about tuna drivers in general. Swift drivers are similar but smaller - the car I mean, not the ego lol

  8. I'm going for a test drive in a 3.2 Wildtrak this afternoon ... I'll give you my thoughts later ... tried the 2.2 Wildtrak at the Motor Show ... really liked it. I have ordered a T+ Everest but may change my mind.

    Jassy, you seem very well off buying all these trucks and suvs, can you share the secret or share the wealth :)

  9. The OP asks about the new Fortuner and the 'tuna' and 'weego' acolytes start frothing at the mouth about how really, really bad Ford is.

    Is this a strange way to answer a question or just strangely telling.

    Those were just reactions to the comment that the OP should buy the new Everest.

    Let me guess, you're driving a Ford?

    How did you know lol

  10. Oh dear.

    The Ford bashers are back.

    One even had a new Everest, he hated it.

    A new Everest?

    Where did he get one, so long ago, to be able to find out he did not like it.


    If one could line up a Ford Everest, an Isuzu MuX, A Chevrolet whatever, a Mitsubisho Pajero, A Mazda BT and the "all new" Toyota Fortuner, I just wonder which one offers the best value for money and which one has the best ride.

    Resale value is something that makes a second hand vehicle more expensive, not because the quality ,ight be better, but simply because of name.

    I presume not many people buy a car to sell it again, private people I mean.

    It is all the ideas that count.

    Just like the people that prefer the BT50 because it is better as the Ranger.

    Just like the people that orefer the Isuzu MuX because it is better as the Chevy.

    MUX and CHEVY sound like tanks.I drive a diesel and it sounds nothing like those two. New Everast haven't heard it. Mitsu is old as the Tuna - I don't expect much change in the new one when and if we ever see it. Best ride - new xtrail cause it's not built on a truck platform.

  11. a little search on here you find a big long thread deadicated to the joys and woes of ranger onership.

    Firetruck red is hideous, not as hideous as the pukey orange. go for the black or white versions of the 3.2 wildtrak.

    You can buy the 2.2 version in blue manual 4x4 if my memory serves me correct?

  12. Ok, so the tax will jump from 20 to 30% as the emissions on the 3.2 engine are above 200 g. So that will add another 133,000 THB to the price of the 3.2 Titanium+.

    Note that those are the headline numbers only - the way taxes are actually added up, 20% becomes 25.6%, and 30% becomes 44.8%. Those taxes are applied to wholesale prices though, so you can't actually work it out.


    Will any cars actually get cheaper due to the new rates? People in urban areas really need incentives to be driving small cars, especially in bkk. 2 pickup trucks take the same space as 3 small cars. Traffic has worsened considerably in Bkk over the last 5 years.

    It worsened because of the new car scheme that saw hundreds of thousands of new lil cars on the roads...

  13. Its always nice to see United climbing the table. If for no other reason that all of a sudden the likes of bkk james and petermlk return to the forum!!! I see the same 3 or 4 posters on here, rain or shine. Then all of a sudden the fair weather supporters appear!!clap2.gifclap2.gif

    been here all along matey, just was busy waving goodbye to Captain Fantastic over in the pool page to be too worried about you guys too much. Top 4 is the goal and I think we will make it. We are in transition - upwards, not so sure about you guys - perhaps the other way...?

    My issues with the ff forum have to do with a bias by a certain member on here who plays by one set of rules and dictates by another and hence why I dont hang out too much but I do look in now and again.

    Besides, there are many other forums to venture into - funny never see you or any other city fan in any other though. Even Smokes ventures out of Spurs land for a burger now and again.

    Btw, I liked the headline on bbc football yesterday i think it was, city suffers bitter defeat - sums is all up really. even the bbc can't help it. :)

  14. Well guys, I went to Carl's Jr today and it was ugly. Big Burger, Chocolate Shake with Cream on top and side order of fries with cheese sauce and bacon. Stay away from the Shakes - worse than cigarettes once you start.

    Then I visited carl's usa calorie counter (couldn't find one for thailand) for fun. Here's the score card

    Shake 700 calories

    Burger 924

    Fries 380

    Total 2000 calories, 54 grams of protein, 120 grams of fat, 1000 calories from fat, 235 mg colestorol - I stopped reading after that.

    Glad Songkran is coming up so I can burn this off!

  15. Nev, sounds like you're still pissed that I started the "Are ManU in decline" thread back in 2006 te he!

    Nah, we hardly won anything since you had that stroke of genius moment lol

    If I recall it was Cast..Hook..Catch lol

    Sounds more like someone is nervous about the weekend...

    Read your post. Read the posts above it. See no connection with your post and posts above it.

    As youre asking,mI'm always nervous derby day, even the past seasons when we've been enjoying it. You don't get nervous?

    Not as nervous. We are fighting for position only as are you. League is done and that is the only thing that matters. Losing to you guys but winning the league, I will take that every year. Should be a good match. Quite open and more opportunities than a derby when the league wasn't decided yet.

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