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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. This place is in Rangsit, really close to Dream World but on the opposite side.

    Morchit would be your closest bts / mrt station. But it will be a good little taxi ride from there.

    Ok for an hour or two with the kids. Getting a taxi out of there might be a challenge (science place) as it's down off the main road a bit then inside a big area like you would find at a golf course here. Dreamworld would be better to get a cab I imagine.

  2. British superbug outbreak 'could kill 80,000'

    So this won't be blamed on Thai street food vendors? I'm sure some of our more creative posters will manage to put the blame on Thailand one way or another, although over-prescription & misuse of unnecessary antibiotics is as much a first world problem as one in the third world.

    Misuse of antibiotics in the UK is on par with Thailand? Do tell more...

    No. Everything is wonderful in Farang Land.

    The [british] Government’s announcement of a review of the economics of antimicrobial research is a welcome step in addressing one aspect of antimicrobial resistance. However, current practice across both health and veterinary services is failing to prevent the inappropriate prescription of antibiotics. The Government needs to set clear responsibilities at all levels of the NHS and veterinary medicine to achieve better stewardship of the antimicrobial drugs vital in modern medicine, the Science and Technology Committee has warned.

    "Antibiotic resistance cannot be entirely prevented, but it is a problem made worse by inappropriate use and poor stewardship of antibiotics in healthcare and farming. We heard concerns, for instance, that antibiotics are often prescribed by GPs simply to achieve a placebo effect or placate patients with distressing symptoms. In farming meanwhile, we suspect that antibiotics may be routinely used on healthy animals.


    All nice. Now answer me this. In the UK can you walk into any pharmacy and ask for an antibiotic without a prescription and get it? Cause here you can...but you already knew that. The first word out of any pharmacists mouth here is antibiotic...is the rest of Asia any different?

  3. British superbug outbreak 'could kill 80,000'

    So this won't be blamed on Thai street food vendors? I'm sure some of our more creative posters will manage to put the blame on Thailand one way or another, although over-prescription & misuse of unnecessary antibiotics is as much a first world problem as one in the third world.

    To be fair, the report came out of Britain, I don't think it was meant to imply that Brittain would be ground zero for the next plague ... just the hub of hysterical predicitions:

    "David Cameron has warned that such a scenario would see the world “cast back into the dark ages of medicine”.

    Misuse of antibiotics in the UK is on par with Thailand? Do tell more...

  4. Absolutely stare all the time. But when you are 97kg and all muscle it keeps the eyes locked on that. Some woman are scared of this here, but i've had success with a lot of them, a lot of gays and ladyboys try to hit on me with failed success, and a lot of people smile at me in joy and ask me all sorts of questions. I guess it doesn't help to be in shape year round and very good looking . Especially when i'm a giant in an ant's world, i love thailand though...

    So bottom line, yes i get stared at everywhere i go, motorbike, gym, restaurants, bars, walking down the street.


  5. The difference in price and quality lies within the meat itself. Good burgers are made from bovine that have been grain fed at least one year before slaughter. In Thailand cows are fed all kinds of stuff, resulting in poor meat. The meat for a good burger has to be imported from a trusted farmer, hence the high price. Fast food burgers like McD, BK, or Carl's use local meat which helps keep the cost down. To have a truly good burger you need to find a restaurant which serves imported meat, they usually advertise the source of their meat.

    interesting but I have a observation. One of the fast food outlets you listed clearly states that their beef come from Australia. Come to think of it, if you look close enough you might find they all do...

    Carls Jr. Thailand, since they opened here, has always said they use 100% imported Australian beef.

    I can't say I recall ever hearing/reading where McD and BK Thailand source their beef.

    Hi John, if you look closely at the BK menu board in store, I seem to recall whoppers etc have an australian beef type symbol on them.

  6. christ.

    not unexpected either.

    not out of it yet Stevie, our run in is much tougher than yours so in typical fashion we'll turn it into a race even though there shouldn't be one.

    nah, we're done. great run post-new year but all the bottle and confidence is gone now. lacking leadership, goals and matchwinners.

    well we have Citeh and Chelsea up next so a distinct possibility of only coming away with 1 point out of that.

  7. New season roast lamb followed by hot cross buns and chocolate Easter eggs perhaps?

    Posted from my phone using predictive text, please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors.

    On the subject of Predictive Text, how can I GET RID of it???? drives me crazy!!!

    stop using your phone :)

  8. The difference in price and quality lies within the meat itself. Good burgers are made from bovine that have been grain fed at least one year before slaughter. In Thailand cows are fed all kinds of stuff, resulting in poor meat. The meat for a good burger has to be imported from a trusted farmer, hence the high price. Fast food burgers like McD, BK, or Carl's use local meat which helps keep the cost down. To have a truly good burger you need to find a restaurant which serves imported meat, they usually advertise the source of their meat.

    interesting but I have a observation. One of the fast food outlets you listed clearly states that their beef come from Australia. Come to think of it, if you look close enough you might find they all do...

  9. Was driving on the motorway the other day with a sign to my left stating the speed limit was 120 while the flashing light on the right stated 90... TiT


    Happens in many countries. The standard speedlimit can be overridden by an active system which adjusts to the traffic circumstances.

    If you have been on the motorway to Pattaya, you know as well as I do that those 90k flashing ones never change. If you are lucky you will spot the one directly beside the regular speed sign that says 120 lol

  10. I wonder if we'll ever see a pic and review of one....that's the most expensive burger I've ever heard of....for the size anyway.

    If I recall right, when the place first opened and in a prior burgers thread here, there were folks who tried the burger and posted that they thought it was good. But I'm not sure if here were any photos posted.

    Whether they thought it was that good to deserve the price, or, because they'd just spent 700-800 baht to buy it, I couldn't say.

    Suffice to say, for me, I don't know what ANYONE could do with a hamburger that would make me want to spend 800 baht to eat it. Spending that much to get a really good steak cut, I can get behind. But for a ground beef sandwich???

    PS - Here's one/some photos... Doesn't look like much to me...



    I've never been to Gaucho's....I don't mind dropping 5k on a meal but it had better be value for money.

    That burger doesn't scream out anything at all.

    1K on food, 1K on drink, 2K on company and 1K accommodation?

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